first time bagseed grow

Im goin on 5th week of flowering with her tomorrow, just hit three feet and pistils are starting to pop now. Not running anything special just some miracle grow organic soil in a 5 gal. bucket with a 100w cfl.....just wonderin if anyones got any sort of estimate on possible yields or time frame, if its gonna produce anything good. Should be a couple pics if you decide to look at em disregard the three mini plants really dont have any expectations for them. Probably the most basic grow ive found im not adding any nutrients at the moment either. Once again just wonderin if im dealin with anything worth i guess.



Well-Known Member
At least a month I would say, and maybe 1/8 or so?
Not much at all, because your light is insufficient, and too high.


Well-Known Member
Yup it stretched alot shes too stressed just toss her and start over get a better light cfls will give you airy buds but what do i know.

x iGrow x

Active Member
Yeah dude its a waste of your time.. I tried using CFLs for a year and never yeilded anything, and i had triple the amount of watts per square foot.. Your not gonna yeild anything of those sticks and if you do its not gonna get you high.. If your not gonna get rid of them you need bigger pots.. And you need to get the plant in the cup in a pot.. Imho, scrap it.. and seve your money for a 400 watter and some nice fans and nutes.. You arent gonna get shit off one cfl.. Some people swear by CFL's, i think there a waste of time.. I wasted a year trying to use them, There good for veg and thats about it, they dont put out enough lumens unless you surround your plant in them

x iGrow x

Active Member
Btw, those plants look equivalent to the second week of flower with HIDs or outdoors, there is not enough light, and even if you added 12 more lights it still isnt gonna yeild..
hell yea thanks guys i just realized i had a buncha shit layin round the house to just try it out at least...i figured the light wasnt enough for it, it was just like the highest watt i was able to find on the midnight walmart tripps. ima jus let the one ride out see if i cant get no better lights before too long if not i just start out another one with new lights


Well-Known Member
Read around here, everything you will ever need to know is right here. Do your research and you can do just fine with cfls. Don't listen to cfl bashers, some people don't have the funds/room for HIDs so they use what they got. Do it right and CFLs will do everything you need them to do. I am not by any means saying that cfls are better than HID lighting but a nice product can be made out of the proper amount of lighting and some good ole research. Happy growing


Well-Known Member
If had to tell to you to make a choice of getting some good genetic seeds or buying an HID light id say good genetics every time. Of course put both together and you can produce some great stuff. It is well worth paying for your seeds everytime. Grab yourself some good seeds and then work your way up in lighting.


Well-Known Member
I just harvested from 110 actual cfl watts and go this, it can be done, just takes more bulbs IMAG0175.jpg
Buds are a little fluffy, but its good n stony though! You dont necessarily NEED big hid lights, they are superior for sure, but CFl do their job IMO. But i will be using a 400w mh for flower next grow. Cfl are great for veg though.
so buying seeds is gonna make that much of a difference over bagseed?? ill prolly invest in those on the next one i just had a shit ton of them seeds collected figured i might as well start some where but ill definitely keep things updated and keep on the research all input is much appreciated


Well-Known Member
cfl need to be like 1 inch away from the tops. your internode spacing is outrageous man. i dont mean to be a dick but this project is a waste of your time :/. you should read a bit about basic indoor gardening and try again and i promist you will do great :).. listen to growman he gave you great advise. good luck!


Well-Known Member
so buying seeds is gonna make that much of a difference over bagseed?? ill prolly invest in those on the next one i just had a shit ton of them seeds collected figured i might as well start some where but ill definitely keep things updated and keep on the research all input is much appreciated

Yeah bro know what your gonna get. Bagseed can be good practice for you but if your looking for something that you know is going to turn out like you want it to then thats the way to go. With bagseed you never know what your gonna get and I can vouch that a lot of regs/mids carry the hermaphrodite trait. Do your research, get some good seeds, and you can be very pleased with your outcome. :)


Well-Known Member
yup dont listen to the people who say cfls suck did a good job for me those people just gotta learn how to use them


Well-Known Member
Ya know what op for a first time bagseed grow not bad at all. I must admit im shocked at some of the ignorance thats been posted on your thread tho. I am shocked someone would say cfl's are shit when all ya gotta do is search cfl grow here in the search bar and you can SEE cfl's grow great medicine! lol, how ignorant that someone would go out buy all that equipment and not take the time to study the proper SPECTRUM the cfl needs to be for the stage your in while growing. I'd put a good cfl box up against any t-5, mh veg. Do your homework, dont be lazy and read some threads of previous farmers and the truth will be revealed! true story!


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude its a waste of your time.. I tried using CFLs for a year and never yeilded anything, and i had triple the amount of watts per square foot.. Your not gonna yeild anything of those sticks and if you do its not gonna get you high.. If your not gonna get rid of them you need bigger pots.. And you need to get the plant in the cup in a pot.. Imho, scrap it.. and seve your money for a 400 watter and some nice fans and nutes.. You arent gonna get shit off one cfl.. Some people swear by CFL's, i think there a waste of time.. I wasted a year trying to use them, There good for veg and thats about it, they dont put out enough lumens unless you surround your plant in them
Btw, those plants look equivalent to the second week of flower with HIDs or outdoors, there is not enough light, and even if you added 12 more lights it still isnt gonna yeild..
CFL'S are not a waste of timePhoto11221355-1.jpgView attachment 2445540

