My thoughts on MMJ


Well-Known Member
I could go off on some huge rant about this but I will keep it short and sweet....

Our law makers are trying to fix up our law and ironically, they are squeezing in a whole slew of action right before the end of the year. I always find it humorous when they do so little in the elected terms of their service but when their time comes up THEN they start to do their job...but I Digress.

With all of the things made readily available on a day to day basis for people to buy, and use to treat their ailments why is MMJ such a huge no no? I mean I can go into a store on Sunday at 7am and buy a half gallon of rum, a crack pipe off the counter, and a porno mag from the aisle. Then buy a box of Sudafed for my nose, and buy a bottle of Motrin for my pain, and buy booze for my depression, why not let me decide whether or not weed helps me?

I think that its funny how I have to pay $200 a year to have to option to smoke my MMJ, but I cant let anyone know or see it. I cant let anyone smell my grow or hear it. I cant tell my primary doctor about it (if I had one) for fear he may take away other meds I need to help me. I cant let my job find out or I may be victimized via whiz quiz...So really why do I pay the $$$?

Well that's because if the cops get me... $200 for the card is cheaper than the raid and courts will get me for. Not to mention all of my assets getting seized by the raid squad. Oh and then there's that whole when they find out you're legal thing (But they still manage to take a few grand anyway)...That"s after they trash your house and embarrass you in front of your neighbors.Still its worth the $200 gamble I say!

Anyway my point is...With all of the terrible things they make readily available to us in this country I think MMJ is the last thing on the list of concerns. (At least from my perspective). However I will remain stealth about my need to grow and be medicated.

However I am thankful for the Doctors who are willing to write the referrals, and the Lawyers willing to defend the people and our rights, and the people willing to martyr themselves to the public. I commend you! However I cant afford to risk my life, family, house, and money to fight it. I also cant go without medicating because some judge decides I "Don't need MMJ" while on probation for some lame duck ass charge!

So thanks to all who fight and stand up for those of us who cant do it for ourselves...Not that we cant...we just cant risk losing it all to the government.

It takes years to build a great life for yourself...Seconds to tear it all apart...Not the risk I am willing to take.

Thanks for reading...
I skimmed. Seems like the typical paranoid bullshit.

A lot of people here in the Michigan section need to educate themselves about government so they aren't so scared by the things they aren't gonna do to us. Trust me, there are much scarier things they are doing that aren't going to get you arrested or take your money, but they'll kill you, so I guess that's fine..

and take a chill pill. And by that I mean a large dose of psychedelics straight to the dome.

You could say that I guess.

I also have been victimized by Leo where when I showed them my card they laughed at me while they tore my car apart and took my money. Guess what happened when I called a lawyer?
Oh and then we get into the whole mmj patients can't have guns routine.

Still paranoid?

hey if you wanna parade around in your "I love smoking pot & and I actually have some on me right now and so you can't bust me" T shirt and attend all of the rallies be my guest.

You might end up the guys who start the "cops ass raped me and now I want justice" ththreaded far as understanding how government works. I think my educational background gives me a pretty firm grasp of what's going on....Considering political science was a part of getting my college degree.
You're entitled to you opinion though.

Thanks for responding.
The best way to avoid trouble is do things the right way in the first place. Now we know how to do it right (certifications, outdoor grows, transporting, etc) and as long as we do it that way, we have some protections. Increasing the legitimacy of the certification process will go a long way toward the use on probation issue, I've had several patients have their charges dropped, or get permission from the court to use on probation due to the legitimacy of their certifications and my testimony for them at the hearings/trials.

The biggest thing that needs to be overcome is the Schuette inspired idea the any '18 year old with a stubbed toe' can get a cert and the mill inspired idea that 'all that counts is a signature on the form' that cheapens the whole process in the eyes of the court and the general public. These bills went a long ways towards making the entire Act seem legitimate and medical.

Dr. Bob
I have been pulled over shortly after transporting 8 oz. of sour diesel in my car and it still smelled strongly. The cop asked if I had a medical card, I said yes. I went to pull it out for him since I had my wallet out to show him my license, he said "I don't need to see that, have a good night" didn't ask to search me or anything. This was in metro Detroit at about 3 am. I was pulled over because the cop thought I made an illegal turn, but he wasn't sure, so he asked which direction I was coming from. I was coming from the direction that was legal to turn from.

You don't like the way Leo enforces the law where you live, move. And quit wasting everyone's time with your paranoid rants.
I have been pulled over shortly after transporting 8 oz. of sour diesel in my car and it still smelled strongly. The cop asked if I had a medical card, I said yes. I went to pull it out for him since I had my wallet out to show him my license, he said "I don't need to see that, have a good night" didn't ask to search me or anything. This was in metro Detroit at about 3 am. I was pulled over because the cop thought I made an illegal turn, but he wasn't sure, so he asked which direction I was coming from. I was coming from the direction that was legal to turn from.

You don't like the way Leo enforces the law where you live, move. And quit wasting everyone's time with your paranoid rants.

I'll have to confirm that most of my encounters were based on curiosity rather than hostility when the police have interacted with me. The only time I sensed hostility was in Escanaba.
Dr bob, how is the bonified doc/patient relationship law going to effect me getting renewed this summer?
Dr bob, how is the bonified doc/patient relationship law going to effect me getting renewed this summer?

If your original was with me, not in the least. If with another you'll just need to bring in some medical documentation. I am assuming your question indicates you are renewing with me. The new bills don't have any effect on my practice, we have always met the standard. Very little will change other than I'll be driving more.

Dr. Bob
large dose of psychedelics straight to the dome.

Yup.... Dale and the Saginaw police have made plenty of news for themselves. He made it abundantly clear he intended to grow and the police made it clear they wanted his shit. Bunch of people with signs in front of our courthouse and I think Dale may have help improved the tone around here. I think. Federspeil (our dickhead sheriff) drives a mustang with to word seized from a drug dealer painted on the side, and will gladly tell you that Marijuana is an evil gateway drug. Keep in mind you can see the stupidity in this pigs eyes! I haven't heard of them going around fucking with every medical grow in the county since and I think Dale was likely the thorn in the pigs side. Thanks.

Oh, did I say drunk. It is common knowledge among those who have met the sheriff here that when not a work he is most likely drunk (not to say he wouldn't be drunk at work). FUCK YOU PIG Some saginaw cops for ya'll, remember they all still have there jobs.
Yup.... Dale and the Saginaw police have made plenty of news for themselves. He made it abundantly clear he intended to grow and the police made it clear they wanted his shit. Bunch of people with signs in front of our courthouse and I think Dale may have help improved the tone around here. I think. Federspeil (our dickhead sheriff) drives a mustang with to word seized from a drug dealer painted on the side, and will gladly tell you that Marijuana is an evil gateway drug. Keep in mind you can see the stupidity in this pigs eyes! I haven't heard of them going around fucking with every medical grow in the county since and I think Dale was likely the thorn in the pigs side. Thanks.

Oh, did I say drunk. It is common knowledge among those who have met the sheriff here that when not a work he is most likely drunk (not to say he wouldn't be drunk at work). FUCK YOU PIG Some saginaw cops for ya'll, remember they all still have there jobs.

Maybe i am not following I reading this wrong?

sounds like you just said I am affiliated with the Saginaw police...right?

Maybe I'm over medicated?

i live in Macomb County and I have no affiliation to police....
I have been pulled over shortly after transporting 8 oz. of sour diesel in my car and it still smelled strongly. The cop asked if I had a medical card, I said yes. I went to pull it out for him since I had my wallet out to show him my license, he said "I don't need to see that, have a good night" didn't ask to search me or anything. This was in metro Detroit at about 3 am. I was pulled over because the cop thought I made an illegal turn, but he wasn't sure, so he asked which direction I was coming from. I was coming from the direction that was legal to turn from.

You don't like the way Leo enforces the law where you live, move. And quit wasting everyone's time with your paranoid rants.

Why does every thread in here turn into the poster being insulted? Awesome...

i paid $160,000 for my house....So no I will not move. I wish I could get what I paid for it though. Then I might consider it.

I wasted your time? You read my thread last I checked...right?
Sorry. There is a Dale Robert that lives in saginaw. Or acutally I'm about to go look up the guy I'm referring too. Huge apology. I thought for sure you were him and I didn't say he had any affilition. They kicked in his door stole all his shit and he went to court and kicked ass. Sorry Again. My foot in my mouth. I will find the case I was referring to and stop playin history teacher. big ooops
I dont think it's any safer for us now.. There are bigger grey areas that should be clarified that weren't. I don't give a shit about transporting, if I wasn't over my limit it shouldn't matter. I know better to drive under OUI.

What the more important things like the grey area within having 2.5oz or an amount to provide an uninterrupted supply.. That leaves a lot of room for speculation. 2.5oz is an unrealistic amount to begin with. I harvest once every 4 months.. II have to keep enough to keep my patients supplied in between grows.. I have one patient that gets an oz a week.. So can I fucking store meds the guy and have enought to get between grows or can I have 2.5 oz and he's shit out of luck except once every 4 months..

Stick that in their ass and get it clarified.
Why does every thread in here turn into the poster being insulted? Awesome...

i paid $160,000 for my house....So no I will not move. I wish I could get what I paid for it though. Then I might consider it.

I wasted your time? You read my thread last I checked...right?

Nope, is stated I skimmed it. Saw ranting about prices and the government and made my reply.