
Well-Known Member
Do you experience any cravings or mood swings?

I've kind of felt a weird craving after 3 months, I'm not sure how to describe it, wanting to smoke, but wanting to keep clean for the sake of the time I've lasted.. I have a reason to keep clean, as many here don't really, which is leading me to question my career choice over something maybe a little more lenient with cannabis equally as tough..

6+ years of job security with no smoking or devote myself to the other option and hope it works out with more than 6 years of no smoking..
i get "urges" once in a while. but they soon pass. i do seem to have a slightly clearer head while at work. my boss seems to appreciate me a little more as well. my life used to be centered around pot. whenever i planned to do anything i always considered pot in the factor. "can i smoke pot while doing this?" i was smoking 24/7 for a few years there. i would wake up in the middle of the night, use the bathroom and take a bong rip. then simply go back to sleep. i don't want to say "pot was causing me problems". but i do feel now that it was distracting me.


Well-Known Member
i get "urges" once in a while. but they soon pass. i do seem to have a slightly clearer head while at work. my boss seems to appreciate me a little more as well. my life used to be centered around pot. whenever i planned to do anything i always considered pot in the factor. "can i smoke pot while doing this?" i was smoking 24/7 for a few years there. i would wake up in the middle of the night, use the bathroom and take a bong rip. then simply go back to sleep. i don't want to say "pot was causing me problems". but i do feel now that it was distracting me.
pot was definitely causing you physical problems to say the least . whether you know it or not .especially if you were smoking it. not matter how much people say its not bad for you . everything is bad for you in excess . everything. especially commenting on cannabis growing forums.;)


Well-Known Member
I'm smoking for the last time today.. Got all my detox remedies already... I wanna put hash on it but that is just more detox time ohh bother ... Hello stress


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys!! I had a pretty interesting day at work to say the least.

This is Senzi, the most recently opened. The decor and lighting is nice. I think it was a restaurant before. The place is huge and has a downstairs floor. Maybe 400sq m.

All clubs must have proper air filtration.

I think it'd be great here for late nights. I knew for the rent they were paying it was gonna be nice but it was better than I expected. Makes Airam club look like a market shoe box.


The tubes are up from yesterday and we're having an opening party tomorrow!!

When I went to meet my Columbian friend (another club owner) I wasn't quite sure who I was meeting. He knows everyone anyway. I walk into the club, sort out my ID. Proceed to join my friend at a table. An American woman, same age as me introduces herself as 'Willow' alongside husband 'Alex'. We start chatting, she says "have you heard of Soma?" I nodded, "that's my Dad". She is so cool, she knows a thing abt growing and breeding. We smoked their Amnesia Haze and various types of hash. She's hilarious and was telling me some stories! She knows Simon from Serious Seeds since she was little! Also medical seeds. Just everybody. They also have a seed co. wonder if her Dad helps? Looks like I'll be trying his seeds!! When am I gonna meet Shantibaba? Never did the cloning I intended, wth!!:)



I had to join this new club today and go with my friend to meet some people. I didn't check who as he knows everyone.


Well-Known Member
I'm super jeliouse of your lifestyle miss, need an apprentice slave?kiss-ass

Ur funny!! Lol! Yeah thank fuck I ended up in Cataluña and not another part of Spain. Just right place right time I suppose. Movement started with the clubs nearly 2 years ago and I've been here nearly 8 yrs. I love it and the freedom Barcelona offers.


Well-Known Member
Lucky girl! :) congrats on your successes and good luck on your endeavors ;)

maybe the advertising paid off and I will visit your club when I travel the world... ;) ... lol.