ISO Extraction Journal


Active Member
Sup guys gonna be documenting some of my latest ISO Oil Extractions here , will have tons of pictures so feel free to stop by and say whats up and drool at the golden goodness .

Strain: Outdoor Blue Cheese Weight: 4.4g Return Weight: 0.8g Return Percentage: 19% Number of Washes: 8 Wash Times: 10-50 seconds Amount Of ISO Used: 10 Fl.oz Evaporation Technique: Low Heat + Whipping

Evap Chamber (Lol just 2 plates)

"softening" it up

After whipping it for 5 mintues on and off the heat source

got a crumbly wax type texture, its very loose and is hard to get on the dabber but man does it look great and the taste, Oh my lord you can really taste the organics in the oil its crazy.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
8 washes seems excessive, but the end result and yield seem good. I'm pretty surprised that you didn't pick up more chlorophyll and plant waxes with the multiple washes. I usually just do one 30 second wash, since any following washes typically seem to be much lower quality. Then again, I use trim -- maybe with bud it's a different story. Nice job on the whipping. I didn't realize that worked for iso extracted oil. I might do that tonight.


Active Member
8 washes seems excessive, but the end result and yield seem good. I'm pretty surprised that you didn't pick up more chlorophyll and plant waxes with the multiple washes. I usually just do one 30 second wash, since any following washes typically seem to be much lower quality. Then again, I use trim -- maybe with bud it's a different story. Nice job on the whipping. I didn't realize that worked for iso extracted oil. I might do that tonight.
It may be a bit excessive but im just trying to get my moneys worth. and the end result came out pretty good even the 7 and 8th washes. Im using a Cloud 9 ISO Extraction Kit. Basiclly its a glass extractor tube attached to a low pressure hand pump, works great. I just do alot of short timed washes with it.

Thank you for stopping by and checking it out, yeah whipping iso takes some getting use to but after you do it a few times you start to get the hang of it.

Stop by soon ill be making more tonight with the same strain


Active Member
Strain: Outdoor Blue Cheese Weight: 3.9g Return Weight: 0.75g Return Percentage: 19% Number of Washes: 8 Wash Times: 10-50 seconds Amount Of ISO Used: 10 Fl.oz Evaporation Technique: Low Heat + Whipping

Bud and ISO were frozen for 24+ hours prior to extraction. 7th and 8th washes went a bit longer than the first 6.

On the last wash i shook the extractor tube with the ISO in it hard for 4 seconds before i pumped it.

After the initial scrape (was still a bit wet when i scrapped it but no visible runny ISO.)


Softening it up a bit


in the "evap chamber"


Turning into wax/budder

Final Product


And in it goes to the dish with its brothers and sisters of dank waxy goodness!


The whole process took me about 1.5 hours total, from the time i took the ISO and bud out of the freezer, to the time i weighed out my ball of wax.

If any one is interested in dank results like these get yourself some high grade buds and pm me!

Later heads!

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Awesome dude. Tell us more about the extraction kit. I whipped some into budder tonight, and it came out real nice!


Well-Known Member
Great looking concentrate! Ive only used ISO to reclaim things, my oil rig, little hash jars, dabbers an such.
Can you detail your supplies for us? what % ISO you use, screen quality and extractor tube?


Active Member
Awesome dude. Tell us more about the extraction kit. I whipped some into budder tonight, and it came out real nice!
Nice man do you have a thread where you post pics or anything id love to check it out.

Great looking concentrate! Ive only used ISO to reclaim things, my oil rig, little hash jars, dabbers an such.

Can you detail your supplies for us? what % ISO you use, screen quality and extractor tube?
i use 99% ISO, the screen is a Ez Technology filter screen (which is essentially 2 coffee filters in between 2 pre-filters) and the tube is a custom made boro glass tube with a 18mm male joint on one end and a flared opening on the other.

Thanks for the comments guys!

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Nice man do you have a thread where you post pics or anything id love to check it out.

i use 99% ISO, the screen is a Ez Technology filter screen (which is essentially 2 coffee filters in between 2 pre-filters) and the tube is a custom made boro glass tube with a 18mm male joint on one end and a flared opening on the other.

Thanks for the comments guys!
I don't have a thread, but here's the first try at budder from iso I made:


I'm curious how the glass tube works, and what your process is. I have an idea, and it's something that I've kind of been thinking about already. I think you might already be doing it..

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
^^ ya that budder came out nice!

the process with the tube is pretty easy, you load it with your chopped up buds, put the filter over the flared end with a hose clamp or rubber bands. Then pour your iso in the other end, attach the hand pump, and start pumping, the pump forces air into the tube which pushes the iso past the buds and through the filter and on to your pyrex dish.
Awesome man. +rep


Well-Known Member
If i could make some of this with my 99% iso I would be so happy, I will be buying an air pump today and making a rig like this. all my shit comes out busted.


Active Member
So ive had a few people ask me how ive been getting this budder consistency and i gotta say im pretty much just winging it at this point and doing it by feel, but im trying to document it the more i do it so heres what little i have.

***The Thermostat on my griddle is way off so the temps i am giving you are just what the dial says they are not the true temps!!******

1. I scrape my plates about 10-15 mintues after all visible runny ISO is gone, while they are on top of the pancake griddle on a low temp 150-200*F.

The Oil is usally at a slightly softer consistency than taffy, i like to think of it as a sour patch kid that had been left in a hot car. Its fairly easy to work with, not to runny/oily, not to dry/flaky.

2. Keeping the different washes separate, i scrape them all onto the same plate and place on the griddle at about 225*F-250*F.

I take another plate and place it on top of the original plate to create a sort of chamber/oven so it heats up quicker.

At this point im just trying to melt the oil down and spread/thin it out, using a clean dabber can help you achieve this

3. Once the 4 separate puddles of oil have gotten to a nice consistency

i will then take my dabber and kind of swirl all the separate runs of iso into each other, spreading and thinning it out.

4. Take the plate off the heat source Now its time to get to whipping, vigorously drag the dabber back and forth in small close strokes through the oil until it starts to cool off and solidify and the dabber becomes difficult to move through the oil. you should notice alot of air bubbles rising up at this point

5. Place the plate back on the griddle at about 200-225*F until it gets warm and soft again then whip again, go all different directions.

6. After you have done this about 2-3 times you should have a budder like consistency. You dont want to whip your oil for to long or let it get to warm because it will become brittle and dust like, very hard to gather together.

7. Enjoy your egg of hash!

I hope this helps a little bit. The temps and times are just a guide line, i dont sit here and time myself, although i should. Its kind of a trial and error thing im sure if you follow my steps and put your own little tweak on it youll have a good lookin prouct!


Well-Known Member
8 washes? Are you pouring the same alcohol over the stuff 8 times or is that 8 separate washes of clean alcohol? how much alcohol are you using on that 4 grams? Your stuff is very clean. Even one straight pour through of 91% alcohol gives me a way darker end product. Maybe ill get off my ass and finally go ona 99% hunt. None of the big drug stores or supermarkets around me have it. Im going to check out that extractor as well. I've been doing oaklys method and havent gotten it nearly as clean as him or you yet.


Active Member
8 washes? Are you pouring the same alcohol over the stuff 8 times or is that 8 separate washes of clean alcohol? how much alcohol are you using on that 4 grams? Your stuff is very clean. Even one straight pour through of 91% alcohol gives me a way darker end product. Maybe ill get off my ass and finally go ona 99% hunt. None of the big drug stores or supermarkets around me have it. Im going to check out that extractor as well. I've been doing oaklys method and havent gotten it nearly as clean as him or you yet.
No im pouring new alcohol over the same bud that i previously poured alcohol on and pumped through my new tube

99% is only gonna shorten your evap times and maybe save some terpens. You need to change your wash method to an extractor tube/ pump method.

You need to visit this website for more information on a extractor tube/pump kit

Thanks dude!


Active Member
This Outdoor Blue Cheese is putting up rock solid numbers, this is my 4th time running the bud and got back 19% for the 4th time. Really locking everything in with the cloud 9 extraction kit and some bomb outdoors.

3.5g No Stems > 0.65g of oil.

I let the plates sit out after all visible runny ISO was evaporated longer than i have been. So the oil was a little more flaky and hard than i am used to working with.

I whipped it for a little while, it was kind of tough though the oil didnt really wanna move around since it was so dry. But i ended up getting a really cool consistency, almost that of a tootsie roll or soft taffy, its very pliable but still looks kind of transparent. Check out the pics!

Before i whipped

In the process of whipping

End Product

Peace out fellas!


Active Member
This is for any one who doesnt think that im getting 19% returns with this pump/tube method, and some dank.

4.2g of Outdoor Blue Cheese w/ stems

0.3g of stems removed = 3.9g of bud total

Scale Tared out with oil slick pad

0.8g of oil according to my scale

I added this picture to be honest, kept jumping around from 0.7g to 0.8g which leads me to believe it is 0.75g of oil. Thats on the higher end of 19% return.

Put that on your nail and dab it!

Made with the C9EK

Peace out heads!

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Hey dude, I've been following your stuff, and it looks good. I'm wondering why though, if you butter all the washes together at the end, what's the point in keeping them separate? I guess it evaps faster in multiple dishes, but seems like it would be simpler to pour all the washes into one and evap it all off together and call it a day.