brown spots on leaves White widow chees mix, anyone ever grow this before?


I have tried everything at least i think i have. Juts keeps getting worse. None of my other plants grown under the same condition are experiencing this. I tried epsom salt, ive been giving it cal mag and since it was about two weeks its been showing brown spots. I thought it was a mag dif, but did the epsom salt thing and have been giving it cal mag. I flushed it as well and it did not seem to do the difference. Any suggestions? please dont mention anything about PH, cause i notice people like to bring up ph alot.



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Since you've tried everything possible you can tell us what your pH is since you know that isn't the issue.

So what medium are you growing in, what nutrients, what strain, lights and images of the affected plant without HPS light are all necessary to get you quality help from the real pros and not the newbie guessers like me.


well to be honest, I feel like 95% of the people on here are noobies. And i dont mean to insult people new to growing, but I am an expert on human behavior. And i come on here and see some of the stupidest shit get said from people trying to sound smart. And this happens cause 99% of the human race are followers. For example, If i say I piss in my plants one harvest and got the biggest yield ever, you will have others pissing in their plants, and if they succeed in bigger yields they will assume that what I did worked and will be giving advice like its their own telling people to piss in their plants for bigger yields. Another example, And sorry to everyone this offends, but math, science and common sense lack among people who grow and smoke weed. I see people say things like, "I left the rockwool cubes in ph'ed water for 24 hours".... Really? common sense and 3rd grade math can easily tell you that it doesnt matter if you soak a sponge for 10 mins or ten days, once maximum absorption is achieved it doesnt get more soaked, lmao.. but you cant tell someone whos had great results leaving their rockwool overnight cause it worked for the person they got the idea from and worked for them so why use common sense.. Then you got the people who take clones and say "leave the water overnight to get rid of the chlorine" then they put peroxide in the water to kill bacteria and prevent root rot... Ummmm do you understand why theirs chlorine in the water??? if they had common sense tho not that common, they would leave the chlorine in and not ad peroxide but hey thats what someone who had great results did. Just like people who think cutting clones at a 45 degree angle makes a difference. This is why i said dont mention PH cause the first thing a follower and not someone who actually experimented various conditions for themself to document the causes and effects will always mention ph first. Like no matter what you say is wrong with the plant you get, "whats the PH level"? Real pros never check PH sorry! And would know a PH problem by description without needing a picture. And the title of my ad says White widow cheese mix, has anyone grown this before? and yet I still get a response asking what strain and what specifics almost as if its routine to ask before actually reading what the post was. So ill try again if any REAL PROS wanna give some advice.. I tried the epsom salt, my leave are showing the same symptoms you would get from a mag def or nut lockout. All my plants are growing under the same conditions and not having this problem, SO I ASK AGAIN, HAS ANYONE EVER GROWN WHITE WIDOW MIXED WITH CHEESE? As I am starting to think its genetically unstable?

Thanks again for any advice and sorry if I sound rude but ima a leader and not a follower in life and would only like to deal with like minded people. Real recognize real.


Well-Known Member
id love to help bro, but pics are kinda kinda nessicary...not so much post about how ur a expert on human behavior, lol


bublonicchronic, let me ask you something, do you know what weed leaves look like when they have brown spots on them? If so, hows is a picture gonna clarify it. If someone said their leaves were yellowing out, you would assume they had nitro def right? would you need to see a pic of yellowing leaves to determine that? Im not trying to be smart when im looking for advice. I changed the soil and replanted the plant. The only thing I could think of is maybe when I planted it into a bigger pot I packed the soil to tight so maybe that will help. I also let the plants roots sit in epsom salt water while I transplanted. I noticed the soil didnt look as airy as the others. Maybe it wasnt getting enough air or had a lock. If I sounded rude or snobbish not my intent in the real world I speak str8 up wit no bs and sugar coating. The only thing a picture is going to show is that my leaves have brown spots and look like theyre rusting. Im not some overzealous first time grower and want everyone to see my pics so i can get some sorta approval from other first time growers who love to mention ph levels cause it makes them sound more like they know what their talking about.. No offense to anyone


Well-Known Member
post a pic bro, yellowing necrosis starts at different areat depending on the issue, seems like YOU wanna sound smart when you dont knwo shit, and are askin for advce...nno offence, BRO


if you cant help dont respond. your obviously not reading my post just looking to put two cents in, and im sure thats all your advice is worth. Like i said a pro wouldnt need a picture, and a pro would know how to describe the problem. The problem is not starting from the edge of the leaf, no yellowing is happening what so ever. If I dont post a pic its because my description is good enough for anyone who has knowledge of what a mag def looks like. And I do 3D animation with degrees from college and certified to use over 100k in state of the art industry standard software. Im not gonna defend my intelligence to someone who cant understand a simple question. the question is for those pros who know their shit, I have white widow cheese mix that is showing the same signs as a mag def, (brown spots). NONE of the other plants of various strains growing under the same conditions are showing these signs. So is their anyone who has grown this particular mix of strains before? If not thanks anyway.


Well-Known Member
I think what bublonichronic was trying to tell you is this, without seeing your grow (lights, plants, temp, soil, air-flow, watering) there is nothing a noobie or even a pro could help you with.
Ive seen a few different colors of "brown" spots on leaves indicating different things.

Oh and just so you know Mr. Expert of human behavoir, there is actually a reason why you want to cut your clones on an angle...but Im not going to tell you why until you get off you high horse.


Well-Known Member
if you cant help dont respond. your obviously not reading my post just looking to put two cents in, and im sure thats all your advice is worth. Like i said a pro wouldnt need a picture, and a pro would know how to describe the problem. The problem is not starting from the edge of the leaf, no yellowing is happening what so ever. If I dont post a pic its because my description is good enough for anyone who has knowledge of what a mag def looks like. And I do 3D animation with degrees from college and certified to use over 100k in state of the art industry standard software. Im not gonna defend my intelligence to someone who cant understand a simple question. the question is for those pros who know their shit, I have white widow cheese mix that is showing the same signs as a mag def, (brown spots). NONE of the other plants of various strains growing under the same conditions are showing these signs. So is their anyone who has grown this particular mix of strains before? If not thanks anyway.
A pro wouldnt need a pic" that shows how dumb and ignorant you are, a lockout can look like a burn a vice versa,,,but you wouldnt know that would you??/


umm, why so that it can help the roots grow better? And let me guess, shave a little skin off the sides and put a vertical slit in the stem will help root production right? lol Why because thats what people say to do right? and of course if it works for you your none the wiser. Ive never cut my roots at a 45 angle before and I get 100% success rate with clones. And this was for multiple strains.. So, do you need to cut at an angle, answer no. If you feel like it will help your roots grow quicker more power to you. But if you havent actually try to clone without doing cutting an angle, your not going off any of your own experience your just growing how someone told you to grow. I was very specific I said brown spots, not burgundy not yellow, not white.. I cloned under every condition and every method you can think of, and documented all the results. 45 degree angles are irrelevant. But, dont take my word for it, go read what the guy who invented the EZ clone says.


I make over 100k a year without having sell weed.. Talk to me when you have a career.. And I grow OG like regs... lol I use OG and master to do experiments on.. you call that exotic? lmao But im not gonna argue, enjoy making your 400. off your OG im not mad at you. then you say a lock out could like a burn... Burns dont look like lil brown spots they happen at the tips.. and they curl.


Well-Known Member
umm, why so that it can help the roots grow better? And let me guess, shave a little skin off the sides and put a vertical slit in the stem will help root production right? lol Why because thats what people say to do right? and of course if it works for you your none the wiser. Ive never cut my roots at a 45 angle before and I get 100% success rate with clones. And this was for multiple strains.. So, do you need to cut at an angle, answer no. If you feel like it will help your roots grow quicker more power to you. But if you havent actually try to clone without doing cutting an angle, your not going off any of your own experience your just growing how someone told you to grow. I was very specific I said brown spots, not burgundy not yellow, not white.. I cloned under every condition and every method you can think of, and documented all the results. 45 degree angles are irrelevant. But, dont take my word for it, go read what the guy who invented the EZ clone says.
45 angle helpes with root production, so does scarification, like a said , youra joke , take advice when its given...


Well-Known Member
I make over 100k a year without having sell weed.. Talk to me when you have a career.. And I grow OG like regs... lol I use OG and master to do experiments on.. you call that exotic? lmao But im not gonna argue, enjoy making your 400. off your OG im not mad at you. then you say a lock out could like a burn... Burns dont look like lil brown spots they happen at the tips.. and they curl.
blah blah blah, says the guy wiht no pics....


Well-Known Member
I make over 100k a year without having sell weed.. Talk to me when you have a career.. And I grow OG like regs... lol I use OG and master to do experiments on.. you call that exotic? lmao But im not gonna argue, enjoy making your 400. off your OG im not mad at you. then you say a lock out could like a burn... Burns dont look like lil brown spots they happen at the tips.. and they curl.
you never posted a pic CLOWN, show me your 4,000 watt garden.


Thats like me arguing with someone who vegges on 24 hours of light... They never studied plant science..


again, your assuming shit, I never said I had a 4000 watt garden,, and im a grown ass man i do gardens,, i do jungles. You probably tinkle when you use the bathroom. Let me assure u, I take PISSES. Why you so mad? cause i dont wanna take a pic. My shit is simple if it makes you happy I dont spend what I make on growing I have a full fledge production studio, in my crib, and one in manhattan, the greatest city in the world. I was in parades on 5th ave before lol you wanna see a picture of that... lol I have3 locations wich i grow in. Im connected. All my grow ops are simple. maybe 10 - 14 plants. I make enough money doing what I do. And calling me clown smh, your prob one of those guys that likes to talk tough over a comp. I dont gotta do all that Im from nyc im not about talking trash over a comp.


Well-Known Member
again, your assuming shit, I never said I had a 4000 watt garden,, and im a grown ass man i do gardens,, i do jungles. You probably tinkle when you use the bathroom. Let me assure u, I take PISSES. Why you so mad? cause i dont wanna take a pic. My shit is simple if it makes you happy I dont spend what I make on growing I have a full fledge production studio, in my crib, and one in manhattan, the greatest city in the world. I was in parades on 5th ave before lol you wanna see a picture of that... lol I have3 locations wich i grow in. Im connected. All my grow ops are simple. maybe 10 - 14 plants. I make enough money doing what I do. And calling me clown smh, your prob one of those guys that likes to talk tough over a comp. I dont gotta do all that Im from nyc im not about talking trash over a comp.
i live in vegas, we are fee to do whatever homie.again wrong..