So a shooting happens and people think gun control is the answer. For the most part, most gun crimes happen by criminals who acquired a gun illegally. Taking guns away from law abiding citizens will only leave the criminals armed. Yea, it's the same old argument, but it is the argument that makes the most sense.
Even if by some magical wave of the wand guns disappeared from the country, the gunman that killed all those kids would still have that murderous intent. And with that murderous intent, he could have made several home made bombs, all of the ingredients are available at your local grocery and hardware stores. He might have even decided to get in a car and run those kids down on their way to the bus.
The current Administration has stated they are not trying to overturn that right, but let's be honest, there are way too many Democrats in this country now that would rather the criminals be armed to the teeth than let me have even one single pistol. Because come on now, criminals will get weapons. That's why they are criminals, they don't follow gun-control mandates.
LOL, look at Chicago, they have the tightest gun control in the country next to D.C., but that sure didn't stop them from having the highest number of homicides in recent memory.
Even if by some magical wave of the wand guns disappeared from the country, the gunman that killed all those kids would still have that murderous intent. And with that murderous intent, he could have made several home made bombs, all of the ingredients are available at your local grocery and hardware stores. He might have even decided to get in a car and run those kids down on their way to the bus.
The current Administration has stated they are not trying to overturn that right, but let's be honest, there are way too many Democrats in this country now that would rather the criminals be armed to the teeth than let me have even one single pistol. Because come on now, criminals will get weapons. That's why they are criminals, they don't follow gun-control mandates.
LOL, look at Chicago, they have the tightest gun control in the country next to D.C., but that sure didn't stop them from having the highest number of homicides in recent memory.