Help me remember the name of a Science Fiction movie?


Well-Known Member
Is this that really weird movie where people go into the virtual world and it's all colorful and theres like, an orgy going on in the streets and the main character is this guy who is controlled by a kid who he gets the kid to cheat or something by giving the guy alcohol which somehow frees him from control and he breaks out? I remember the really fat guy stuffing his face and playing a chick in game though, that movie was fucked up lol


Ursus marijanus
Johnny Mnemonic? With the awesomely talented Keanu Reeves, lol.
I remember some woman's letter in an ancient TV Guide. "Keanu cannot act his way out of a paper bag, but I wouldn't exactly kick him out of my bed for eating crackers, either." cn


Well-Known Member
I am trying to remember the name of a science fiction movie involving a virtual world. I can't remember much but I know it's made either 90's or 2000's.

I remember this one scene where dude was in cyber space hitting on an avatar of this chick then they panned to show who was actually running the avatar and it was some fat dude eating chips, sitting on a couch. And some corporation owns the virtual world that's another detail I remember. Plus there is some chick she is pretty much a cyber hooker that is owned by this corporation. She plays the "damsel in distress" role. One of the main points is somehow these VR glasses are used to kill their users. I have been looking all over and can't find the title... does anyone remember what movie I am thinking of??
Do you remember any of the cast?


Active Member
Ok folks it took me a day, had to wait for the movie. (Dang redbox killed all but one local rental joint.) But I got a few from the list and I must say... I am and idiot I spaced half the movie becaus[FONT=verdana, arial, sans-serif]I h[/FONT]aven't seen it in years and...

It was Gamer.

So plus +rep to all who had it right, I could have swore it was a different movie but I guess I was so stoned I only remembered half the movie. And for the life of me couldn't find a reference to a movie about virtual reality and a fat guy genderbending on the couch while eating chips.

Now... I must ask... VilePlume... where the hell did you find that movie? it's so friggin' weird it's epic... I must see it.
