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Dear o dear Finn 30 odd pages of this, now its moved to fb. What a fuckin shitshow.

Ub's trolling is tame to be honest. (prob due to the fact its a grow forum)

Most sites would troll a shithawk like you to online fame (not the good type) in a heartbeat.

Think before you post dude & sorry to say but its all my opinion.
i used to work with this guy.. no one liked him for many obvious reasons.. well, they were obvious to everyone but good ole booger bob that is.. i used to feel bad for him and get suckered into having a conversation with him from time to time.. i can't help but feeling bad for people i guess..
the thing is, after awhile, i'd try and walk away and get away from bb, but he'd only let me get like 2 or 3 steps away before he chimed in with something new and had me cornered for anther 10 minutes.. i could never understand how a person wouldn't recognize the person whom they were talking to had no interest in a thing that they had to say..
i see finshaggy is infected with the booger bob syndrome.. i still don't understand how he does't see everyone is simply making fun of him and who would want to be known on google for being the most laughed at person on a marijuana site?? it's simply beyond my comprehension honestly..
Are you guys fucking kidding me. This moron got 348 replies in this thread when it just started 8 hours ago. WTF!!

I guess it does pay to be special.
This is good potty time material... "finshaggy" the thing that pisses me off is this guy really is he is disrespectful toward people who do real time in the claim to have got your name by Mexicans in jail...yet you did 2 weeks in county...and you live by it.... that's not hard time.... and your pretending to fight the system like you've been oppressed and abused, yet you have no idea how bad it could really get..your a dump truck! I tried to tell you... stop lying to try and kick it.....

I've been in and out of jail since I was 14, and I'm not proud of it like you seem to be. I fight to correct the problems that made it happen. Get out of my ass.
what gain is there for you in doing this? All people are really doing is putting you down and making you look bad. tons of spamming and trolling... nothing beneficial here... so why do this?

it seems to me as though there are a few things going on with you outside of riu or anything really having to do with herb that are causing you to feel the need to do this
Dr. shaggy, if you would be so kind I have another question. why do you have flaming fucking pedophiles frequent your threads?
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