so i pull out my plants today


New Member
I will b harvesting the plant pictured in this thread in about 45 mins....I'm smoking out real good at the moment preparing myself....I'm losing my virginity:) its my 1st.


Active Member
Smell can be bad aye, when it happens to me i run to my local shop and buy rosmarin and lavender. If you have a garden, fill it with other smelling plants! :)


New Member we time this posts I'll have already cut so pleasebdont bother n tell me its too early... its not early or late....its right on time:)....I've smoked some already....I'm letting her sister go 9weeks or more to see the diff....its day 52 for this one


New Member
Man she's so pretty....I'll have a hard time finding another to compare I beginers luck may spoil me a little....I may expect this outta all my plants... .


Well-Known Member
Ya smart aleck.
Trimming sucks.
That'll learn ya to grow such big purty buds;-)
We'll hear from ya in another hour or so......


Well-Known Member
That shit looks disgusting... u should just send it to me for testing. Lol.

Beautiful plant.. amazing first grow


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. It should take at LEAST 5 days IMO.(obviously the popcorn will dry faster l.. if i keeo the popcorn for smoke i kust jar it early and burp often)The longer u can make it take to dry without molding the better its gonna taste.


New Member
looks good maybe a lil light in color but it may be the pic it could also be from you not feeding much in veg didnt have much N stored
Its the lighting...she's the greenest plant I got...1355928212238.jpg...tried to get a better pic but still looks off color....but she's green dammit....ha....actually knock on wood she's 600watts sitting right on top of her n she loves it....