Michigan Medical Marijuana Act & Rules

Dr. Bob,

I see you're saying this is an overall win for the patients, but I'm failing to see how. I believe I read one of your posts regarding only 55 physicians in the state perscribing medical marihuana. What happens to the patient who's primary physician isn't one of those 55 physicians who feel comfortable making that recommendation? What do you suggest for them!?

Always glad to meet a fan, especially one that can quote a 2 year old article based on the annual report of the program in 2010, even though you misquoted it.

Back in April of 2011, they published the stats of the program (they didn't though required by law in 2012). At that time, 55 docs were responsible for 70% of the certs, and only 1 in 15 doctors in Michigan (some 2000) had ever written even one certification. It was part of a write up I did calling for the participation of primary care doctors in the program in order to put certification physicians such as myself out of business. It was published in the Lansing State Journal in July, 2011.

SINCE that time, we've had standards put in place by the medical board, which resulted in many physicians contacting me to help them set up protocols for their own certifications. Not all, but enough to show there was real interest and they were glad the board came out with guidelines, so they decided to give it a try. BUT the overall issue is lack of education in the medical field about what marijuana can and can't do. The ones that came to clinics with me were amazed that patients with clear chronic pain were able to come off dosages of narcotics that were on the border of their comfort levels (very high). Decreases in the flairs of crohns, post surgical patients, etc. They had no idea.

I then published my call to action in 2012. Every patient recruit 1 patient a month to get certified. Wean off narcotics, when your doctor asks why you don't need them, TELL him. He'll hear it enough and it will sink in. Show him success stories. Most importantly, solve his 'problem'. Doctors do not like chronic pain patients on narcotics. They pawn them off to 'pain doctors' because they are uncomfortable giving narcotics. If cannabis makes it so you don't need narcs, you have solved a problem for him. Do it.

Certification clinics had a reputation of signing anyone with money, records or even a face to face with a doc not required. Doctors in regular medicine had little respect for these bad apples and those that promoted them... These bills get rid of them, and the legitimacy of the field will go up as the good ones will continue to work along, doing the right thing. Just like 'regular' doctors.

Hope that helps.

Dr. Bob
...If cannabis makes it so you don't need narcs, you have solved a problem for him.

Dr. Bob

I wish all doctors viewed it this way. Locally we've had a problem (conservative sector) with doctors that won't treat you if you're using cannabis medically. To the point that they will make you participate in urinalysis testing regularly in order for them to prescribe you some pharmaceutical narcotic for pain. One of the "local vocals" did a segment with a news reporter on it. He went around to a handful of doctors and explained his pain (bulging discs, and a survivor of pancreatic cancer), most of the doctors didn't perform a full examination, and just shoved him out the door with a script for a heavy narcotic. He went back in the office/s for a follow up later and none of them wanted to do anything once they knew he was a registered patient.
It's a sad day when the people who are supposed to be helping people live healthy lives, cannot open their eyes to a non-pharmaceutical answer.
I should have gone to Med school...150$ a patient times thousands of patients equals cha ching.

Medical School. It is a LOT of work, expense, and time. After you compete against the best and brightest and win a seat, you get to spend over 100K and more years of your life in school. Then you get to spend another 4 years working over 90 hours a week, continued study, and abuse (lol ever hear of attending rounds?) at less than $2 an hour. Family, never, fun, never, vacations, never. Perhaps you could have, and even should have, I did.

Everyone thinks it is all collections and no expenses. What do you think my travel and hotel expenses are a month? Staff, advertising, office space, etc?

Easy to want the perks without the pain. Or think you can do a better job without having to actually DO it.

And while you are at it, figure out the best way to tell a distraught family member their loved one didn't make it. That's a job I'd gladly give you. I am sure you could do a better job of that too. How much do you think they pay you for that?

Dr. Bob
Maybe by policy. Not in fact. One of my patients was denied his medication and is now completely on Cannabis. 72 year old wounded combat vet. Forced to go thru withdrawals.

I would discuss that with the chief of staff or administrator of the site (CBOC) or at the main hospital that controls the out patient clinic. File a complaint and if your REALLY want to get their attention, write a congressional complaint. THAT puts the fear of God in them. I know, I used to be a VA doc.

Dr. Bob
Well you asked and I gave you a way to do it. Up to you how you want to proceed. Important thing is that the patient is cared for.

Dr. Bob
Thank you. Did not mean to sound short....He fought the fight for quite sometime before I met him and just gave up. The capsules are working better for him than all the percks,zanax,prilosec.....etc
Thank you. Did not mean to sound short....He fought the fight for quite sometime before I met him and just gave up. The capsules are working better for him than all the percks,zanax,prilosec.....etc

Frustration about unfairness does that. I didn't take it as directed at me

Dr. Bob
One question that i have here is no more doctor clinics... what does this really mean?? i see a post says you have to see a REAL doctor... whats does that mean?? i thought they where REAL doctors... I guess what im asking is when my card needs to renewed in July 2013 what are the steps i am going to have to take?

Happy Farming :weed:
Simple, just go to a clinic where you need records and see a doctor face to face. Make sure they do follow ups.

That's all that is needed.

Dr. Bob
Simple, just go to a clinic where you need records and see a doctor face to face. Make sure they do follow ups.

That's all that is needed.

Dr. Bob

I have scars, not records...no insurance anymore...thanx to the doc who fucked me...records should not be a prerequisite ...imo
I'm in your same shoes Corso! And am real sick of the bullshit. Who is anybody to tell anybody else what they can put into their own bodies?
I'm in your same shoes Corso! And am real sick of the bullshit. Who is anybody to tell anybody else what they can put into their own bodies?

I said the same exact thing to a judge one time, 45 days later they unlocked the door and let me go home.
I said the same exact thing to a judge one time, 45 days later they unlocked the door and let me go home.

This is the story on many cases of folks relying on their own 'interpretation' of the Act. Don't do ANYTHING that is not clearly stated in the Act without first consulting an Attorney. Even if it seems logical and makes perfect sense to YOU, the courts and previous rulings may not agree with your proposed interpretation.

Example, you can CLEARLY see how the caregiver can transfer medication and get compensation with their registry associated patients. There is no similar, clearly stated, situation for any other transfer for compensation. People can play on the 'a' vs 'their' when it comes to a caregiver transferring to a patient, but it is ONLY clear between a caregiver and their registered patient. Recall as well that the entire section talks about the registry and the relationship between caregivers and THEIR patients, not ANY patients.

Dr. Bob
I have scars, not records...no insurance anymore...thanx to the doc who fucked me...records should not be a prerequisite ...imo

Very true, but they are. It isn't a matter of what should be, it is a matter of what is. I would suggest you look for a sliding scale clinic that charges based on income and follow the rules if you want the protections of the act. Your local health department is a good place to start your search for these clinics. Chiropractors are also a good source of records. Just get it documented and you'll have no problem.

Is the cost of less than an ounce of medication too much to pay for qualifying records and safety?

Dr. Bob