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Damn KushGod is at it again lol
Night of the living Thread......Why are we pulling up 3 yr old threads this morning? Must be slow around here today lol.
or he could take the cartman route and get some real payback. feed his enemies to his enemies in chili, its how the native Americans told you to fuck off.stop being treated like va bitch n go slap that fucker that took your stuff
WTF is that shit?i bout about 40 $ worth oof weed and smoked a couple of my "friends" down. then we all went to this kids house that i knew and he told me to leave so i did like wutever. then he calls me up and tells me to come bak and i was skeptical on wheteer or not he would try to stell the remander of bud that i had. he said run ur pokets and i waas baked and scared shitless of him so i did. he was bout to punch me but he took the stuf out of my pockets. then this other kid took some of my weed. i was scared as fuk so i jus left. then i said fuk it and went bak to kik some ass and i did but only the kid i wasnt scared. i got sme of my weed bak and i got smoked down but now they all wanna kik my assss and 3 of my close friends turned agaisnt me therll priks to me wut shul i do
why are u assuming that he is writing in his native language? we are in the "melting pot" and schools used to teach kids, now they are mostly daycare systems.
why are your "buttons" so easy to push? you need to relax or stop crying like a little bitch with sand in her vagina.
is that it? you have sand in your vagina that makes i mad when u see people writing full of mistakes??
i bet you are the kind of person that gets mad at CAPS... somehow they give u a headache???
let the kid vent, and get that sand out of your vagina.
and yes, u are a prick
Good lord! You are by far the most atrocious speller I've ever seen on the internet, besides people whose native language is not English. Please tell me you're not from an English speaking country. If you're anywhere near as stupid in person as you appear to be on here, I'd just as soon beat your ass as look at you too. I mean, you genuinely seem like you're mentally disabled. Pay more attention in school, stop whining on the internet like a baby and grow up.
HOLY SHIT!Good lord! You are by far the most atrocious speller I've ever seen on the internet, besides people whose native language is not English. Please tell me you're not from an English speaking country. If you're anywhere near as stupid in person as you appear to be on here, I'd just as soon beat your ass as look at you too. I mean, you genuinely seem like you're mentally disabled. Pay more attention in school, stop whining on the internet like a baby and grow up.
Agreed. A good ass whippin' sounds like what is required there.Yeah I don't get the whole, "Lets just throw out the English language and abbreviate everything." With that being said, I wouldn't give someone my weed or let someone go through my pockets are you kidding me? If they tried to go through my shit I would knock them. And if I get my ass beat by 4 guys or whatever it isn't the end of the world. Not worth even worrying about an eighth, younger people do stupid shit. Wait for them to try and jack someone who actually has some weight and they will just get killed![]()
Shit!I would be happy for an update. Folks, you do realize this thread is years old, yes?
I liked that too, I moved my cursor like WTF?your sig throws me off EVERY TIME![]()
If I'm on at night and the only light in my room is coming from my compooper, those bugs land on the screen and move just like that just with a little more bounce flying from one spot to the next. This most recent time because it's dark out and I only have my computer on for light, I legitimately pressed the bug with my finger in an attempt to kill it.LOL yeah found it on another forum...tripped me out too