imho hydro sucks


Well-Known Member
Come on really guys why would anyone want to grow with any kind of hydroponics. It cost way more to run, it has way more things that could go wrong, house can get flooded, nutes are more sensitive and to much to add, I have been doing ebb and flow with a friend for a year now and it is clearly way harder and more work than I nice easy soil grow. And u get better tasting herb. For what? A lil more yield it would have to grow twice as much or more to even come close to as efficient as good ol soil. I have just had one crazy year of growing with ebb and flow.and soil is imho way easier and smarter to do than any hydro.
little more yield huh? it is more expensive but I find it easier than soil. I change a res every now and then and adjust ph the same , the system does the rest. while you're packing heavy bags of soil I'm opening a valve. water cost much less than soil.
I'm no hydro expert but here are a few things I do like better about hydro and i'm currently a soil grower. Really it just comes down to grower experience. Soil is for sure easier.

Benefits of hydro:

-Bigger Root system
-Faster Plant Growth
-Nutes react faster
-No messy expensive soil
-No bulky heavy potters everywhere
-No repotting really
-No over/under watering
-Better tasting product
-Much easier to flush a water res than 20+ 5 gal container's of soil if you run into nute or Ph issue's
the title of course could have been worded a little better as to not stir some shit up. hydro def doesn't suck. nor does soil.
I split the difference and use a coco perlite mix (technically still hydro). I like growing in pots but want an inert medium so I can control what the plant is using. Seems like soil plants take too long to get going and get all kinds of deficiencies and ph issues that you dont encounter when using a complete hydro nutrient lineup. To each their own though..theres plenty of room for all methods
Agreed every grower has there own style and techniques and ways of growing that might not work for others so people shouldnt hate on it!
DWC is not expensive and is idiot proof man. I think its easier than soil IMO.
Come on really guys why would anyone want to grow with any kind of hydroponics. It cost way more to run, it has way more things that could go wrong, house can get flooded, nutes are more sensitive and to much to add, I have been doing ebb and flow with a friend for a year now and it is clearly way harder and more work than I nice easy soil grow. And u get better tasting herb. For what? A lil more yield it would have to grow twice as much or more to even come close to as efficient as good ol soil. I have just had one crazy year of growing with ebb and flow.and soil is imho way easier and smarter to do than any hydro.
Wow, you're the only one I can recall hearing that didn't like hydro (except for first timers).
I'm no hydro expert but here are a few things I do like better about hydro and i'm currently a soil grower. Really it just comes down to grower experience. Soil is for sure easier.Benefits of hydro:-Bigger Root system-Faster Plant Growth-Nutes react faster-No messy expensive soil-No bulky heavy potters everywhere-No repotting really-No over/under watering-Better tasting product-Much easier to flush a water res than 20+ 5 gal container's of soil if you run into nute or Ph issue's
Soil gives much better taste. Grower experience makes me not have to worry about ph issues and I like 2-3 gal pots. U think soil is messy try.50 gal or nutrient all on the floor. How much faster u talkin about as far as.growth. soil can grow pretty Damn fast. Being on a three ft high table don't leave all that much room to grow big plants especially in a tent. Never see.cannabis.cup won by a hydroponically grown weed.
The gain in yield don't cover the increase in price. And someone commented about the.titl3 and they are correct and I appologize for the.title
Wow, you're the only one I can recall hearing that didn't like hydro (except for first timers).
It cost way more to run,

Nah, hempy buckets actually cost less than soil.

Most of your posts seems to be stemmed from misconceptions and inexperience with hydro.

I know you've been "doing ebb and flow with a friend for a year" or whatever....that's still noob level.

house can get flooded,


Again, hempy buckets.............they use the same or even less h2o than soil.

You've done *only one* hydro style "with a friend for a year".

Not nearly enough experience to make the judgement calls about the entire style of growing that you're making, in my opinion.
As a long time gardener I am very comfortable with soil. I mix my own so it doesn't cost an arm and a leg and use commonly available fertilizers. For me soil is very forgiving and easy, hence my preference.
little more yield huh? it is more expensive but I find it easier than soil. I change a res every now and then and adjust ph the same , the system does the rest. while you're packing heavy bags of soil I'm opening a valve. water cost much less than soil.

I agree, hydro in my opinion is easier. Just basically res maintenance and adjusting lights. :D
i did one hydro grow after doing many soil ones.

12, 5 gallon bubbling buckets. i flipped them into flower, fed them and went to work. they were big and round like large beachballs, they were beautiful. by the time i got home they were all dead.

the leaves looked like somebody took a torch to them. all dead and crispy. i had to buy pot for the first time in years.

i'm a pot head, the chances of me fucking something up are pretty good. soil is much more forgiving and a whole lot less trouble.

different strokes.
once hydro gets dialed in and you have a good system it is easier and WAY less expensive. instead of buying 20$ bags of soil you are using water right out of your tap. you have to put up more initial money to get started but almost everything is re usable the only continuous costs i see are nutrients, PH up and or down and rockwool cubes.....

i enjoy my soil but buying 20$ bags of soil is gettting expensive, 1 bag will fill up around 5-7 3 gal pots.

once i get going i plan on converting my grow to a hydro system.

anyways to his thie own maybe ebb and flow isnt a good system for you and if you enjoy soil growing then i would suggest thats what you do. but to say one is better than the other is a pretty biased statement as they both have thier own advantages and disadvantages.
Come on really guys why would anyone want to grow with any kind of hydroponics. It cost way more to run, it has way more things that could go wrong, house can get flooded, nutes are more sensitive and to much to add, I have been doing ebb and flow with a friend for a year now and it is clearly way harder and more work than I nice easy soil grow. And u get better tasting herb. For what? A lil more yield it would have to grow twice as much or more to even come close to as efficient as good ol soil. I have just had one crazy year of growing with ebb and flow.and soil is imho way easier and smarter to do than any hydro.

why not get the best of both worlds and try hempy growing which is a passive form of hydro that gets the job done. ...and you want to talk about easy! ...hempy growing is about as easy as it gets!

and as far as price goes, i personally use Jack's Pro hydro which is a 2 part powder and for under a $100.00 delivered i have enough nutes to feed my entire operation for at least 2 years if i don't expand.'s only expensive if you buy all the bullshit products the hydro store wants to sell you, once you educate yourself you find you don't need most of that shit.

and as far as flavor, well, i call bullshit 'cause my buds taste as good as my grobro's do and he is 100% organic and a bit of a snob about it, kind of a pain in the ass about it, but he never complains about my bud, lol, in fact we commonly do smoke out sessions where he comes over and brings some of his bud and i smoke that while he smokes some of mine, ...he has NEVER complained that my buds don't taste good, nor has he even implied that his buds taste better than mine, ...and you can bet your ass he WOULD, lol, we've had a kind of friendly competition over the years and i assure you he is NOT shy, he would definately tell me if he thought it were true.



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why not get the best of both worlds and try hempy growing which is a passive form of hydro that gets the job done. ...and you want to talk about easy! ...hempy growing is about as easy as it gets!

and as far as price goes, i personally use Jack's Pro hydro which is a 2 part powder and for under a $100.00 delivered i have enough nutes to feed my entire operation for at least 2 years if i don't expand.'s only expensive if you buy all the bullshit products the hydro store wants to sell you, once you educate yourself you find you don't need most of that shit.

and as far as flavor, well, i call bullshit 'cause my buds taste as good as my grobro's do and he is 100% organic and a bit of a snob about it, kind of a pain in the ass about it, but he never complains about my bud, lol, in fact we commonly do smoke out sessions where he comes over and brings some of his bud and i smoke that while he smokes some of mine, ...he has NEVER complained that my buds don't taste good, nor has he even implied that his buds taste better than mine.


nice looking plants.

i've heard about hempy buckets for years but never looked into them. i'll give it a look and see what's up.