The Weed Nerd~

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Sensimila, I was airborne for a bit too long in the 82nd airborne. I know back pain and troubles better than I care to admit as well as working my way through a nurse practioner nursing program. I don't know everything but I know a lot and would like to help. What kind of back pain do you specifically suffer from? muscle, nerve or both? Most of my back pain began as muscle spasm problems as far as I knew. The army was not big on doing imaging so when I got out I suspected that not jumping anymore and staying in shape would help and it did for a time. Then I had a major muscle tear in my lower back as a result of being a very active person. I never recovered from the muscle tear and constant spasms. As it turned out I had three bulging discs that acompanied the spams. These bulges pressed on my lower spinal nerves and redefined back pain for me. After time the muscle healed but eventually a disc ruptured. Because of the bulges the Doc had me on a tylenol free form of vicodin and muscle relaxers. When the disc ruptured it pressed on all the nerves on my lower left side. This was an unescapable constant pain that was maddening. My doc then labeled me as an addict and pill seeker because I was going through about 20 pills a day with no pain relief and I was still working. Oh I didn't mention that although I had a ruptured disc the doc never confirmed it by MRI so he didn't treat me for it he just called me an addict. I found a new doc and two days after our initial consult before my imaging could be scheduled I lost control of bowel and bladder. At this point I went to a bigger hospital and explained the situation and I was rished back for an MRI then rushed to a morphine IV and rushed into emergency surgery the following morning. I lived for two months with a disc crushing my nerves and although the surgery helped I have permanent nerve damage and am in constant pain. Some days are better than others and sometimes I can barely get out of bed for two weeks. Before the surgery I was suicidal and after the surgery during those extended periods of nerve pain I get there again. For me there has never been a pain like nerve pain and I was airborne infantry. When you combine extreme chronic pain with existing mental disorders like PTSD; thoughts can turn bad in the extreme.

What I do know is that a low dose of methadone "5mg" has provided a great deal of pain relief so long as I take it three times a day evenly spaced out. I know that methadone provokes bad thoughts of heroin addicts but this is a slow release form in a pill that cuts pain and DOES NOT fuck up your head like vicodin and percocet will it is also a less addictive form that you can better regulate and stop using if you feel you can. you can occasionally skip a dose if you don't feel you are in pain also. This has helped me greatly. I have been on different nerve pain meds for issues like fibro mialga and none have touched the nerve pain just put me to sleep. Don't let this discourage you though the nerve pain meds have really changed lives in many patients.

Secondly I have found that some slightly early harvest kush or afgahn kush at 5 to 10% amber heads has a very similar effect to relieving pain. For me a half bowl works very well and for an hour or so, clearly different people at different levels will have different tiime effects. This early harvest stuff has also provided energy and thought clarity. As you know from being in extreme back pain it can rule your every thought. This is the part of my medication that pushes away the suicidal thoughts. I am actually off all other meds at this time just my low dose pill of methadone and early harvest kush. I went through eight different anti depressants and two anti-psychotics trying to get a handel on my brain and I have never been this clear and normal thinking since my early military days.

If you are in Oregon and Ommp let me know I have some early harvest if you would like to try some. If not we may still be able to figure out a way to get you some relief

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
I nominate Subcool as our unofficial Pot President of the USA Growers Association, Matt Rize as secretary of Ice Wax and Soma as Spiritual Council.


Well-Known Member
Sooo much fun...
[video=youtube;wi3ArS1wzUQ] com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dwi3ArS1wzUQ&has_verified=1[/video]


Well-Known Member
Gday Sub! Mate I'm just trying to find some info on the querkle.....mines been on 11/13 for .bout 13 days and still no pre flower..
Is this normal or signs of a male? Thanks for your time...


Well-Known Member
Gday Sub! Mate I'm just trying to find some info on the querkle.....mines been on 11/13 for .bout 13 days and still no pre flower..
Is this normal or signs of a male? Thanks for your time...
no dont think so.. i normally identify my males before i see females.. at least in my garden and with all the TGA im growin. seems like shes just being stubborn.. a lot of bitches are.. be patient my friend


Active Member
Looks like I'll be attending the LA cup. Let us know if you will be on a panel discussion ASAP so I know if I need a 2 day pass, or which day to go. Thanks, can't wait for you to be in SoCal, bring a few pallets of super soil.


Active Member
Looks like the LA Cup is next I had not planned on going but TGA wants to go hang out in the sunshine and show of some of our flowers so looks like it's on for Feb

Sub now that you are in Cali you should look into "Joe Rogan Experience", i'm sure he would love your story and as you maybe know he's a big advocate of MMJ and psychoactive in general (plus all the stoner that listen to his show deserve to #1 learn about your genetic #2 learn about the community and how to grow Dank!)
Beside it would be a nice promotion for your brand ;)

Have a dank day!


I saw where you pollinated BCS on episode 48. How many days / weeks after pollination should you pull the flowers for seed collection? Also, do you let flowers dry a week or two before pulling the seeds out?

I was reviewing breeding info on early Weed Nerd videos. Episode 48 where Subcool talks about shutting down the comments on Youtube, very funny.


Well-Known Member
"It takes a full forty-five to fifty days from this point (after pollination) for the seeds in this particular hybrid, to mature, every cross is different and some may take much longer to fully mature. We generally wait until we can actually see mature seeds protruding from the calyx. We pulled a test bud at sixty-five days flower and ran a germ test on one-hundred seeds and got a ninety-five percent germ rate after the seeds dried for two full weeks."

Quickest answer I could find about when seeds are ready.

William Wonder

Well-Known Member
That Joe Rogan idea is a good one. I've watched all his stuff about cannabis. Subcool in LA has a lil' bit of a Beverly Hillbillies vibe to it.
:lol: gold...texas the real OG


Well-Known Member
Nothing has changed but we tend to actually let our seeded plants go way out 70-80 days and actually die to get the maximum amount of dark mature seeds.
In QC checks of our competitors we often see white or misshapen immature seeds that still germinate.
People have grown to expect more from TGA and we feel the extra week to 10 days assures the best quality looking seed.



Well-Known Member
cheers woolf mate! yeah bitches are stubborn alright...think i might have had a timer much stretch does she put on?
im aware this will differ from pheno to pheno..mine looks fairly indica...ill update my journal with pics shortly..thanks for the chat and merry christmas to all roll it uppers!


For some reason I cannot find the reviews for your strains (Threads for each strain). Specifically Apollo 13 BX, Plush Berry and The Flav. Someone please post the link of Subcool's articles on strains.



Anyway . . . if anyone can post the link for the strain reviews Subcool has done, that would be great. I am looking for Apollo 13 X Vortex and Plush Berry

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