Bulldogs first journal (I'm a virgin so please be gentle)


Well-Known Member
Hahaha it's UberPea, i just say duece at the end of my thing to say like, goodbye.
And i would kill the shit out of that rabbit lol, get out the Daisy.

Duece. (Goodbye.)


New Member
Lennie Small: An intellectually disabled man who dreams of "living off the fatta' the lan'" and being able to tend to the rabbits (POT Plants). He possesses a child's mental ability, but the strength of a "bull", resulting in inability to control or judge his own strength. This results in accidental killings the objects of his affection (such as mice, his puppy, POT Plants).
of mice and men...john steinbeck...I love that book...you will do better next time time we had some slip ups before we hit it...
" tell me some more bout dem rabbits george"


Well-Known Member
It's a miracle, my bubblicious seeds finally showed today! (it only took 7 weeks) Guess I will continue in this thread, since they were part of the original plan way back when.

The bubblicious just went into the paper towel a couple of hours ago. I also started four bagseed yesterday as a backup not believing the bub would ever show. Oh, I almost forgot. The WW I fried is coming back strong and has 6 new points of growth. Sure hope its a female. Once the bub comes up I will post pics.

Till next time kids, just say fuck "the man", but keep your stash hidden!


Well-Known Member
haha congrats on the seeds finally showing.
Also awesome job on the WW.
Can't wait to see some pics.



Well-Known Member
i agree dog, fuck da man. hope everything falls into place now, and those ww grow into skull numbing girlies. peace out from koosh/or jacksoffalot lol.


Well-Known Member
Time for a quick update boys and girls.
I now have four bubblicious and four bagseed seedlings. The bubblicious are at day three of popping through the soil and the bagseed are at day five. The new happy family is under the 400W with a newly arrived MH conversion bulb. Soil is MG moisture control. The temp is staying around 80F with the light on and 65F off. I switch the off time to the middle of the day so the temps won't fluctuate as much. Fan runs during lights on. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here, send me some good vibes.

Oh and all but one WW have bitten the dust. All the WW that died (three I pulled after three weeks of no new growth) grew to about an inch tall and then quit growing.

I took a bunch of pics today but only one came out that wasn't blurry. Will take some more tomorrow. Bub on the left, WW bottom right.



Well-Known Member
Nice bull! I'm glad you got things going and under control. Keep us updated with those pictures ;)!


Well-Known Member
Ok gang, time for another update.
All the plants seem to be doing well. The seedlings are all bigger than any of the deceased WW ever got, except for angelina who is pictured below. It is amazing that plant is still alive after all the shit I put it through. I gave it a second shot of light nutes yesturday and seems to be taking it well. I actually noticed a slight case of nute burn, which is good because it means she is finally taking nutes from the soil. The bag seed is now at day 7 and the bub at day 5, pics taken today.
As for the pictures:
1 and 2 are Angelina
3 is a comparison shot of the seedlings (bub on the left)
4 is the largest bag seed


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Well-Known Member
Thanks bongspit and joebuck! Things appear to be going smoothly so far.(knock on wood). I will post some more picks in a couple of days.