So, three dispensaries and the going rate seems to be $20 per gram.
If the goal of the dispensary system was to sell weed to patients for the absolute highest price possible I guess it is a success.
In the meantime, I think we need a ballot initiative to remove the 25 mile limit and allow dispensaries to buy from caregivers.
If in November, dispensaries are still selling for $20 per gram, there is an easy case to make that the system is a failure and needs to be fixed.
At $20 per gram, my patients would be paying more than triple what they are paying now. Any system artificially inflates the cost
of medication is cruel and unjust. There is absolutely no logical reason someone should be make to pay $20 per gram.
There are a number of things wrong with the law as passed.
1) A system of monopolies which is obviously unamerican and unfair. Allow the free market in and allow patients to grow regardless of where they live.
2) The requirement for a 10 ft brick wall with 1/4" thick steel door to grow outside. Jesus fucking christ.. Are you serious? Most cities won't allow
fences over 6 ft. The cost to grow outside would be far beyond the means of most patients. Growing indoors is a horrible waste or resources. We
need to be encouraging outdoor cultivation to save electricity.
3) Remove restrictions on caregiver pricing. Caregivers are charging whatever the market will bear. It is unreasonable to ask people to work for free
and most don't abide by it anyway. Let patients choose their caregivers and make whatever deal they want.
4) Remove the 2.5 oz limit. If a patient contracts a caregiver to grow a crop, let the patient recieve the entire crop if they want. Don't make the
caregiver screw around giving out an ounce a week for three months. Do you suddenly start smoking more because you have a pound instead of
an ounce a week? I think not. As it stands now, if a patient grows a pound they don't have some magical device they put it in to dispense only
an ounce a week to themselves.
5) Reciprocity for patients with cards from other states. Currently on I-10 and I-40 police are profiling vehicles from colorado and california, pulling
over and arresting patients. If I have a rifle which is illegal in a given state, I am still allowed to posess that rifle in my trunk while I drive through
that state. We should at least allow patients to pass through the state without harrassment.
If the goal of the dispensary system was to sell weed to patients for the absolute highest price possible I guess it is a success.
In the meantime, I think we need a ballot initiative to remove the 25 mile limit and allow dispensaries to buy from caregivers.
If in November, dispensaries are still selling for $20 per gram, there is an easy case to make that the system is a failure and needs to be fixed.
At $20 per gram, my patients would be paying more than triple what they are paying now. Any system artificially inflates the cost
of medication is cruel and unjust. There is absolutely no logical reason someone should be make to pay $20 per gram.
There are a number of things wrong with the law as passed.
1) A system of monopolies which is obviously unamerican and unfair. Allow the free market in and allow patients to grow regardless of where they live.
2) The requirement for a 10 ft brick wall with 1/4" thick steel door to grow outside. Jesus fucking christ.. Are you serious? Most cities won't allow
fences over 6 ft. The cost to grow outside would be far beyond the means of most patients. Growing indoors is a horrible waste or resources. We
need to be encouraging outdoor cultivation to save electricity.
3) Remove restrictions on caregiver pricing. Caregivers are charging whatever the market will bear. It is unreasonable to ask people to work for free
and most don't abide by it anyway. Let patients choose their caregivers and make whatever deal they want.
4) Remove the 2.5 oz limit. If a patient contracts a caregiver to grow a crop, let the patient recieve the entire crop if they want. Don't make the
caregiver screw around giving out an ounce a week for three months. Do you suddenly start smoking more because you have a pound instead of
an ounce a week? I think not. As it stands now, if a patient grows a pound they don't have some magical device they put it in to dispense only
an ounce a week to themselves.
5) Reciprocity for patients with cards from other states. Currently on I-10 and I-40 police are profiling vehicles from colorado and california, pulling
over and arresting patients. If I have a rifle which is illegal in a given state, I am still allowed to posess that rifle in my trunk while I drive through
that state. We should at least allow patients to pass through the state without harrassment.