The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
there's nee cherry assassin in it at all yorkie and ice you couldn't grow a new foot if you fuckin tried.

must be shite it's got the cherry smell and the slh yeild gonna bust 10 ounce. dog shite. you lot talk fucking bollocks


Well-Known Member
what was that just a hit n run then don? ice may not be able to grow a foot good 1 fucker couldnt grow a plant either lol

could always bring up your plants nute burnt to fuck a few yr ago, or the many people who said ya weed taste of chems lol or could just go to the journals and lick each others ringpiece oh ''oh ya plants are sooooo good''

but no worries everything will be alreeeeeeeeeeet lmao


Active Member
hi guys..
have a wee look at this.
what shapes the best???

green = existing.
yellow- proposed
red- option
black is best yes but need the space. its a small attic


Well-Known Member
there's nee cherry assassin in it at all yorkie and ice you couldn't grow a new foot if you fuckin tried.

must be shite it's got the cherry smell and the slh yeild gonna bust 10 ounce. dog shite. you lot talk fucking bollocks
WOOHOO werd u grow a set from rofl,, heaven forbid sum1 slag of sum BB seeds, wlell just checked they must be qwality with beeng halfed in price :chuckle:, wassit half yours don??? oh shit soz naaa yournowt to do with it IMO

have u maybe thought its coz yorkie may have a tolerence? u u get sum dossers innit :P

evnin sambo i notice ur on a lot recently? at home alone are we?


Well-Known Member
hi guys..
have a wee look at this.
what shapes the best???

green = existing.
yellow- proposed
red- option
black is best yes but need the space. its a small attic
the green is best as its not touching the roof surface,, FLIR CAN SEE SURFACE HEAT , u need that tent as far from the sides of the roof as you can,,hence the green one is best

but hell wat do i know rite?


Well-Known Member
whos been here longer??? loololl

hows ya doing anyway D? cold over there? fucking freezing last week or so here warming up abit now.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
what was that just a hit n run then don? ice may not be able to grow a foot good 1 fucker couldnt grow a plant either lol
could always bring up your plants nute burnt to fuck a few yr ago, or the many people who said ya weed taste of chems lol or could just go to the journals and lick each others ringpiece oh ''oh ya plants are sooooo good''
but no worries everything will be alreeeeeeeeeeet lmao
aye hit n run it was, too pissed n tired to argue the toss tbh. ok then show of digital hands who's slagged my weed off then? not got the stones to say it to me. where'd you get this ounce of smelly cherry from cos it weren't me?

aye a few year back i might have burnt a few plants i have only been growing a few years so it's hardly surprising i fucked a few along the way. actually i'd like a reminder when precisely and what strains were they cos i don;t really mind on burning a full crop too badly. moderately on some plants but ive never toasted a full lot.

andyou've never saind nee ones plants look nice hahah aye lad right oh
WOOHOO werd u grow a set from rofl,, heaven forbid sum1 slag of sum BB seeds, wlell just checked they must be qwality with beeng halfed in price :chuckle:, wassit half yours don??? oh shit soz naaa yournowt to do with it IMO
have u maybe thought its coz yorkie may have a tolerence? u u get sum dossers innit :P
sorry for the crack bout your leg lad, was a cheap shot that. i grew a set when folks start slagging my work. where's your seedbank n website eh? oh thats reet everything but clone onles are shite and crosses are too even if you put 3 clone onlies in the melting pot. none of the offspring will be as good as any of the parents. utter bollocks.

don't mind criticism at all, horses for courses at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
lmao aint got enough drugs or vods in me now don, was just trying to get a reaction, no fun the next day when ya not wrecked lol

still i stick to my word am yet to taste any weed just on a 7day dry that compares to the clone-onlys, now with a good cure and grown right theres many a strain that kick there arse but just on a dry no.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lmao aint got enough drugs or vods in me now don, was just trying to get a reaction, no fun the next day when ya not wrecked lol

still i stick to my word am yet to taste any weed just on a 7day dry that compares to the clone-onlys, now with a good cure and grown right theres many a strain that kick there arse but just on a dry no.
if you will stop trying other strains your hardly likely to really


Well-Known Member
don't mind criticism at all, horses for courses at the end of the day.

fuck nos why the txt is black? but lolololol as soon as a bad word is said bout a bb strain you girls start getting ya handbags out??? fair play and respect for doing what ya doin but dont make out ya strain are super doooper when they aint.


Well-Known Member
if you will stop trying other strains your hardly likely to really
i get sent more than a few samples of different strains and i still stick to me to what i said, grown right and cured properly theres many a strain that will eat the clone-onlys for breakfast but curing for 6-8wk is abit of chore lolol