The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about you da old friend, will say a prayer and light a candle for him, good to have you about tho, hahahaha was only thinking about you the other day when jay was saying the same "get a thermo" .. tought if trek is reading he`s laughing at that...;)

don`t be a stranger even tho your off the smoke we can still have the banter....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
whats it smoke like bubbles or have ya tryed it yet?
my goal for nex year 86 is not ta buy any.
fingers crossed.

thats the thing marley, its sooo doable, and you have a 400w, thats a serious light to grow under, so yeild won`t be a problem for you... unless you like kang and can`t keep them alive hahahahahaha( sorry kang..;) )


Well-Known Member
good on u 86 fair play know ur a good man.......... will defo keep reading along happy xmas to u an all our irish growers on riu...............


Active Member
i second that sorry ta hear your news trek.
fair play too ya for postin brother.
cigarettes are the worst drug ever made,probally one of the biggest killers of mankind.
maybe ya should just stick too the weed trek,its ment ta prevent cancer.
those vaporisers seem ta be the way ta go.


Well-Known Member
whats it smoke like bubbles or have ya tryed it yet?
my goal for nex year 86 is not ta buy any.
fingers crossed.
Its a lovely smoke really just blows my mind sends me into all sorts of day dreams .

Iv been just blasting it from the bong and holy fuck its tasty but strong.

I haven't bought a bag of weed for nearly 2 years :bigjoint:


Active Member
thats the thing marley, its sooo doable, and you have a 400w, thats a serious light to grow under, so yeild won`t be a problem for you... unless you like kang and can`t keep them alive hahahahahaha( sorry kang..;) )
ye im not stuck for light now 86.i have the 400 that can be ran at 250w 275w 400w 440w and i have the 600w.
i only had a 400w at the start then the ballast blew then i bought the new 400 that runs at 4 different settins.
then your man gave me the 600 because the other one blew after 4 weeks.
i sorta have them by;-)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
forgot you hadthe 600w aswell you jammy git, suppose tho you had a near stroke when your plants were in the dark, so you do deserve it....

defo no shortage in your house this year let me tell you.... the results your going to see in few weeks will blow your mind ...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
good on u 86 fair play know ur a good man.......... will defo keep reading along happy xmas to u an all our irish growers on riu...............

if you ever need to blow off a bit of steam you know were always here trek, think you got some real friends on here, won`t name, names but you know who we are...


Active Member
the ballast with the 600 is the same make as the one that blew euro/thech is the make of it.could be a bit dodgy.
the new 400 one is the biz maxibright pro is the make.
i can run the 400watt bulb at 250 275 400 or 440watt.138e delivered.
kang gave me the link for it,thanks again man,deadly piece of gear.

ye they were under two household cfls for 8 or 9 days 86.
im lucky there autos.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah he`s good for the links that fella... always bang on the money....

the 400w a spare now or for the veg box? if your going for the two rooms that is?


Active Member
yeah he`s good for the links that fella... always bang on the money....

the 400w a spare now or for the veg box? if your going for the two rooms that is?
im usein the 400w lad,its good enough for me 600 be prob too hot haven tryed it yet.
thinkin about settin the brother up with the 600.i have more beans than heinz now hahaha
no two rooms for me lad im lucky ta have one;-)
bubbles i cant wait till i can say i haven bought weed in two years.
good on ya lad.


Well-Known Member
Marley good to see you calmed down again brother! a little advise with them lowryders dont chop them early, they look like they have at least 3 weeks left and the lowryder2 changed its trichomes to amber very quick so id wait for that, or the buds you chop will srink and wont keep its weight during drying,

trek man so sorry to hear that bad news thats just everyones worst nightmare, stay cool mate

and ae you checky chappy lol my soil plant aint dieing moe foe!! infact its getting some sick swelling bursting outta the buds! my next one in real good soil will be the job,

as for these twats in usa looking for jobs here are you insane? theres not even a job pumping petrol here let alone anything else, and i wouldent go talking like that around this island if you do come or a few locals would show some of the machinery ae was talking about

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well running with no fan has brought the plants on no end, have gained about 3 inchs growth in 2 days...

gave them a watering and turned the fan back on as it just didn`t seem right today, its not as cold out as it was, also have a better idea on there sex, looks like i`ve one male... few more days should tell..


Active Member

Condolences trek and welcome back to the thread.

The 2 WW's are nearly there. Few nights I'd say...I could be trimming Christmas day:)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
some amount of weed they got in dublin, just seen it on the news, drooling i was.....

pad they look great, where`d you get the minature pack of papers....hahahahahhaha.... thats going to be some cola once you have them trimmed up.....