Veteran smoker First time grower.


I started my first grow abit ago. Not sure I got a grip on this yet, but my plants are just starting to show their sex. Threw out 1 male already. Mostly wanted to say hay to some other growers, to read and learn from your post.


Well-Known Member
hey man hows it going :)

pics are always a convorsation starter!!

ill sub up to this thread feel free to stop by mine (in sig)

let us know details..

grow area....

the more we know the more we can help and the more interested we get.


The username came from an old job, Making lime fertilizer out of rock. But thnks for the responce. Maybe we can come up with a better one over the hollidays.


Well-Known Member
Lol i was thinkin the same...what straine are you growing? What kind of system? What kind of space are you working with?


hey man hows it going :)

pics are always a convorsation starter!!

ill sub up to this thread feel free to stop by mine (in sig)

let us know details..

grow area....

the more we know the more we can help and the more interested we get.
I will try to get u what information i no...
Lighting: 400w Metal halide
medium: Peet moss, jiffy starter mix, and open to comments
nutes : Uh!
Grow area: 2' by 5' closet.
The 22nd will make it 4wks, only have 4 plants about 8" tall with 5 to 7 branches each.
I will do my best to post a pic or two this wkend.
I am excited being my first grow ever indoor or out.


Well-Known Member
peat moss and jiffy starter mix have enough nutrients in them to get you through veg but you may want to consider picking up some sort of all purpose fertilizer. not really sure what your budget is but you can pick up some expensive ones from a hydro store or just go with some water soluble miracle grow bloom booster which isnt bad on the wallet. just be carefull with it and dont over feed, start out with 1/4 strength and work your way up (same applies realy to any fertilizer)

not sure when you plan on switching ot flower either so it all depends i guess, if you start seeing some light green/yellow new growth you know the plant is hungry and you will want to get some sort of plant food into the soil, if they are a nice healthy green color then i wouldnt worry about it till flower time then you will want to make sure them girls have plenty of food available


Straine, shit this is just a rookie using seeds from "regalow" Comercial weed I been smoking. Figured I'd try to get things close to right first u no.


Well-Known Member
Straine, shit this is just a rookie using seeds from "regalow" Comercial weed I been smoking. Figured I'd try to get things close to right first u no.
never a bad idea man, my first grow was of the bagseed :)

i will tell you this though once you get some good genetics from a decent seed bank and breeder you will never go back to the ole bagseed :)

i always thought bagseed was just as good as these fancy strains till i broke down and placed my first seed order. you will be happy though with your end product and it only gets better with each grow afterwards.


Plants are on 12/12 cycle now, one is starting to show female 3 not sure. A guy I work with who has been growing for awhile, gave me some of his nutrients yesterday Have not applied yet waiting on pots to feel light


Well-Known Member
Its dicreet as hell from their or attitude...shipping package to remain secret, if you ever get a call from someone asking if you got a package PLAY DUMB. And make sure to get guaranteed shipping, little more but worth it, if anything happens they will replace. Also Nervana seeds i heard is good


Well-Known Member
i always thought bagseed was just as good as these fancy strains till i broke down and placed my first seed order. you will be happy though with your end product and it only gets better with each grow afterwards.
Depends on the bag. . .

If you're talking about the seedy Mexican brick stuff, check out the link to my grow report in my sig, below. I think its worth a look if you're growing this stuff already or have been thinking about it.

Bluntly, in terms of potency, no, even grown well, that stuff isn't as potent as good modern commercial strains.

On the other hand, there is still a lot to recommend about these Mexican lines: Can't beat the price of the ceeds (meaning you won't kick yourself if you accidentally kill a few along the way), plants are extremely tough and heat-resistant, flavor and potency are a *LOT* better than the bricked up commercial stuff, and yield is good.

You definitely could do worse.


Well-Known Member
Plants are on 12/12 cycle now, one is starting to show female 3 not sure. A guy I work with who has been growing for awhile, gave me some of his nutrients yesterday Have not applied yet waiting on pots to feel light
Don't add too much.
That's the most common mistake.

You don't need much, and you can always add more later.

But once you add too much, you can seriously hurt the plant, and then fixing it may not be so easy.

Also, if you're growing cheapo brick bag ceeds, check my link on Mexican schwagg below. There is some good info in there you may find helpful.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the bag. . .

If you're talking about the seedy Mexican brick stuff, check out the link to my grow report in my sig, below. I think its worth a look if you're growing this stuff already or have been thinking about it.

Bluntly, in terms of potency, no, even grown well, that stuff isn't as potent as good modern commercial strains.

On the other hand, there is still a lot to recommend about these Mexican lines: Can't beat the price of the ceeds (meaning you won't kick yourself if you accidentally kill a few along the way), plants are extremely tough and heat-resistant, flavor and potency are a *LOT* better than the bricked up commercial stuff, and yield is good.

You definitely could do worse.
nice trhead man, but i do have to say my ordered seeds i am growing have 5x the trichomes as that mexican bagseed @ week 4 of flower, not trying to dog your plants and like i said above nothing wrong with growing out some bagseed plants as they come out really good (usually 2x as good as the bud you picked them from)

anyways my point is this....bagseed plants are good, quality genetics from a reputable breeder are better. sorry if you dissagree but i have grown both and i can see the difference first hand.


Active Member
I live in Illinois, USA. nerves about ordering seeds, any advice?
Central Illinois here - ordered from Attitude - received order exactly 2 weeks after ordered - from UK so didn't think it was too bad. Got guaranteed shipping - thought it was worth it. So far, everything is growing fine.