Need help on planting seeds!@!@!

:leaf: i got a few seeds i wanna grow i got a good setup and i was gonna just plant them straight in soil in seedling trays is the a good way to do it? :leaf:high as a kite:leaf:


Active Member
i never had good results from soaking them. i have had 100% with the paper towel method though. get it wet ring it out fold it to the size of your palm and then i lay seeds inside the first fold and put that in a tupperware container w/ a lid in a desk drawer for 3 days. thats how i do it, you need to find something that works for you :) good luck have fun man!


Active Member
I always take a small pot, 3 inches or so, place a soilless mix in it leaving the level of the soil about 1 inch from the top of the pot, pour water over it to fill up the inch space you left, the water will drain out the bottom. Place the seed in the soilless mix at a depth of 1/2 inch. Place the pot in a warm spot (70-80 degrees). In 24 hours come back and spray the area where you planted the seed, 6-8 good squirts from your spray bottle. After that every 12 hours come back and spray the area where the seed is until it germinates. It will take anywhere from 2-4 days to germinate. On day 3 gently pour water to fill the pot and allow it to drain, weather you see the seedling or not to wet the whole pot of soil. Continue spraying at 12 hour intervals.

Sounds more complex than it is, but i have about a 95% success rate with this method, and you don't have to mess around with the seed once it has popped out of its shell, possibly damaging the root.


Well-Known Member
I always use the paper towel method, saves time on prepping pots for a seed that may not sprout. put em in a damp paper towel for a few days inside tupperware or a ziploc bag in the dark and then check em. At least you will know what your workin with.
I always take a small pot, 3 inches or so, place a soilless mix in it leaving the level of the soil about 1 inch from the top of the pot, pour water over it to fill up the inch space you left, the water will drain out the bottom. Place the seed in the soilless mix at a depth of 1/2 inch. Place the pot in a warm spot (70-80 degrees). In 24 hours come back and spray the area where you planted the seed, 6-8 good squirts from your spray bottle. After that every 12 hours come back and spray the area where the seed is until it germinates. It will take anywhere from 2-4 days to germinate. On day 3 gently pour water to fill the pot and allow it to drain, weather you see the seedling or not to wet the whole pot of soil. Continue spraying at 12 hour intervals.

Sounds more complex than it is, but i have about a 95% success rate with this method, and you don't have to mess around with the seed once it has popped out of its shell, possibly damaging the root.
thanks. i will probably use this method it seems simple i once try'ed using the paper towel method and i had no luck so i will try this when i get back to my home :)


Well-Known Member
I always use the paper towel method, saves time on prepping pots for a seed that may not sprout. put em in a damp paper towel for a few days inside tupperware or a ziploc bag in the dark and then check em. At least you will know what your workin with.


Well-Known Member
I always use the paper towel method, saves time on prepping pots for a seed that may not sprout. put em in a damp paper towel for a few days inside tupperware or a ziploc bag in the dark and then check em. At least you will know what your workin with.
yea, lotta work fillin a 16 oz. cup with

Garden weeds

Active Member
You already had a few comments on here now, but i would chose to use the paper towel method. With me it has been 100% successful everytime. Search it in youtube to show you exactly how to do it as you dont want to get it wrong. I have never just planted them in soil without seeing white so i cant really judge, but i wouldnt do it. GW


New Member
I put seeds in a glass of water until they sink... but no more than 24 hours. Then I put them in a damp paper towel and put it in a DVD case or Tupperware in the dark. Don't get your paper towel too wet or the seeds will drown and rot. Too dry and the seeds will dry out and die.

After they sprout a taproot about 1/2" long I plant.