Ask a teenager anything you want to

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impossible. you can only click the "request to be friends" button once and it switches to "friend request sent".

lern2facebook, failspammy.
No, Louis Moreno said you requested him like 2-3 times. Learn to remember Failspamy (remember? since you spam the admin, and your spam always fails) :lol:
It is spinning my wheels, the wheels of recognition. Where more and more people notice who I am because Buck doesn't seem to realize he's giving me free advertising.

the thing myself and others don't understand fin is exactly what are you advertising? honest question here..
i mean, yeah, i could put up signs all over town saying i have free dog shit if anyone would like to pick it up, please call blah blah blah, but at the end of the day, no one will care if it's free or not as it's still dog shit?? do you see what i'm getting at??

sure, you're getting free advertisement here for google hits, but when people look what you have to say, they're not going to be very impressed imo..
It is spinning my wheels, the wheels of recognition. Where more and more people notice who I am because Buck doesn't seem to realize he's giving me free advertising.

knowing nothing coming in... I still have learned nothing (good anyways or interesting or cool) about you. I have learned tons about the other posters and what they think n stuff... thats the substance... all I know about you is you start and facilitate "Trolling Threads". Lame...
lincoln cole, who lives in san diego and is dating monzie, has just friended me.

some campaign, failspammy.

:lol: I got 800 people in like 5 minutes, he'll know soon enough. You've added what? 25 people tops, in the past 30 minutes? I think Ive got you beat :lol:
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