Slight discoloration. Deficiency?


Active Member
Hey everyone. This is my plant and her name is Danny. Shes growing along beautifully, but I have noticed that the leaves arent as green as I see in most pictures. IN between the veins its like lighter green I guess. Could this be any sign of deficiency? I currently feed her with diluted 30-10-10 ferts. The closest problem I found that resembled mine was N deficiency but the fert is 30-N which I think is a bit high. Maybe I need to up the dose? Some help would greatly be appreciated.

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Well-Known Member
maybe could green up with more nitrogen ..but it looks ok man ,looks a little young to have a def.. are you feeding at each watering? are you making sure not to over water?


Active Member
Yeah I only water when I stick my finger in the soil and its dry up to the first knuckle. And yeah I feed at every watering since I diluted the ferts so much. A lot of people told me 30-10-10 was really strong.


Active Member
I am gonna buy some epsom salts today as it really looks like MG deficiency to me. I would appreciate a second opinion on this.