

Active Member
Been lurking around the organic boards for a moment, and thought I would ask who out there is also a Vegetarian or a vegan? I am a vegetarian, almost vegan......the kids and woman would kill me if I dumped the last of the cheese from the house.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can raise vegan bud. Check the threads. Alfalfa meal, Fax seed hull meal, and sea weed extract to name just a few. Rodale's Enclopedia of Organic Gardening has a list of all amendments and their NPK make-up.
I don't think cheese is a very good for plants anyway.

love, Peace and Wheat Grass juice.


Well-Known Member
Vegetarian here, do eat eggs but from my own hens and do drink milk from my own goats but since I know what goes into both of those I don't feel it is cheating too bad.:blsmoke:


sorry, omnivore here, but i was wondering what the difference between vegetarian and vegan is?


Well-Known Member
sorry, omnivore here, but i was wondering what the difference between vegetarian and vegan is?
Vegetarians don't eat meat. Vegans don't eat meat or anything that comes from an animal; ie. milk, eggs, cheese, gelatin, etc.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
why would someone choose to be vegan? im curious i understand nutrition quite well as an athlete and someone concerned with overall health. vegetarian's can be very healthy this diet includes complete animal protein in the form of milk and eggs. soy and other plant protein sources simply do not offer the same benefits regardless of what people try to say the amino acid profile is badly lacking compared to animal sources. humans are predators like dogs cats etc.. and have evolved to process animal protein needed for muscle mass organ health and healthy hormone production and many other things. i have only known 1 vegan he was a friend i raced with he simply did not like to have to kill any animals for his benefit or be responsible for the waste involved in animal production which i respect but he did know it was not the best diet for an athlete. is this generally why most people are vegan? i dont see that there is a health benefit going beyond eating organically and being vegetaian. so im assuming it is mainly an enviromental choice beef production in particular is a nightmare and causes many problems. im not trying to anger anyone i just am curios as to why people make the choice to be vegan just wondering:peace::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I would be vegan if I didn't produce my own foodstuffs since the thought of how those animals are treated turns my stomach.


Well-Known Member
Meat 100 years ago was probably meat.
Meat today is the result of a biolgical protien/flesh factory (modern day farm animal). I don't eat it (mostly) because the stuff is poison, and organicly grown is pricey. I've also read parts of Bhagavad-gita (hari-Krishna "Bible" or vedic verse, Hare-Krishna's are Vegitarian).
About twice a month I'll eat a fish taco or a bean burito (the carnicaria by my house uses pork in their beans).
My concience may one day get to me and I won't use blood or bone meal.


Well-Known Member
why would someone choose to be vegan? im curious i understand nutrition quite well as an athlete and someone concerned with overall health. vegetarian's can be very healthy this diet includes complete animal protein in the form of milk and eggs. soy and other plant protein sources simply do not offer the same benefits regardless of what people try to say the amino acid profile is badly lacking compared to animal sources. humans are predators like dogs cats etc.. and have evolved to process animal protein needed for muscle mass organ health and healthy hormone production and many other things. i have only known 1 vegan he was a friend i raced with he simply did not like to have to kill any animals for his benefit or be responsible for the waste involved in animal production which i respect but he did know it was not the best diet for an athlete. is this generally why most people are vegan? i dont see that there is a health benefit going beyond eating organically and being vegetaian. so im assuming it is mainly an enviromental choice beef production in particular is a nightmare and causes many problems. im not trying to anger anyone i just am curios as to why people make the choice to be vegan just wondering:peace::mrgreen:
You would be interested in this: ::: THE CHINA STUDY :::

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
im not vegan but i fully agree with avoiding mass produced chicken or beef. it is absoluteley not the same as eating animals that have organically raised and fed proper diets. the slaughterhouses are terrible for the animals and the people consuming them it is only about money and getting a calf to 1200 pounds as fast as possible by feeding cows other cows and other very unnatural proceses which reduces natural fat burning compounds such as (cojugated linoleic acid) which they get from grasses in there normal diet. i could go on and on about this and trans fats and high fructose corn syrup etc...etc... the list of bullshit is endless. the biggest problem i have is affording proper foods especially now (thanks bush enjoy your profits). i ride 200 to 300 miles a week on my bike and eat well mostly. the other day i ate a frozen chicken dinner (highly processed hundreds of ingredients) i felt like shit for 2 days. once your body is clean and you eat crap it really f**** you up. lately i eat alot of free range buffalo(bison) i dont think organic meats in moderation are in any way bad for humans if you are balanced with your diet. i also feel different diets effect people differently because of genes and cultural history. it is unfortunate that the majority of people do not understand nutrition. this hits poor people the hardest because crap is cheap. it is sad that life expectancy in america is lower for children born today now simply because of poor diet and lack of physical activity:peace:


Well-Known Member
ppl dont try to make me stop eating meat
ill eat meat till i die
Are you serious!?!?!?!?! OMFG! RED ALERT!

ATTENTION GUYS!!!! WE HAVE A SITUATION HERE! We need to take skeetsk8 off of our conversion list, ASAP.

Don't worry, It's cool dude, we will stop mailing you things and nobody will come by your house anymore I promise. :roll:


Well-Known Member
ppl dont try to make me stop eating meat
ill eat meat till i die
if i die eating meat ill die happy
You want to eat meat. What do I care? Who said anything about suppressing your diet?

You assume we judge you. The truth is we don't care what you choose to do to your body. We control our diets for our own reasons. Since you decided to crash the party I will share mine.

With every fork full of dead animal you cram into your pie hole, you commit a cruel and violent act. You don't slaughter the animal on the killing room floor, but you are a key participant. Most meat eaters could not kill what they eat - preferring to maintain the childhood fantasy of the happy farm. By consuming the flesh of that animal who's life you stole, the barbarous treatment and death of that creature becomes part of you. The stench of decay is on you and permeates everything you do. Think about that the next time you pass a full cattle truck and see the suffering of those animals.

Meat is bad for the environment. Our world would be a better place if we were all vegetarians. Just a suggestion.


You want to eat meat. What do I care? Who said anything about suppressing your diet?

You assume we judge you. The truth is we don't care what you choose to do to your body. We control our diets for our own reasons. Since you decided to crash the party I will share mine.

With every fork full of dead animal you cram into your pie hole, you commit a cruel and violent act. You don't slaughter the animal on the killing room floor, but you are a key participant. Most meat eaters could not kill what they eat - preferring to maintain the childhood fantasy of the happy farm. By consuming the flesh of that animal who's life you stole, the barbarous treatment and death of that creature becomes part of you. The stench of decay is on you and permeates everything you do. Think about that the next time you pass a full cattle truck and see the suffering of those animals.

Meat is bad for the environment. Our world would be a better place if we were all vegetarians. Just a suggestion.

so i take it that you are a vegetarian/vegan b/c of the unethical/cruel treatment of animals that are raised for slaughter?? so if someone raises their own animals for meat, milk, eggs, etc; is that acceptable in your eyes?? if no, then why not?? just curious here.


Well-Known Member
I am against all killing. However, I respect someone who raises their own stock for food. There is no disconnection between the animal and the consumer.


thanks for the reply. was just wondering. i dont raise my own animals, but at the same time, only have a handful of veggies i can stomach, so i guess i am one of the murdering majority.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
anyone who eats meat should at 1 time in there life have to look the animal in the eye kill the animal gut and prepare it so they are aware of what goes on and more appreciative of the animal that has been killed and used. i have done this for this reason. i personally see this as the proper circle of life all of us will be eaten at some point mostly by bacteria and insects or eventually taken up as fertilizer by plants. i do however try to buy organically raised meats for health and animal life quality. i know what goes on at the mass production factories and it is not a good thing but as an athlete i will not sacrifice my health or quality of life because something has to die. but like i said i do try to avoid the garbage meat its not what it once was. i personally feel that killing is killing. when i cull a male plant i feel no different than killing a mammal for food. because people asociate themselves with things with eyes they assume lower life forms dont count. by this standard vegans could eat insects and oceanic invertebrates such as mussels/snails/corrals/clams and many more. they are no more aware of things than plants and do not have a true brain only ganglia a series of responsive nerve endings. anyways just wondering why some of these are excluded from vegan diets as eating them would be similar to eating plants as far as conciousness is concerned. just thinking outload:peace::mrgreen: