New medical marijuana laws just posted by health canada FYI


Well-Known Member
it says that the government will stop issuing license for designated growers, only big corp will take over so it's pretty much the end of the world after all :clap:


Well-Known Member
I know at least two designated growers who stepped up to the plate and have expanded their business so they are at what you might call the min size for a commercial business growing, so it is possible for designated growers to expand, do the new H/C checks/requirements like their electrical & security demands etc. So I would say if you can expand your business consider doing so. There's going to be a huge need for commercial size growers in Canada now. Are there any winners with the new laws? Yes. Nurses. H/C recognized that the doctors and the specialists were stopping the system from working and now we will have nurse practitioners prescribing medical marijuana to patients. A first - worldwide! Plus they will earn more money than they ever thought possible. Another winner to a point is the person that wants a prescription for medical marijuana because they can now go to a nurse practitioner for a script. But finding a place that will grow for them is a problem if it is a small prescription. Not being able to grow your own. That's also a problem. I suspect that people who grow 4 plants or less will be able to grow their own supply. Just grow them big! But if you grow five or more you risk 6 months in jail.
I know at least two designated growers who stepped up to the plate and have expanded their business so they are at what you might call the min size for a commercial business growing, so it is possible for designated growers to expand, do the new H/C checks/requirements like their electrical & security demands etc. So I would say if you can expand your business consider doing so. There's going to be a huge need for commercial size growers in Canada now. Are there any winners with the new laws? Yes. Nurses. H/C recognized that the doctors and the specialists were stopping the system from working and now we will have nurse practitioners prescribing medical marijuana to patients. A first - worldwide! Plus they will earn more money than they ever thought possible. Another winner to a point is the person that wants a prescription for medical marijuana because they can now go to a nurse practitioner for a script. But finding a place that will grow for them is a problem if it is a small prescription. Not being able to grow your own. That's also a problem. I suspect that people who grow 4 plants or less will be able to grow their own supply. Just grow them big! But if you grow five or more you risk 6 months in jail.
So theyre making it so you dont have to get a licence to grow but if you have five or more plants you face jail time??? Will they still offer licences to those who wish to grow more than five?


Well-Known Member
I suspect that people who grow 4 plants or less will be able to grow their own supply. Just grow them big! But if you grow five or more you risk 6 months in jail.
What are you basing this on? I'd love to keep growing a small amount.
seems like theres still major loop holes in this system. we need a stoner on the inside lol break this shit down in lammens terms. seems pretty basic about for the consumer but grey for growers.

is anyone making any sense of this as far as us growers are concerned?? still very confused on how it said you dont need a license but then buddy there said for five or more its jail time. that doesnt line up to me. is it fully legal to grow four plants?


Well-Known Member
Tell me if I am wrong but as of right now I believe that you can grow 4 plants and not go to jail in Canada. Tell me if I am wrong. However, you might still get arrested and you might also get a criminal record. The dates are there in that release if you go way back up to the top where I posted the link to the gazette. If you grow 5 plants or more, and you get busted it's an automatic 6 months. I believe that most people know that by now. And the price per gram will also go up to $8 a gram through these pharmacies or through the commercial growers. If you are a designated grower, all is not lost, find the money even consider going to the bank with a business plan...there's going to be a huge need for commercial growers. Expand your operations. Health canada will want to inspect your books and your site and your safety - fire & electrical but you could become a commercial grower if you wanted too. And as for me saying four plants, there's a million grow masters on this forum and I am not one of those but I hazard a guess that with four plants you could theoretically get a pound if you found the right way and that would set up the person with the small prescriptions for their own supply. That's just my opinion though. You still have a risk especially if you want to travel and or work internationally.
i listened in on the cbc radio featuring this topic. basically you cant get a licence to grow unless you have a health inspector, a building inspector and some sort security inspector come to your grow and approve everything is safe. if you are approved you can grow commercially. the laws for 4 plants semi safe and 5 or more go to jail is still there. the grey area is where patients get there weed. health canada only provides one strain. another huge grey area is doctors dont know what strains do what. on a positive note the new laws allow nures and other medical practises to give out prescriptions. If you are growing your own for medical use it really sucks balls because you go back to being illegal unless you can afford the time and money with all the inspections and by laws if you will. security is big thing to health canada so simple basement grows with no security isnt going to fly. sounds like you need pad lock doors and 007 shit haha