Club 600


Well-Known Member
She's doing great, thanks D! Sitting on my little ol lap as we speak, learning how to type and stuff. Oh, and she's also reading up on growing weed. Ooooop! And she's making a huge shit on me as we speak. Diaper time.

You need a bigger fan, closer.
Come on, now.
Time to get serious.
What you need is a fan made of cannabis.
I heard that a good way to get air flow to your plants is to strap them directly to the fan's blades.
That way, you can keep the fan on "Low" speed and save some money on your electricity bill, too.


Well-Known Member
Oh, great idea Doob! I'm gonna try that my next grow for sure.

In all my smart assedness I got shit on. It's ok, we're all clean again. For now.

Hey, doesn't Don know the most about fans? We should ask him.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
Well more specifically CBD causes the "couch lock" effect and its very prominent in trichomes that are in the amber stage. Clear trichomes contain a higher amount of thc thus giving you a "racing high". To add, strains with a higher percentages of sativa in their genetics will have very low numbers of amber trichomes even when the bud itself is completely ripe ie: fading leaves, receding of all pistils, and complete swelling of the caylxes. Trichomes in indica leaning genetics by the time harvest arrives (totally by the looks of the buds and the plant) will have a much higher number of amber trichs... This is what gives sativas and indicas their distinctive "highs".
Beyond the amber stage is when the desired effects start to waste away.
To my knowledge this is the way it works.

With all that said, I dont bother checking trichs any longer in regards to harvesting times. They are still fun to look at :-)
Thaaaaaaaank youu!! Nuff said for me. Although I wish amber stage was first then I wouldn't have to wait as long lol. But again TY for that as that clears up a lot for me!!!


Well-Known Member
I think he's a Corporate Kamikaze with a mission.

I'm not sure what the equivalent of Impeachment is. Being found in contempt of Parliament didn't work but lots has built up since then. I have no idea what a guy has to do to get kicked out of a Parliament when he holds a majority.


Active Member
take that cover off bend those fan blades(add some pitch) and then they work better on the lowest setting now then they did on The highest setting.
I would imagine that would work on a metal blade fan but not sure how you could bend plastic ones. Either way once lights come on tomorrow I will be in there taking my cover off trying to bend them blades to add some "pitch" and see how that works out!!! I'm all for new ideas so in all honesty I will be doing that. One Question tho... The blades already come with a angle to them so what exactly are we bending here??? Some show and tell would be nice. If this is something that you have done I would love to see a pic of it.


Well-Known Member
I would imagine that would work on a metal blade fan but not sure how you could bend plastic ones. Either way once lights come on tomorrow I will be in there taking my cover off trying to bend them blades to add some "pitch" and see how that works out!!! I'm all for new ideas so in all honesty I will be doing that. One Question tho... The blades already come with a angle to them so what exactly are we bending here??? Some show and tell would be nice. If this is something that you have done I would love to see a pic of it.
Really you do I have to it for you? Just bend the blade and add some more pitch til you NOTICE a difference. And really you can't bend plastic blades? I never knew that thanks for the great tip!


Well-Known Member
lmfao.....there is a reason fans are not set to maximum "pitch" from the factory. Not saying that that you can't but turning them anymore and you won't have suction from the back end, it'll be wacky indirectional air. Plus i dont think most of our fans can be tweaked that way.


Well-Known Member
lmfao.....there is a reason fans are not set to maximum "pitch" from the factory. Not saying that that you can't but turning them anymore and you won't have suction from the back end, it'll be wacky indirectional air. Plus i dont think most of our fans can be tweaked that way.
This is some shit I read off another thread and your right you should only do it to your small oscillating fans if you are going to do it. Just trying to throw some advice in here, take it leave bro I don't give a crap, peace!


Well-Known Member
Not to mention the high probability of throwing it off balance.

Id probably just set the fan on something and move it back a foot or so.

I totally agree on taking the guard off of the front, in certain situations.


Well-Known Member
Morgen Cinders.......

SpectatorFernFirm, you can get the logo by either copying someone elses (copy and paste) or you can search through my albums, I have the pics in a 600 Album somewhere. Go to you control panel, edit signature, insert signature pic and save changes. eh voila!


Well-Known Member
I almost successfully sang in congruence with the physical act of playing my bass yesterday.
Was during "Witch Hunt" (by Rush).
There is now a light at the end of that tunnel...

Speaking of tunnel-hunting witches...

I popped the closet open when the lights went on,
to check on my girl and see how she was doin',
when what to my freshly bloodshot eyes did appear?
'Twas a garland of silver shining bright like the moon.

Hanging from the scrog,
under Ralph, my attack frog,
were 20 glass bulbs
hanging down from the buds.

The wind from the fan
made them sway to and fro,
From the hempy can,
how she does grow.

In the light they did glitter,
casting glints of high light,
my weed is one-hitter,
One toke and good night.

Frosty as winter,
your mind it will splinter,
Rolling spliffs like yuletide logs,
Warming your heart like puppy dogs.

You're gonna feel my holiday flow,
it's like a riptide.
More chill than an eskimo,
a polypeptide.... just a chain of amino acids...

Talkin' 'bout reindeer,
and pullin' the sleigh,
flyin' through the air,
like they just don't care.

Man, FUCK the color of his nose.
Ask Rudy why his eyes are so red.

It's my x-mas krunk,
It ain't shwag or junk,

You couldn't find your own ass if the universe were an ever-shrinking toroidal shape during the end stages of "The Big Crunch" and your hands were infinitely expanding in size at a rate of the speed of light cubed.

While MY garden flowers
and decks the halls,
YOUR growspace
is full dicks and balls,

My skillz,
are ever-expanding,
Like a universe
without an ending.

Your weed is like getting a lump of coal in your stocking.
My herb sends you into outerspace,
makes you try to quantize the sum total potential energies of dark matter
just like Stephen Hawking.

My herb is cosmic,
the highs are ultrasonic.
Turns grey matter into a black hole.
Makes Santa get couch-locked in his shop at the North Pole.

Elves can't wake his fat, sorry ass for nothing...


Merry fuckin' Ho-ho Day.
