The fuck it isn't.
Homosexual marriage bans. Marijuana bans. Liquor bans. So help me god(in courts). Prostitution bans.
All those stem from religious decrees.
Live and let live? Give me a fucking break! Until religion lets me live and let live, I'll continue to shit on baby Jesus and every other religion.
I once was nearly held in contempt and jailed for refusing to say, "so help me god." I had to relent and say so, even though that bullshit doesn't exist.
Yet you wonder why we're so pissed.
It may seem all so innocent. But if it's so innocent, try walking in an all black neighborhood wearing a hat with the Confederate flag on it. Before you get beat to death try to convince them, "if you don't believe in my culture of the Confederate flag, fine, let those who do carry on,its no skin off your nose is it."