cheap bulbs vs Eye hortalux bulb


Active Member
i am useing $20 china bulbs and am getting ready to swicth to eye horatlux 600 hps bulbs.

I have had and am currently haveing good results with the cheap china no name bulbs. so when i swicth i should have SUPER results right?

has anybody done a compareisine between $20 bulbs vs $120 bulbs.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
hortilux, literally spanks every bulb out there, when it comes to bulbs, you really do get what you pay for. Check the p.a.r output of the bulbs and you will see the difference.


Well-Known Member
There is a new bulb on the market that really caught my attention. Its Sunpulse, a metal halide. It has several different temps. 3K, 4K, 6.4K, AND 10K. You can get a warm color like an HPS, but with much more blue added. It also produces something that studies shows boosts potency that HPS lacks, that is UV light. The bulbs are expensive at about 124 a piece, and you can run different bulbs temps at different parts of your grow. I am going to try them when my current bulbs start to get old. It makes alot of sense too me. But who knows if the final product will be worth the costs of the upgrade. We shall see.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
There is a new bulb on the market that really caught my attention. Its Sunpulse, a metal halide. It has several different temps. 3K, 4K, 6.4K, AND 10K. You can get a warm color like an HPS, but with much more blue added. It also produces something that studies shows boosts potency that HPS lacks, that is UV light. The bulbs are expensive at about 124 a piece, and you can run different bulbs temps at different parts of your grow. I am going to try them when my current bulbs start to get old. It makes alot of sense too me. But who knows if the final product will be worth the costs of the upgrade. We shall see.
might want to read this


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the read, Chuck. My local shop that doesnt deal with bull shit just got them in stock. That post was 2 years ago. Maybe they got there shit together? Idk, maybe more reading. Thanks again for the link.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the read, Chuck. My local shop that doesnt deal with bull shit just got them in stock. That post was 2 years ago. Maybe they got there shit together? Idk, maybe more reading. Thanks again for the link.
i would be interested to know how they work out for you.


Well-Known Member
hortilux, literally spanks every bulb out there, when it comes to bulbs, you really do get what you pay for. Check the p.a.r output of the bulbs and you will see the difference.
Got a link or are you just repeating what you have heard?
The ballast has a lot to do with how well a bulb does.


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Got a link or are you just repeating what you have heard?
The ballast has a lot to do with how well a bulb does.


  • interesting findings today.
    first off, this is the meter I used
    this is the set up I used
    melonhead air cooled reflector

    tested 2 bulbs today, usuio and new lumatek, findings are as follows

    using a magnetic ballast
    max output for ushio 2000nm it fluctuated around 1990
    max output for lumatek 2080nm it fluctuated around 2055

    using a new air cooled lumatek ballast
    max output for lumatek 2470 fluctuation 2460
    max output for ushio 2500 fluctuation is all over the place

    on super lumens setting
    lumatek 2520
    ushio 2606, but it still has a lot of fluctuation compared to the lumatek.

    more bulbs to come

    • we have a clear winner so far, it is the new hortilux bulb.

      on reg. setting it pulled 2545nm and on superlumens went to 2601

      the sunmaster is weak at 2280nm and 23330 for SL.
      I ran a 2 year old sunmaster and it put out 2120 on SL. so, a bulb definitely loses some over time.​
