Medical-marijuana-bill-changes-draw-last-minute-support? (freep article0

I have said it before, and I will say it again. The landscape of RIU would be completely different if there was a dislike button or it was like icmag with a "was this helpful yes or no?". Some of these trolls are such tough guys and brazen, but once they see people don't like them and there is visible proof of that connected to their handle, these types of things stop.

I bet there would be a lot of members here with red dots instead of green.
No question this forum would get a lot more MI participation if the discussions were more civil. The forum accommodates it, so this is what you get.
I'm tired of the shit too.. I'm going to start deleting troll posts.. Whether I'm supposed to or not.. So if you don't have anything productive to add to the discussions and your posts are just inflammatory drivel don't expect them to be on long.
Someone in another thread said gardens will be hit with inspections...from my understanding the patient/caregiver database. Is still protected under the law I reading it wrong? Or that Guy full of shit?
Someone in another thread said gardens will be hit with inspections...from my understanding the patient/caregiver database. Is still protected under the law I reading it wrong? Or that Guy full of shit?

I don't believe there are inspections. Since all the money will now go into a special fund for MMMP, there may be funding to set up an inspection program someday, but my thought is that they will not go looking, but will apply the standards to those grows that come to the attention of LEO.

Dr. Bob
kind of strange if we all end up funding possible inspections. that'll be the day...

Yeah, makes us look like main stream.... I'd love to see the day marijuana grows were treated like restaurants or construction projects and given about as much attention. Just routine, nothing special or questionable.
I will gladly open up my garden if they were treated like a health inspection at a cafe long as I can serve the public. And pay taxes...hire an employee or two...have a cash register and so on.....but that is probably ten years from now...these inspections nowadays. Would be more to harass and intimidate....
So when you say special fund....all of it? Or small portion? ....just throwing numbers. Around 500k cards at hundo apiece 50 million the state...the state is broke and needs that revenue, can't. See em giving Leo a fat budget to harass people and waste resources.
Yeah, makes us look like main stream.... I'd love to see the day marijuana grows were treated like restaurants or construction projects and given about as much attention. Just routine, nothing special or questionable.

commercially zoned cannabis enterprises should comply to zoning as they agree upon signing a lease. in general all patients and cg's should retain complete privacy from further checklists/fees beyond current mi mmj laws. btw - cannabis flowers are unlike a food joint, construction site and most other businesses, just a thought.
The Problem isnt confusion, but a major misunderstanding of how Legislation works. These 4 passed bills STARTED in the HOUSE> thus any amendments that made it out of the house to the senate, are now Part of the Bill, unless it has been challenged in the Senate, at which case it would not be up for a vote, until it goes Back to the House to be redone, and re submitted to the Senate. So when You Rare D, and EVERYONE ELSE THOUGHT these amendments were NULL AND VOID, what happened is you refused to acknowledge that unless the Senate Struck the Amendments (which sends the bill back to the House) any amendments from the House are valid, thus when the Senate, ADDED THEIR OWN POINT, they didnt change the House Bill, but added their OWN Amendment TO the House Bill with its House Added Amendments in Tact.

I tried to tell you over and over and over and over and over and over this fact, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I just have NO IDEA WTF IM talking about, So Yes I going to FUCKING SAY IT.


You told us what?????? You've been claiming that the sky will fall on our heads for a year now, and all I see is some common sense tweaks to the original act. Oh my god, you have to carry your weed in your trunk, the cards are good for two years, and they now have your photo on them. What ever will we do now??????

Give me a fucking break. These changes are so minor that it's laughable.
You told us what?????? You've been claiming that the sky will fall on our heads for a year now, and all I see is some common sense tweaks to the original act. Oh my god, you have to carry your weed in your trunk, the cards are good for two years, and they now have your photo on them. What ever will we do now??????

Give me a fucking break. These changes are so minor that it's laughable.

This is what happens when folks go off on tangents with gossip. The question came up about a long thread about 'someone' on MCP the other day. My only response to that was it was a thread about attitudes and ideas, not a person. You see here an example of those very ideas- the panic about 'the bills' spread by those that never even read them, but instead repeated what they were told. Remember when this guy was bragging about his 'extensive' knowledge of the bills and the hearts/minds of the legislators? When confronted about it, he couldn't name one thing that was actually in the bills, just repeating this nonsense about 4 fully charged visits a year and 2 caregivers/10 patients/12 plants a patient. Anyone see that in any of the bills? You think these guys are 'authorities' on anything?

I TOLD YOU SO. In some cases years ago.

Difference is, I was actually right. I guess the reason is that I actually read bills and use fact based logic rather than the 'faith based logic' discussed in that thread on MCP.

Tim should go back to 'big blue' and give him a copy of this post. This sort of nonsense isn't worth my posting it again.

Dr. Bob
So when you say special fund....all of it? Or small portion? ....just throwing numbers. Around 500k cards at hundo apiece 50 million the state...the state is broke and needs that revenue, can't. See em giving Leo a fat budget to harass people and waste resources.

Fund gets about 6 mil a year from around 125,000 patients, most of which are on disability and pay $25. I've seen numbers that up to 60% are on disability or SSI, which really flies in the face of Schuette saying they are 18 year olds with hangnails (my average patient age is 51). Pity when the state last released their annual report, 2 years ago, that no one in the media could get past the 55 doctors responsible for 70% of the certs and take notice of the fact that the majority of the people in the program were on social security....

Dr. Bob