Dr. BudGreenGene's Method (Fixed CFLs and "Full Spectrum") or a variation


Well-Known Member
So while doing research I stumbled upon Dr. BudGreenGene's amazing grow journal. For those who don't know, he believes "root bound" to be a state of mind and grows in 20oz mountain dew bottles. His results back up his claims, as he has a perpetual SOG and gets an ounce a week, from a dresser!! Basically he grows perfect "budsicles" on a rotation. There were some specific points which caused me to scratch my head.

Fixed CFL's

As CFL's lack the power of the Metal Halide's, I was under the assumption they should be as close as possible to the plants. They don't put off a lot of heat, so this is not really an issue. I am contemplating a dresser grow, similar to his, and had planned on a movable DIY light. While searching, I came across a disposable "turkey" cooking type pan. It just so happens that I can tuck 6 (200w) CFL's in there. Also, that pan is the PERFECT size for what I'm working with. Add on some chains to adjust the height, and that will be some serious growing power! I find it hard to see any advantages to having a fixed bank of CFL's...

"Full Spectrum" (Vs. soft white or cool white)

In some of his posts, the Doc. explained his budding chamber which used a combination of the two to create a "full spectrum". While I understand the cool white is more blueish and the soft white is more reddish, wouldn't there be a benefit by having a combination of the two? This appears to be what the Doc has done to create a "full spectrum" type set-up. Perhaps there could even be a happy medium where both could be used with a few more of a particular kind depending on veg or flower.

So the whole concept of a perpetual SOG is VERY appealing to me. Given my restrictions, CFL's are going to be the only way I can go. Also, I would much rather get my supplies from "normal" stores rather than the grow store. Its definitely not a place I want to be seen frequenting for obvious reasons! If anyone has heard of (and hopefully tried) this method I would love to hear any feedback!


Well-Known Member
well rootbound is not a "state of mind" its a real issue and if you want your plants to grow more they need to be transplanted once they get rootbound.

the plant will still finish off its life cycle in flower once rootbound but dont expect any more vegatative growth after a certain point.

bob jameson

Active Member
well rootbound is not a "state of mind" its a real issue and if you want your plants to grow more they need to be transplanted once they get rootbound.

the plant will still finish off its life cycle in flower once rootbound but dont expect any more vegatative growth after a certain point.
Not to really disagree, but I'm having a different experience. I have a sativa type plant in an 8 inch clay pot.The plant is now over 6 feet tall, blooming on all the branches (typical Christmas tree shape) and on top, and is still stretching one or two inches per day. The rest of my plants are more reasonable at 3 to 4 feet high in similar pots. So much for using small pots to limit plant size.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, this is also sativa dominant and as you can see, she is quite large for a 3liter 'pot', ...she's about 9 weeks in i think and for here that's about half way through.

