If you were an Atheist..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
...sorry, but, 'light' comes from our genes. Both Jesus and the Buddha are avatars, each wielding it's own 'sword', or 'ray' (from the same source). When I say light, I mean the doorway to an individuals given universe. Sex.

...why say 'no'? Do you feel you are enlightened? If so, compassion would be the fruit of your tree, grower.
avatars are physical manifestations of hindu deities, come to earth to indulge their personal whims or exercise their personal influence within their ordained sphere. . neither buddha nor jesus were that.

buddha was a Bodhisattva, one who passes his turn to enter nirvana to share his wisdom with the rest of us as a selfless gesture of compassion and out of a real desire to help others find the way to nirvana. there have been many. buddhism itself is as different from christianity/islam/judaism and it is possible to be. buddhism is an internal search for turth and the path to wisdom, and oneness with everything, while christianity/islam/judaism are top down, dogmatic systems of control, where you must ask somebody else for permission to find the path to wisdom/enlightenment/not burning in the lake of fire for your "sins" and submit to another man's will to save yourself from damnation.

comparing buddha and jesus/abraham/mohammed is like comparing Gandhi and john wayne gacey

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
avatars are physical manifestations of hindu deities, come to earth to indulge their personal whims or exercise their personal influence within their ordained sphere. . neither buddha nor jesus were that.

buddha was a Bodhisattva, one who passes his turn to enter nirvana to share his wisdom with the rest of us as a selfless gesture of compassion and out of a real desire to help others find the way to nirvana. there have been many. buddhism itself is as different from christianity/islam/judaism and it is possible to be. buddhism is an internal search for turth and the path to wisdom, and oneness with everything, while christianity/islam/judaism are top down, dogmatic systems of control, where you must ask somebody else for permission to find the path to wisdom/enlightenment/not burning in the lake of fire for your "sins" and submit to another man's will to save yourself from damnation.

comparing buddha and jesus/abraham/mohammed is like comparing Gandhi and john wayne gacey
...the Christ Impulse. Each teaching of the religious avatars were preparations for the next teaching. Epochs. Bodhisattva - wisdom, or, compassion mind...having attained bodhicitta.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
...the Christ Impulse. Each teaching of the religious avatars were preparations for the next teaching. Epochs. Bodhisattva - wisdom, or, compassion mind...having attained bodhicitta.

buddha bodidharma, and all the other bhodisatvahs tell you about learning to find truth within yourself, they offer wisdom and knowledge, declining their offer doesnt come with penalties.

abraham moses jesus and mohammed all played the same tune, we lay down the law, you follow it, or be punished. today, and/or when youre dead.

buddha promises, they threaten

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member

buddha bodidharma, and all the other bhodisatvahs tell you about learning to find truth within yourself, they offer wisdom and knowledge, declining their offer doesnt come with penalties.

abraham moses jesus and mohammed all played the same tune, we lay down the law, you follow it, or be punished. today, and/or when youre dead.

buddha promises, they threaten
...Christ didn't come to abolish the law, rather, to fulfill it. As it was with the others. Avalokiteshvara. Notice how they all said they would 'be back'. Within. Our modern take on 'the Christ' has been abused, don't get me wrong on that. I agree.

...Avalokiteshvara is all of the buddhas of compassion.

"[...] The blessed Krishna, the blessed Buddha, the blessed Lama, the blessed Mohammed, the loving, essential Ashiata Shiemash, Moses, Quetzalcoatl (and many others) were all Avatars."

...they were avatars of Avalokiteshvara. Moses still lives, Krishna still lives. etc. Inside of every person. They were / are / will be vehicles of Christ Consciousness - to put words on it as best I can.

(learning from your posts, so you know)


Well-Known Member
...Christ didn't come to abolish the law, rather, to fulfill it. As it was with the others. Avalokiteshvara. Notice how they all said they would 'be back'. Within. Our modern take on 'the Christ' has been abused, don't get me wrong on that. I agree.

...Avalokiteshvara is all of the buddhas of compassion.

"[...] The blessed Krishna, the blessed Buddha, the blessed Lama, the blessed Mohammed, the loving, essential Ashiata Shiemash, Moses, Quetzalcoatl (and many others) were all Avatars."

...they were avatars of Avalokiteshvara. Moses still lives, Krishna still lives. etc. Inside of every person. They were / are / will be vehicles of Christ Consciousness - to put words on it as best I can.

(learning from your posts, so you know)
Jesus - The original John Connor!



Well-Known Member
Atheists and philosophers what an interesting combination :finger: :wall: :clap:

I don't think I'm an atheist :?: :confused:
I'm dam sure no philosopher but if you show me a man born without an asshole and I'll show you an atheist. :-P
I majored in Philosophy and I can tell you from first hand experience, most phil. majors are atheist.

Philosophy teaches you to lead an examined life, and to question what you're told. It's hard to have 'faith' in something unproven, and hold the value that belief must first be warranted by evidence. Some people manage with the cognitive dissonance, but most resolve it by becoming atheist.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
...Christ didn't come to abolish the law, rather, to fulfill it. As it was with the others. Avalokiteshvara. Notice how they all said they would 'be back'. Within. Our modern take on 'the Christ' has been abused, don't get me wrong on that. I agree.

...Avalokiteshvara is all of the buddhas of compassion.

"[...] The blessed Krishna, the blessed Buddha, the blessed Lama, the blessed Mohammed, the loving, essential Ashiata Shiemash, Moses, Quetzalcoatl (and many others) were all Avatars."

...they were avatars of Avalokiteshvara. Moses still lives, Krishna still lives. etc. Inside of every person. They were / are / will be vehicles of Christ Consciousness - to put words on it as best I can.

(learning from your posts, so you know)
yeah jeebus didnt come to change abrahamic, or moses' (mosaic? ) law, he came to add some more crap to their already oversized pile.

calling mohammed blessed is like calling pol pot "divine" both were murderous petty little wieners with a desire to impose their will on others. the imposition of your will BY FORCE on others is not "blessed", and just because some dipshits lionize that twat and make mythological claims about his deeds doesnt make him a messenger from the divine, any more than L Ron Hubbard was/is.

your unitarian all-inclusive, If one asshole someplace believes it it must be gospel view forces us to include joseph smith, Haillie Selassie (arguable), kim il sung, martin luther king, mary magdalen, ghandi, jeebus's momma mary, about half the popes, junipero serra, as well as tupac and biggie.

and that doesnt even include the lesser known, more regionally specific mythical heroes, and celebrated religious figures. shit what about elvis? he's had more comebacks than jesus, has more ardent fans, sold more records had a bigger entourage, and left behind far more in the way of tangible religious relics than jesus ever did.

it's ok to disbelieve somebody else's mythology, everybody is not right, all celebrated icons are NOT messengers from the divine, and ever chip of wood wrapped in silk is not a fragment of the "True Cross"


Well-Known Member
would you date a person who believes in god/jesus/w.e the fuck? personally I don't think i can be in a relationship with a person that's religious or even just believes in god.(no offense to all the religious folk around here, honestly dont wanna start a shitstorm) We would just be on different wave lengths, wouldn't sync up. bongsmilie
To be honest, you can believe in god without being religious because spiritual people can believe in a 'creator'. In fact most religions are a con, especially the ones with someone at the 'top' telling others what to do/think/ believe and how to 'spend their money' to get a 'ticket into heaven'. sheeple.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
yeah jeebus didnt come to change abrahamic, or moses' (mosaic? ) law, he came to add some more crap to their already oversized pile.

calling mohammed blessed is like calling pol pot "divine" both were murderous petty little wieners with a desire to impose their will on others. the imposition of your will BY FORCE on others is not "blessed", and just because some dipshits lionize that twat and make mythological claims about his deeds doesnt make him a messenger from the divine, any more than L Ron Hubbard was/is.

your unitarian all-inclusive, If one asshole someplace believes it it must be gospel view forces us to include joseph smith, Haillie Selassie (arguable), kim il sung, martin luther king, mary magdalen, ghandi, jeebus's momma mary, about half the popes, junipero serra, as well as tupac and biggie.

and that doesnt even include the lesser known, more regionally specific mythical heroes, and celebrated religious figures. shit what about elvis? he's had more comebacks than jesus, has more ardent fans, sold more records had a bigger entourage, and left behind far more in the way of tangible religious relics than jesus ever did.

it's ok to disbelieve somebody else's mythology, everybody is not right, all celebrated icons are NOT messengers from the divine, and ever chip of wood wrapped in silk is not a fragment of the "True Cross"
...thanks. Buddha is the term the way Christ is a term. Buddha Shakyamuni and Jesus Christ complement each other, in the sense that their names are titles of the same path. The Path of Bodhisattvas, once Buddha Nature is realized, is a path of degrees (imo). So in this sense I can agree that you could add 'common' folk to the 'list'. People are realized where they stand. The term Buddha is two part, in the same way that the west has "heavenly man" and "Terrestrial man" in one. Manifestation Buddha / Terrestrial Man, Contemplation Buddha / Heavenly Man. Buddha Shakyamuni, tribe of the lion.

The 12 steps on the path of the Buddha / Apostolic Procession... (how? hard 'work') (labors, in other myths)

*not to mention the fact that it would be nearly impossible to direct attention to one specific form of Buddhism!

edit: very fitting to be discussing this around December 25 :)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
but again, jesus had nothing to do with the internal search for "the way' or enlightenment or spiritual ascension, he was a dogmatic authoritarian from a religion of dogmatic authoritarians which spawned numerous spinoff religions which are EACH dogmatic and authoritarian. only minor differences in ritual and belief separate them. functionally they6 are all interchangeable.

jesus has more to do with power control and domination than anything "divine" even as written this fictional character is LESS useful than L Ron Hubard for any of those who decline to join his super special afterlife after hours VIP club.

at least L Ron Hubbard's non scientology works are somewhat readable, but largely derivative and poorly written.

including jesus abraham moses and mohammed or any of the assholes from abrahamic dogma in the list with Haillie Sellassi, Confucius, Buddha, Mannanan, Mencius, Gandhi, Sun Wu Kong, The Easter Bunny, Mithras, Ishtar, Thor, Prometheus, Apollo, Heracles, Judge Dredd, Paul Atreidies, or any of the other real or fictional characters who are not authoritarian dogmatic asshats is an insult to everyone who doesnt follow the christian/jewish/ilsamic bullshit.

abrahamic religious figures were 100% dicks to everyone who didnt accept their transparent lies and immediately kneel at the feet of their imaginary friend. and their followers continue this trend today, in varying degrees.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
but again, jesus had nothing to do with the internal search for "the way' or enlightenment or spiritual ascension, he was a dogmatic authoritarian from a religion of dogmatic authoritarians which spawned numerous spinoff religions which are EACH dogmatic and authoritarian. only minor differences in ritual and belief separate them. functionally they6 are all interchangeable.

jesus has more to do with power control and domination than anything "divine" even as written this fictional character is LESS useful than L Ron Hubard for any of those who decline to join his super special afterlife after hours VIP club.

at least L Ron Hubbard's non scientology works are somewhat readable, but largely derivative and poorly written.

including jesus abraham moses and mohammed or any of the assholes from abrahamic dogma in the list with Haillie Sellassi, Confucius, Buddha, Mannanan, Mencius, Gandhi, Sun Wu Kong, The Easter Bunny, Mithras, Ishtar, Thor, Prometheus, Apollo, Heracles, Judge Dredd, Paul Atreidies, or any of the other real or fictional characters who are not authoritarian dogmatic asshats is an insult to everyone who doesnt follow the christian/jewish/ilsamic bullshit.

abrahamic religious figures were 100% dicks to everyone who didnt accept their transparent lies and immediately kneel at the feet of their imaginary friend. and their followers continue this trend today, in varying degrees.
...zero insult intended. Thanks for the discussion.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
...zero insult intended. Thanks for the discussion.
im not insulted bro, i just hate seeing those jerkwads being lumped in with people/gods/mythological heroes/historical heroes/the easter bunny.

if buddha knew you wer conflating him with jesus he would be displeased and disappointed, but if jesus knew you were comparing him to buddha he would go all old testament/wrath of god on your ass... if he even existed.

protip: buddha was a real guy. jesus was not.


Well-Known Member
I agree, I've met maybe 2 or 3 Christians in my entire life who actually follow the teachings of their religion. Everyone else seems to cherry pick the pieces that appeal to them and disregard the ones that don't.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
im not insulted bro, i just hate seeing those jerkwads being lumped in with people/gods/mythological heroes/historical heroes/the easter bunny.

if buddha knew you wer conflating him with jesus he would be displeased and disappointed, but if jesus knew you were comparing him to buddha he would go all old testament/wrath of god on your ass... if he even existed.

protip: buddha was a real guy. jesus was not.
...lol, protip.

"never eat yellow kool Aid snow cones"