Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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The end is very near for these girls.. Already at 90%+ cloudy with some scattered amber. Them big thick pistils just keep poppin so I'm letting them get their final push.

Here you go Uncle B... I left that necrotic leaf on there in the back just for you. :) That plant had a potassium deficiency, my fault... I thought it was a Mag defficiency at first and it came on late, so I gave it some Cal/Mag and just escalated the potassium deficiency further.. (Excess magnesium locks out potassium) The Veg+Bloom I use already has all the Cal/Mag they need and I should've known better... Anyways with 2 weeks left of flower I didn't mess with it.. Not going to make a difference.

Gotta like donkey dicks though... :D

You just don't get it do you? 30 pages later still talking trash, what are you the "troll" mod. This looks like any commercial grow, congratulations!
You really think highly of yourself!...Glad someone is. How many other accounts on this site do you need to keep your ego inflated? I work with people just like you...Engineers have the same mentallity that their shit don't stink but when PROVEN wrong are not willing to LEARN from their mistakes.

I call bullshit on your schooling and background you know nothing about the AG industry. Do you know how easy it is to get a mention from Jorge? I do! stop thinking your all that because Jorge spit in your direction.

You should not be giving advice.
That plant had a potassium deficiency, my fault... I thought it was a Mag defficiency at first and it came on late, so I gave it some Cal/Mag and just escalated the potassium deficiency further.. (Excess magnesium locks out potassium)

Exactly how does a K deficiency manifest itself? Your food has no K?

Nice indica type plants. Kudos.
Just got my Peters order in. FWIW, I think I found the Holy Grail for a complete, start to finish fertilizer. It's Jack's Classic Peters Citrus FeeD, a 20-10-20. Compared to their popular Blossom Booster it has more Mg, 1% versus .50%, more Fe which is tripled chelated (EDTA, EDDHA, DTPA) to take into account any kind of soil chemistry, .15% versus .10%; 4.9% sulfur where the Blossom Booster has none, and more of an acidifying affect. 11 elements in all. Soil growers should check it out. What that formula suggests based on my knowledge of cannabis nutrition is a greener plant (think Fe, S, Mg) with less stretch and an excellent NPK balance to support foliage, roots, and flowers.

Uncle Ben
You just don't get it do you? 30 pages later still talking trash, what are you the "troll" mod. This looks like any commercial grow, congratulations!
I'm going to edit my reply to this to a simple and sufficient "Go fuck yourself".. Commercial grow? You don't get around much ey?

Exactly how does a K deficiency manifest itself? Your food has no K?

Nice indica type plants. Kudos.

Locked it out with too much Cal/mag.... How it originally started I'm still speculating. I use aquarium water often and Ammonium Nitrogen could be a reason, but my tank is cycled and there should only be very small amounts of it in the water. I would think amounts high enough to cause plant issues would be harmful to the fish also, but that may not be true at all. Sometimes tanks go through mini-cycles and it's possible I took water out during a cycle when the bacteria weren't converting the ammonia to nitrates..

It could've been an early cal/mag deficiency and I just caused it all by over feeding cal/mag which is probably what actually happened..

I don't think it was soil PH it was testing fine up until my tester broke..

I haven't decided yet.

Yeah, it's AK47.. that's what it's supposed to look like.
I'm going to edit my reply to this to a simple and sufficient "Go fuck yourself".. Commercial grow? You don't get around much ey?

Locked it out with too much Cal/mag.... How it originally started I'm still speculating. I use aquarium water often and Ammonium Nitrogen could be a reason, but my tank is cycled and there should only be very small amounts of it in the water. I would think amounts high enough to cause plant issues would be harmful to the fish also, but that may not be true at all. Sometimes tanks go through mini-cycles and it's possible I took water out during a cycle when the bacteria weren't converting the ammonia to nitrates..

It could've been an early cal/mag deficiency and I just caused it all by over feeding cal/mag which is probably what actually happened..

I don't think it was soil PH it was testing fine up until my tester broke..

I haven't decided yet.

Yeah, it's AK47.. that's what it's supposed to look like.

Meant how did the K deficiency manifest itself? I've been doing this a long time and I'll admit, I'm not sure what a K deficiency looks like. Mel Franks discusses, haven't looked though. Funny, that Cal/mag stuff. Never used it, never will. Seems like an oxymoron to me. Ca and Mg don't go hand in hand regarding plant uptake. Too much of one blocks the other.

So you're doing aquaponics? Have friends who have a very large, very elaborate, commercial aquaponics farm using tilapia. Not practical if you ask me. Typical ideologues too - know it works, don't have an analysis of the nutritional content of the water. Recommend TX A&M soil/water labs for a cheap, quality analysis.

Good job on the AK47. Never seen it with colas that thick, always had a sativa profile and I've seen a lot of it grown as it was trendy to grow it years ago. But you know the Dutch, there's no telling what they are diluting the originals with these days. For example, my old Sensi Skunk from the early 90's sometimes shows rudy in it as it auto flowers once in a blue moon.

The citrus formula is an average Jacks product for cannabis at best.

15% of the N is in the form of NO3, which is very low, at the max you want 15% of your N to NOT be in the form of NO3 (so you want >85% NO3)
Not a drop of calcium (3rd most required nutrient for cannabis)
Not enough B (slowest uptake out off all nutrients)
Not enough Zn

There's plenty of Jacks products that will do just as good as that:

Jacks Pro Orchid RO-Type Water
Jacks Pro Orchid Well Water
Jacks Hydro Herb FEed
Jacks Pure Water LX
Jacks Poinsettia FEed + CaMg
Jacks Mum FEed
Jacks Pro Tropical Foliage
and what i use, Jacks Professional Hydro & CalciNit (and other salts)

P.S. the blossom booster does have S in it, its just not part of the guaranteed analysis, but all the Mg in the blossom booster comes from magnesium sulfate (according to the label), so there's actually more S than Mg in the product.
Well it started showin up as a yellowing spots on the margins of the leaves then when it got bad it was obvious, with the edges browning and dying.

I wouldn't really call it aquaponics.. I just have an aquarium that needs weekly water changes, I use the water during veg since it's high in nitrates. Plants love it.
Well it started showin up as a yellowing spots on the margins of the leaves then when it got bad it was obvious, with the edges browning and dying.

I wouldn't really call it aquaponics.. I just have an aquarium that needs weekly water changes, I use the water during veg since it's high in nitrates. Plants love it.

Good call. Was wondering about that. Went back and noticed your pots/soil. The only element my ponics friends know about is N. They add nitrification bacteria to their water which creates the nitrates.
The citrus formula is an average Jacks product for cannabis at best.

15% of the N is in the form of NO3, which is very low, at the max you want 15% of your N to NOT be in the form of NO3 (so you want >85% NO3)
Not a drop of calcium (3rd most required nutrient for cannabis)
Not enough B (slowest uptake out off all nutrients)
Not enough Zn

There's plenty of Jacks products that will do just as good as that:

Jacks Pro Orchid RO-Type Water
Jacks Pro Orchid Well Water
Jacks Hydro Herb FEed
Jacks Pure Water LX
Jacks Poinsettia FEed + CaMg
Jacks Mum FEed
Jacks Pro Tropical Foliage
and what i use, Jacks Professional Hydro & CalciNit (and other salts)

P.S. the blossom booster does have S in it, its just not part of the guaranteed analysis, but all the Mg in the blossom booster comes from magnesium sulfate (according to the label), so there's actually more S than Mg in the product.

The only one that interests me is the But, I already have it (24-8-16) under another name.

I'm using the Citrus FeED on other tropical plants, not just cannabis.
That's odd, once established they shouldn't have to add any bacteria at all.. It's a cycle, the fish waste turns to ammonia which is converted by one bacteria to nitrites which is again converted to nitrates.. If they are constantly adding something then they are doing something that is killing the beneficials off, like chlorinated tap water or something.

Nitrates is all that matters to me, I don't think you're going to get any P,K out of fish water.. But nitrates is the pure form of N most easily and rapidy absorbed by plants.. Also having the bubbler going gives the water a little o2 boost. When I water with the aquarium water within about an hour the plants leaves will be all reaching up for the light, it's pretty cool.
That's odd, once established they shouldn't have to add any bacteria at all.. It's a cycle, the fish waste turns to ammonia which is converted by one bacteria to nitrites which is again converted to nitrates.. If they are constantly adding something then they are doing something that is killing the beneficials off, like chlorinated tap water or something.

Nitrates is all that matters to me, I don't think you're going to get any P,K out of fish water.. But nitrates is the pure form of N most easily and rapidy absorbed by plants.. Also having the bubbler going gives the water a little o2 boost. When I water with the aquarium water within about an hour the plants leaves will be all reaching up for the light, it's pretty cool.

I don't think they constantly add bacteria, don't really know or care. Kinda like innoculating soil before planting legumes which I've done regarding acreage. Once it's there, it's there. Heck rainwater contains nitrates and beneficial microbes including mychorzzial fungi. People go over board on this stuff.....and it's all based on feelings, not facts.

N can be used for great benefit like you said. Want better uptake of your Maxicrop foliar spray? Add a little N like in the form of Ammonium sulfate. Wanna kick ass with glyphosate? Add ammonium sulfate. I use a commercial foliar spray of Fe called Ferromec in the field. They add low biuret urea to it to increase uptake.
The citrus formula is an average Jacks product for cannabis at best.

15% of the N is in the form of NO3, which is very low, at the max you want 15% of your N to NOT be in the form of NO3 (so you want >85% NO3)
Not a drop of calcium (3rd most required nutrient for cannabis)
Not enough B (slowest uptake out off all nutrients)
Not enough Zn

There's plenty of Jacks products that will do just as good as that:

Jacks Pro Orchid RO-Type Water
Jacks Pro Orchid Well Water
Jacks Hydro Herb FEed
Jacks Pure Water LX
Jacks Poinsettia FEed + CaMg
Jacks Mum FEed
Jacks Pro Tropical Foliage
and what i use, Jacks Professional Hydro & CalciNit (and other salts)

P.S. the blossom booster does have S in it, its just not part of the guaranteed analysis, but all the Mg in the blossom booster comes from magnesium sulfate (according to the label), so there's actually more S than Mg in the product.
I read some of your supposed're a clown poser with a decent do proper research requires a control and to keep your influences out should be double blind....once again you are only impressing yourself and your "research threads" are bullshit...even your supposed admirers on ICMAG have poked fun at you in other threads indicating they think the same of you as should read around there about yourself then your lofty self image may become realistic...have a nice existence and when you learn to grow maybe someone will listen
dude you dont even know the difference between research and experimentation. double blind, controlled research? doesnt exist retard, double blind experimentation exists though, but not in any aspect of horticultural science. Double blind experimentation only happens for sentient test subjects, the test subjects being one of the 2 'doubles'. The plants are always fucking blind, only the experimenters can be 'blinded'. Its simply a blind experiment. god you don't even know how ignorant & stupid you expose yourself to be when trying to sound knowledgeable about a subject. I would make my experiments blind if that was fucking possible for a single experimenter to do in such a situation, hypocrite. like you've ever done any blind experimentation. holding me to standards that you'll never achieve... and BTW i've had a control group for every experiment ive ever done, and every grow ive ever done has been part of an experiment.

My 'research threads' bring up relative facts that have never been recognized by the cannabis community. If you honestly cant see the value in learning that Arbuscular Mycorrhizae increase glandular trichome density and terpene synthesis, BAP prevents hermphroditic traits, increases yield and increases glandular and non glandular trichome density and length, etc. etc. then you're more hopeless than you'll ever know.

God damn, i left this site almost 2 years ago cuz of how often threads would go from having any value to boiling down to a pissing match. I only ever came back to correct uncle ben since i assumed he would appreciate an update on the latest in controlled environment lighting. Guess i was wrong, 1 post in 2 years and it starts another fukn pissing match. I instantly get bombarded with people that don't even attempt to thoroughly understand the science and position on the matter i provide, and insist that they're correct without providing a fraction of the evidence i do. any unbiased scientific thinker would be appalled. god damn why is this the only forum that cant keep it civil & friendly on a regular. dont worry about hearing my arrogant poser ass around here anymore. I know a waste of time when i see it.
dude you dont even know the difference between research and experimentation. double blind, controlled research? doesnt exist retard, double blind experimentation exists though, but not in any aspect of horticultural science. Double blind experimentation only happens for sentient test subjects, the test subjects being one of the 2 'doubles'. The plants are always fucking blind, only the experimenters can be 'blinded'. Its simply a blind experiment. god you don't even know how ignorant & stupid you expose yourself to be when trying to sound knowledgeable about a subject. I would make my experiments blind if that was fucking possible for a single experimenter to do in such a situation, hypocrite. like you've ever done any blind experimentation. holding me to standards that you'll never achieve... and BTW i've had a control group for every experiment ive ever done, and every grow ive ever done has been part of an experiment.

My 'research threads' bring up relative facts that have never been recognized by the cannabis community. If you honestly cant see the value in learning that Arbuscular Mycorrhizae increase glandular trichome density and terpene synthesis, BAP prevents hermphroditic traits, increases yield and increases glandular and non glandular trichome density and length, etc. etc. then you're more hopeless than you'll ever know.

God damn, i left this site almost 2 years ago cuz of how often threads would go from having any value to boiling down to a pissing match. I only ever came back to correct uncle ben since i assumed he would appreciate an update on the latest in controlled environment lighting. Guess i was wrong, 1 post in 2 years and it starts another fukn pissing match. I instantly get bombarded with people that don't even attempt to thoroughly understand the science and position on the matter i provide, and insist that they're correct without providing a fraction of the evidence i do. any unbiased scientific thinker would be appalled. god damn why is this the only forum that cant keep it civil & friendly on a regular. dont worry about hearing my arrogant poser ass around here anymore. I know a waste of time when i see it.

blah blah blah... in your words your research is bullshit as it includes "experiments" befuddled by your expectations...dude your peers on ICMAG know you are a poser fraud so please stay there where you are tolerated...bap smap...if you truly know how to grow you could control stretch with environmental controls and if you knew how to properly grow hermies would be no instead you want to control it all chemically and your supposed research has yielded 0% useful data....SEE YA


blah blah blah... in your words your research is bullshit as it includes "experiments" befuddled by your expectations...dude your peers on ICMAG know you are a poser fraud so please stay there where you are tolerated...bap smap...if you truly know how to grow you could control stretch with environmental controls and if you knew how to properly grow hermies would be no instead you want to control it all chemically and your supposed research has yielded 0% useful data....SEE YA

I was gonna be done with you but you set yourself up so perfectly for this one that i couldn't resist. I guess you really didn't do much background on me and my 'peers'. I coauthored both of these articles with a journalist/chemist/co-owner of a nutrient company. Notice the bottom section of the first article about all the different ways of controlling stretch and right underneath all that the authors note, and then the top of the 2nd article ;) I wonder how i coauthored those without knowing how to properly grow?

The first article actually fails to mention that you can also control stretch by controlling the red:far red ratio of light on the lower canopy, but im sure you already know all about that.
Could have sworn i wrote about it to Grant (the author) but i dont see it mentioned.

I am also the author of a short article that is one of the most copy/pasted and plagiarized articles of any cannabis forum, and guess what, its all about blowing the whistle on products that use Plant Growith Retardants (that control stretch) and my plea for growers not to use them.

Here is just a short list of sites that took my article in its entirety, ive posted none of these, but i did write the article. it would take way too long to list all the articles that just plagiarized some of my work.

(the top ones actually a sticky)

Theres probably not a single other poster on this site that you could have been so wrong about what you just said. boy you really know me, don't you? Just because YOU'RE too stupid to find data useful, doesnt mean that people with intellect cant find the data useful. And BTW if you were intelligent enough, you'd know that you weren't insulting me by calling the research i've compiled useless, but actually insulting all the scientists, organizations and publication journals who spent all their time and money doing these experiments & providing the info to the public. Experiments & publications that I (unlike you, self admitted) personally can find useful data in to improve my grow and horticultural knowledge. dunce.

O.k. now im done with this place unless you set me up with another beauty like that.
I was gonna be done with you but you set yourself up so perfectly for this one that i couldn't resist. I guess you really didn't do much background on me and my 'peers'. I coauthored both of these articles with a chemist/nutrient company owner. Notice the bottom section of the first article about all the different ways of controlling stretch and right underneath all that the authors note, and then the top of the 2nd article ;) I wonder how i coauthored those without knowing how to properly grow?

I am also the author of a short article that is one of the most copy/pasted and plagiarized articles of any cannabis forum, and guess what, its all about blowing the whistle on products that use Plant Growith Retardants (that control stretch) and my plea for growers not to use them.

Here is just a short list of sites that took my article in its entirety, ive posted none of these, but i did write the article. it would take way too long to list all the articles that just plagiarized some of my work.

(the top ones actually a sticky)

Theres probably not a single other poster on this site that you could have been so wrong about what you just said. boy you really know me, don't you? Just because YOU'RE too stupid to find data useful, doesnt mean that people with intellect cant find the data useful. And BTW if you were intelligent enough, you'd know that you weren't insulting me, but all the actual scientists who spent all their time and money doing these experiments that I personally can find useful data in. dunce.

O.k. now im done with this place unless you set me up with another beauty like that.
plucking a nerve am I? ...look you self fluffing asshat keep true to your word and stay gone...oh but wait your insecurity about being revealed has you complexing to the point of futile self redemption which only furthers the accuracy of my statements..for if I were incorrect it would not illicit a response of any sort from you so now I reiterate...


and if you do not you are already gone for me cause you are now on have a great existence
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