Medical-marijuana-bill-changes-draw-last-minute-support? (freep article0

Lansing lawmakers made changes in three bills on medical marijuana that drew last-minute support and passed this week -- two at about 4 a.m. Friday, key supporters said.

The changes included adding safeguards to keep marijuana users' records confidential, and spelling out rules on growing medical marijuana legally outdoors.

Longtime opponents of the bills turned supportive or at least neutral, including key Democratic legislators, some marijuana activists and the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan. Other activists said that, even after the revisions, the bills will restrict access to the drug.

The bills were needed because the state's medical marijuana law was "ill-defined," said state Sen. Steve Bieda, D-Warren.

"I was the chief tire-kicker of these bills" in the state Senate, and "the voice of skepticism" about their original versions during nearly two years of debate, Bieda said.

"For a long time, the pro-marijuana groups and the ACLU were very concerned about privacy issues and by police access to the registry" of state-approved users, as in the original bills, Bieda said.

"When they came back from the House, those concerns had been removed, and I ended up supporting these," he said.

ACLU of Michigan communications director Rana Elmir said Friday that revisions in the bills moved the ACLU's position from opposition "to neutral."

Among their provisions, the four bills will:

• Require that those who transport medical marijuana must do so with the marijuana inaccessible to the driver, such as in the trunk.

• Make doctors do a "complete assessment" of a patient, not just a quick once-over, before signing a prescription for medical marijuana.

• Put ID photos on state registry cards and change the renewal period from every year to every two years.

"These bills aren't perfect, but they're something the medical-marijuana community can live with," added longtime marijuana activist Tim Beck, 61, of Detroit, who testified Aug. 15 in Lansing at hearings for the bills.

Because Michigan's medical marijuana act was passed by a statewide vote of residents, the Legislature needed three-fourths supermajorities to pass the bills, Beck said.

That meant bipartisan cooperation -- unlike the process for much of the other legislation rushed through the lame-duck sessions, he said.
So what if you drive a truck or suv and there is no trunk? Fucking dumbshits don't care if people ride with a script of oxys in their pocket. wtf
There is so much fucking confusion on this move. I thought the Photos on the cards were dropped and they made it a requirement to have photo ID with you as well...
So what if you drive a truck or suv and there is no trunk? Fucking dumbshits don't care if people ride with a script of oxys in their pocket. wtf
Trunk is just an example genius... Anywhere inaccessible to driver to use will be fine. I'm sure there will be a court case that happens to set the precedent, but as long as you can reach for it and put it in a pipe, you will be fine.
Trunk is just an example genius... Anywhere inaccessible to driver to use will be fine. I'm sure there will be a court case that happens to set the precedent, but as long as you can reach for it and put it in a pipe, you will be fine.

An s10 truck cab is pretty small. You can reach anywhere in one of those and grab whatever you please. If they're so worried about you being able to get at it while driving that they want it in a trunk, then that's kind of conflicting.
So put it under the seat of the truck so you have to physically get out of the car to get at it... Problem solving. Simple as that. The key is inaccessible to the driver.
Idk. I see people having trouble from this. Its ok to have it under your seat in a truck, but not in a car. Cops like problem solving too, if it leads to their advantage.
I didn't say it wasn't okay in a car man. I said key word is inaccessible. I also said it WILL cause problems and will have to be decided in court what is considered inaccessible to the driver.
Simple matter of going to wally world and getting a little lockable case. I've got a place that turns them out for $10 including lock.

Don't sweat the small stuff.

Dr. Bob
Put it in the bed of the truck, in a tote or in a toolbox(lockable). That would be my recommendation. The way I read it, that means you don't have an excuse to hide your stash that was being used while driving, and eliminates "quick-stop" deliveries.

I can't say I like the idea of the "bona-fide" Dr to patient relationship part, but it does help the system gain credibility as a real medical evaluation.

EDIT: What I don't like is that the glovebox doesn't count, my glovebox is lockable, so I cannot access it while I'm travelling or the key is in the ignition.
Your glovebox may be the type of situation that sets the precedent in court once a jury or a reasonable judge hears the argument.
Laugh, call me stupid. Just register for jury duty.
I slap one of my patent pending "plant locks" on, throw the fucker in the front seat of my f150 and roll.
Joke 'em, if they can't take a fuck.
When I am legal, and I need to go from point A to point B. I go. I am not throwing no babies in the back
of my truck in January. It won't fit under my seat.
As far as dry meds. Oh fuck!
Belle and I have been together 14 years. She has ALWAYS had weed in her purse. Always.
She has never been pulled over and not had weed in her purse.
There is no way in hell she will take her meds in and out of the glovebox every single time she goes somewhere.
I am willing to bet she will never do that.

Hey, we are heading to the bar. Everyone throw their meds in my glovebox and put on your seat belt. lmao.
Ya. Okie Dokie.
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Tell 'em... In addition to patent pending plant locks, there is a force field... this surrounds yer shit on all sides. and just because they can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there. usually this method is dandy. it works best when you are relaxed... in-the-zone. gonna develop breathable samsonite.. wwheels for biggirls
You are a genious. I will have force fields inside all of my automobiles this afternoon.
So much for keeping a plant in your car to account for the smell of burning pot. :roll:

Officer you can check those plants out all you'd like. You will not find any burn marks on any of them. roflmao.
Tell 'em... In addition to patent pending plant locks, there is a force field... this surrounds yer shit on all sides. and just because they can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there. usually this method is dandy. it works best when you are relaxed... in-the-zone. gonna develop breathable samsonite.. wwheels for biggirls

Hell yeah, after they look at you funny say " you believe in god don't you? Same concept" Then you have them in a corner cause no matter what they say ou can fuck with them. If they say no, act appalled. If they say yes, then say well then you can understand the ridiculous belief in something you can't see or prove exists.
Simple matter of going to wally world and getting a little lockable case. I've got a place that turns them out for $10 including lock.

Don't sweat the small stuff.

Dr. Bob

I'm not certain that will fly. If a 'lockbox' is not certified for medicine then is it really inaccessible? :twisted: