Do Democrats politicize science? Does Obama?

desert dude

Well-Known Member

"Back in the early days of his administration, President Barack Obama promised that he would not countenance the politicization of science. Specifically the president said:
It is about letting scientists like those here today do their jobs, free from manipulation or coercion, and listening to what they tell us, even when it’s inconvenient – especially when it’s inconvenient. It is about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda – and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology."

"Over at Slate, Jon Entine, head of the Genetic Literacy Project, is reporting that White House officials afraid of backlash from anti-biotech and environmental activists may have told the FDA to set on its findings until after the election. Slate reports:
But within days of the expected public release of the EA [environmental assessment] this spring, the application was frozen. The delay, sources within the government say, came after meetings with the White House, which was debating the political implications of approving the GM salmon, a move likely to infuriate a portion of its base.

Is that a politicization of science? Or is installing a political officer in the scientific based governmental oversight administrations closer to that idea (like Bush did). I can't see routing your political actions around the timing of reports as the politicization of science any more than delaying the RNC for a day to avoid a hurricane as the politicization of the weather.
Is that a politicization of science? Or is installing a political officer in the scientific based governmental oversight administrations closer to that idea (like Bush did). I can't see routing your political actions around the timing of reports as the politicization of science any more than delaying the RNC for a day to avoid a hurricane as the politicization of the weather.


Bush was bad. I concur. Bush snorted coke and drove drunk. He was, and is, bad. Karl Rove is a bald headed, evil genius, and Cheney is an automaton who was only given "life" when he had a heart implanted in his cyborg chest. I agree with you on all of this.

But this is about Obama. Did Obama put this science on hold for political reasons? Is this another Obama lie?

"The GLP has been leaked a confidential copy of the 159-page assessment, dated April 19, 2012, which had been circulated and approved—a summary of which we have been given permission to publish. It states that the Center for Veterinary Medicine, which has regulatory responsibility within the FDA, reached a “no effect” determination under the Endangered Species Act. That should have led to the publication of the EA in the Federal Register, paving the way for a public review period, which would have lasted 30 to 90 days. If the process had been followed, genetically modified salmon could have been on dinner tables by next year.

When asked about the holdup, FDA spokeswoman Siobhan DeLancey said, “I recommend you talk to the OMB or the White House. That’s all I’m willing to say.”

Bush was bad. I concur. Bush snorted coke and drove drunk. He was, and is, bad. Karl Rove is a bald headed, evil genius, and Cheney is an automaton who was only given "life" when he had a heart implanted in his cyborg chest. I agree with you on all of this.

But this is about Obama. Did Obama put this science on hold for political reasons? Is this another Obama lie?

"The GLP has been leaked a confidential copy of the 159-page assessment, dated April 19, 2012, which had been circulated and approved—a summary of which we have been given permission to publish. It states that the Center for Veterinary Medicine, which has regulatory responsibility within the FDA, reached a “no effect” determination under the Endangered Species Act. That should have led to the publication of the EA in the Federal Register, paving the way for a public review period, which would have lasted 30 to 90 days. If the process had been followed, genetically modified salmon could have been on dinner tables by next year.

When asked about the holdup, FDA spokeswoman Siobhan DeLancey said, “I recommend you talk to the OMB or the White House. That’s all I’m willing to say.”

Comparisons Desert Dude, comparisons. When I see Obama installing political operatives in administrations that "correct" scientific papers according to which way the political wind is blowing I will being to agree that Obama is making political hay out of scientific findings. If Obama had managed somehow to actually change that GM salmon report then you would find agreement here, but so far we don't see evidence of that. If we saw that or any other scientific report squelched in its entirety I would be more angry than you seem to think we should be over this. All we see is a timing issue. Big deal.
Comparisons Desert Dude, comparisons. When I see Obama installing political operatives in administrations that "correct" scientific papers according to which way the political wind is blowing I will being to agree that Obama is making political hay out of scientific findings. If Obama had managed somehow to actually change that GM salmon report then you would find agreement here, but so far we don't see evidence of that. If we saw that or any other scientific report squelched in its entirety I would be more angry than you seem to think we should be over this. All we see is a timing issue. Big deal.

As long as Obama did it for a noble reason, getting elected, it is cool.

Got it. Obamaphiles are just as loathsome and manipulative as Bushophiles... Surprise!
i can see canndo's point here tho, yeah it might have been a dirty move, but only technically. a little different than altering the public perception or understanding of a scientific finding.

These fish are the same age. Guess which one is genetically modified?
i can see canndo's point here tho, yeah it might have been a dirty move, but only technically. a little different than altering the public perception or understanding of a scientific finding.

Obama's words:
"It is about letting scientists like those here today do their jobs, free from manipulation or coercion, and listening to what they tell us, even when it’s inconvenient – especially when it’s inconvenient. It is about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda – and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology."

Was that a lie?
technically yes, but the quote doesn't necessary say in timely fashion, but the part about "distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda" is where the technicality gets him.
technically yes, but the quote doesn't necessary say in timely fashion, but the part about "distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda" is where the technicality gets him.

I am cool with that. Please remember these distinctions the next time you see, or hear, "but Bush...".
You have a pair of questions to answer then.

Were the findings distorted?

Were the findings not released?
mmmmmmm nothing like a few natural brook trout fillets with some lemon juice and a dash of S/P........ fuck this genetically modified shit.
mmmmmmm nothing like a few natural brook trout fillets with some lemon juice and a dash of S/P........ fuck this genetically modified shit.
100% agree!! You know what really sucks though? In this country there is no requirement to put a label on the product saying its made from GM ingredients. About 70% of all the processed food sold in the grocery store contains GM ingredients.
100% agree!! You know what really sucks though? In this country there is no requirement to put a label on the product saying its made from GM ingredients. About 70% of all the processed food sold in the grocery store contains GM ingredients.

something we can agree on. It's sad as hell. chickens legs breaking from their own weight, fish pumped with anything and everything under the sun........ we have a natural turkey farm about 5 miles from my house. and the turkey's are feed all natural ingredients and can roam on open pasture. Of course they're more money but worth every penny imo. the taste is night and day in comparison to the grocery stores.
something we can agree on. It's sad as hell. chickens legs breaking from their own weight, fish pumped with anything and everything under the sun........ we have a natural turkey farm about 5 miles from my house. and the turkey's are feed all natural ingredients and can roam on open pasture. Of course they're more money but worth every penny imo. the taste is night and day in comparison to the grocery stores.

I Worked at a trout farm. We grew Rainbow trout and artic char. They eat Purina Trout chow. No shit. They get lots of anti biotics and live in very small ponds. When they get to a certain weight depending on what our customers wanted. We would net up a few hundred, electricute them in plastic garbage cans and then run them thru a machine
I Worked at a trout farm. We grew Rainbow trout and artic char. They eat Purina Trout chow. No shit. They get lots of anti biotics and live in very small ponds. When they get to a certain weight depending on what our customers wanted. We would net up a few hundred, electricute them in plastic garbage cans and then run them thru a machine

thats funny because i worked at a trout hatchery in CT. but we breed and distributed under the state. but your right with what they ate. it came in 50 pound bags and looked and smelled like dog food. it's just crude protein garbage that fattens them up. they just sit in giant pools all day, thousands in one. You can always tell a stocked fish from a natural, the actual meat of the fish is a grey color instead of the nice pink you'd find in a natural fish.