NRA wants elementery schools to be the foundation of a police state.

If we don't have guns, how do we kill zombie mothers killed by guns? Think of the children!

If only they had made the world trade center a "plane free zone" and Oklahoma City a "bomb free zone" we could've saved so many lives. In conclusion its time to outlaw planes.
We can stop crazy from getting guns easily.
How? If you can't state a 100% effective means of doing so, you are just talking out of your ass and blowing smoke.

There are millions of guns already in the general public, a crazy person will not have a hard time finding one.

We can make sure that crazy doesn't have 30 round mags
How? Again, you are talking out of your ass, I mean... face

Magazines are nothing more than metal alloys fabricated into a object that holds projectiles. If you can make a mag, I can make a mag.

we can background check crazy to keep crazy from acquiring guns.
How? Again, refer to the above 2 posts...

People aren't born with "Crazy" written on their forehead brah. You can test for currently crazy, but it's very hard, if not impossible, to detect future crazy, and the degree of future crazy
I am so sick of these whiny little bitch's bitching about guns and incidents like this, yes what happened is horrible but far worse things happen every day in places where they don't televise every massacre, i don't hear you all up in arms about the thousands of people murdered in Africa by child soldiers, the people enslaved for there entire lives to put diamonds on your teeth or the genocidal wars being waged all over the world.

You want a solution i say arm and train every fucking teacher in the country and then see how many people decide that it is a good idea to go on a rampage in a school, you wouldn't even have to give them real bullets, rubber would suffice.

Oh yeah and you know what we had before school shootings, we had school stabbings, where there is a will there is a way mother fucker...
Seems to me there's a Bell Curve for how how guns can make society safer.

The USA is on the latter half of the Bell curve.

No guns, and you have no defense; and with a gross excess of guns they're easier to steal and easier for criminals to get their hands on.

The USA reached diminishing returns with their 270 million civilian owned guns a while ago.

Seems there are two logical choices, either remove some of the guns (not what I suggest), or make the already existing guns that are out there, safer.

Magazines are nothing more than metal alloys fabricated into a object that holds projectiles. If you can make a mag, I can make a mag.

I would LOVE to see you fashion a 30rnd AR-15 mag... Actually let me rephrase that, I'd love to see you fashion a working, 30 round mag, that doesn't have feed problems every 2 rounds. What are your tolerances like? Are you a machinist?
Two days ago i had the Oklahoma City bomb described to me and how to build it. The description took about a minute and the details on how one could be built took about two.

Go try to purchase a couple hundred pounds of ammonium nitrate now and see how well that goes.

Did you argue against regulating that too?
Go try to purchase a couple hundred pounds of ammonium nitrate now and see how well that goes.

Did you argue against regulating that too?

Seeing as i live in one of the nation and world's largest agricultural areas, how hard do you really think it would be to acquire a couple hundred pounds? There are at LEAST 10 locations within a 10 mile radius of me that have much more than 200 lbs.

And yeah, i see no need to regulate it.
Go try to purchase a couple hundred pounds of ammonium nitrate now and see how well that goes.

Did you argue against regulating that too?
A smart person wouldn't BUY it, they would steal it. McVay got caught because things they purchased could be traced. We all know it, the news told us so, the news never lies.
A stupid person wouldn't BUY it, they would steal it. McVay got caught because things they purchased could be traced. We all know it, the news told us so, the news never lies.

Hell, i could use their own front-loader to load it if i were a thief :)
Seeing as i live in one of the nation and world's largest agricultural areas, how hard do you really think it would be to acquire a couple hundred pounds? There are at LEAST 10 locations within a 10 mile radius of me that have much more than 200 lbs.

And yeah, i see no need to regulate it.

So you see no need to regulate bomb making material or guns, yet in your sig you promote regulating marijuana like wine. Interesting.
So you see no need to regulate bomb making material or guns, yet in your sig you promote regulating marijuana like wine. Interesting.
There is a need to regulate it on a local level.

IF bomb making materials were legal, would you make a bomb and drop it off at a kindergarten? Don't think so. If you were a criminal and had access to all the materials, would you care that there was a law that made it illegal to make a bomb if your intention was to cause a mass casualty/suicide with said device? Don't think so.

Most laws only affect those citizens who abide by the law. Criminals don't care about laws, they do what they want to do.
OK, I'll bite... how do you do that?
It is impossible to make a law that would do that, he is talking about making them safer by making the user more responsible I think.

Many people think a assault weapon ban will ban ALL the assault weapons, they fail to recognize that they CANNOT make the ones that already legally exist illegal to have in the future. There are MILLIONS of them out there and they cannot ban those.
It is impossible to make a law that would do that, he is talking about making them safer by making the user more responsible I think.

Many people think a assault weapon ban will ban ALL the assault weapons, they fail to recognize that they CANNOT make the ones that already legally exist illegal to have in the future. There are MILLIONS of them out there and they cannot ban those.

I admire your tenacity. How many times have these same things been repeated over and over and over... and they STILL don't get it.
I understand that he probably didn't mean exactly what he said, "make existing guns safer", people who are living in a fantasy world are rarely concerned with what they say.
This is like those bullshit FBI piracy logos on home video discs. You can't bypass them, unless on a computer. They stay on the screen for 30 seconds. The only ones to worry about are the Chinese! I'm not fucking Chinese. I wonder how many post here living in China?

I bet the Chinese who rip and burn discs which sell on Ebay laugh their ass off before making clones that were so easily bypassed.

I have an HDCP stripping device. It's the only way I can watch Blu-ray or cable in HD on my analog projector. So I'm breaking the law 3 to 4 times a day because those assholes won't let me watch HD!
Ernest wants to ban and or restrict gun ownership
Hitler banned and or restricted gun ownership
The KKK wanted to restrict gun ownership
Slave owners banned gun ownership
Mexico restricts gun ownership

The second amendment says the right to keep and bear arms Shall Not be infringed