How many have seen a gun pulled on another, except legally by cops?

Have you witnessed a gun being pointed at another illegally?

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HAd two scumbag bikers try to assault a group of families while at a very secluded hot spring. When I heard the commotion (at 2am) I stood back in the darkness, warned them to leave us alone. When they responded with a "fuck You Pussy" I unloaded a full clip from my AR-15 over their heads (I am a retired MARINE). They dropped to the ground with a series of "OH SHITS" and probably crapped their pants. I was 50 yards away in complete darkness, they had no chance. There was an old couple in an RV that they had terrified before they found our little camp, these two great people rammed their 46' RV into their bikes (completely trashing them). I held the two at riflepoint while the others packed their gear, we all left together. This camp is 30 miles into the Nevada desert from the highway, in January, freezing temps, no water and no ranches or towns for 95 miles. If they survived they'll never bother another again. We decided NOT to tell the Sheriff so these two would likely suffer greatly on their long walk back to town, and we could remain anonymous. Plus it is no business of the cops anyhow. Most people are under the illusion that police are here to protect us, this is pure ignorance. If I did not carry my assault rifle whenever I roadtrip I could not have protected these innocent campers. These two were evil fuckers and deserved whatever pain and misery they received. I hope they froze to death.
The supreme court has ruled that the police are around to protect society and not the individual.

So, if they are busy you are fucked...
been robbed at gunpoint trying to flip a lb to a friends "homie"
went to corner store waited for em to get their. car full of nigs hoped out
2 hoped into my friends car looked at the weed said s bullshit then i hear him load his gun and say "dont be fuckin stupid" asked me to empty my pockets said they were empty. he yelled dont be fuckin stupid. so they took my phone and pound. took off in their car. we followed and fired 2 shots of his 9 mil i think i doubt we hit em and then we rushed back to my car.
they then used my phone to set up all my homies. and they tried settin me up again... i planned a relatiation with my ar-15 but i didnt want to go lokking for trouble. weed has made me alot of cash i would have never had. so i decided to just let it go and cut my loses.
i fuckin hate how sum people rob with guns or knifes. u want my shit? beat my ass and take it like a man. dont take it with a gum thinking ur tuff becaise i bet i would have whooped em both by myself being half their size. but well never knlw now
but in the defense of your shooter, it was ONLY a 32. at most thats "Assault With A Bothersome Weapon" or "Attempted Welt Raising", the penalties for Aggravated Indian Burn, and 2nd Degree Noogeying are more severe.

it's not like he tried to give you the Cooties.

I have to thank the car window and the triple stitching on my jacket for saving my life. Thing hit a rib and stopped. And yes it was a giant welt with a hole
Did you try the piss your pants, thing. :) Sorry you got shot, btw.


No I didnt
Cant say I wasnt scared though. I was in full flight mode.

japanese cars have this habit of not going forward in drive when you are flooring the pedal. it's one of those built in safety features that prevents an over revved engine from engaging the transmission. The guy actually pulled the trigger twice before the gun went off
No I didnt
Cant say I wasnt scared though. I was in full flight mode.

japanese cars have this habit of not going forward in drive when you are flooring the pedal. it's one of those built in safety features that prevents an over revved engine from engaging the transmission. The guy actually pulled the trigger twice before the gun went off

Another tragedy that could have been averted with a stick shift.

Ban automatic transmissions and Assault Drivetrains! cn
The supreme court has ruled that the police are around to protect society and not the individual.

So, if they are busy you are fucked...

That's not it. The police are to protect the government. If society gets out of line, a riot, the police watch holding their gun in one hand and donut in the other. At which point they'll shoot you if you interrupt their meal.
Been shot twice, once on the right hip with a shotgun from about 30 feet away, the other was in the back with a 22. Also took a machete through the chest and out the back but I explained that one in another post. Just wasn't my time I guess
HAd two scumbag bikers try to assault a group of families while at a very secluded hot spring. When I heard the commotion (at 2am) I stood back in the darkness, warned them to leave us alone. When they responded with a "fuck You Pussy" I unloaded a full clip from my AR-15 over their heads (I am a retired MARINE). They dropped to the ground with a series of "OH SHITS" and probably crapped their pants. I was 50 yards away in complete darkness, they had no chance. There was an old couple in an RV that they had terrified before they found our little camp, these two great people rammed their 46' RV into their bikes (completely trashing them). I held the two at riflepoint while the others packed their gear, we all left together. This camp is 30 miles into the Nevada desert from the highway, in January, freezing temps, no water and no ranches or towns for 95 miles. If they survived they'll never bother another again. We decided NOT to tell the Sheriff so these two would likely suffer greatly on their long walk back to town, and we could remain anonymous. Plus it is no business of the cops anyhow. Most people are under the illusion that police are here to protect us, this is pure ignorance. If I did not carry my assault rifle whenever I roadtrip I could not have protected these innocent campers. These two were evil fuckers and deserved whatever pain and misery they received. I hope they froze to death.

so fucking awesome!
Been shot twice, once on the right hip with a shotgun from about 30 feet away, the other was in the back with a 22. Also took a machete through the chest and out the back but I explained that one in another post. Just wasn't my time I guess

holy shit man!!
so the second you notice someone is stealing your car you go out and shoot him to death point blank? jesus fucking christ...

So? What of the guy pulled out one when you yelled at him or he noticed you? Better safe than sorry, shoot first and ask questions later.
Originally Posted by er0senin
so the second you notice someone is stealing your car you go out and shoot him to death point blank?

You realize that when you were sure to hang for stealing a horse, that was a powerful deterrent. And, people in car jacking situations, get killed routinely for any hesitation. And people steal cars to commit very heinous crimes. Or it goes to support dangerous criminal killers, organized crime, etc.

Why do have the bleeding heart for a car thief? In Texas, we don't have to follow progressive rule making theory. In the law, he lost his break, when he came to steal the car. That was his choice. Perhaps your theory is, "society made him take it from me." But, maybe he uses that as his excuse.

See how it works? Maybe it is only excuses, right? Aren't we making things worse with all these excuses?

I travel for business. The Czech Republic, is not gun violent. They had a Velvet Revolution. No shooting. IAC, I found most everyone has a gun on them. Concealed carry is lawful. It is unlawful to show a weapon, unless you have the right to use it in the situation. Everyone is so calm and friendly. Nicest place in Europe. Compared to Germany, France, and England, much more polite society.

"An armed society is a polite society." Robert A. Heinlein

Think about it?
if paintings and artist's renderings are now evidence....


perhaps we should ban all dragons, and fire spells as well? you know, just in case.
Right, a perfect example of Legal Murder. Civilians killed = 0, Bad guys = most, Law Dogs = 1 wounded. Town = happy, Lawmans' Trial by jury = acquitted

You have to remember, the 6 gun was rather new. Most folks had shotguns. Almost no one went around side-armed. That was the problem. Fire with fire.

Good job, you Earps!
I'm not a violent person at all. But, if I think you might hurt my son...I will shoot you. If you're in my garage in the middle of the night, you will be shot. I will lose zero sleep over killing someone who I might think could do my family harm.

Disclaimer: Anyone who leaves my stuff, family, and safety alone...will not be shot.bongsmilie

This is just genius!
shoot first look and ask later.
dont fire into the air or something so that the thief notice that you see him and cant tell your location (wow the upper hand without killing him) . Dont scream out a warning from a covered space. dont be smart just fucking shoot and aim for the head! and the time when it is your own son who just wanted to go for a midnight test-drive even if he is not allowed... fuq it shoot him to death then ask questions. then ask yourself if you were right
Originally Posted by er0senin
so the second you notice someone is stealing your car you go out and shoot him to death point blank?

You realize that when you were sure to hang for stealing a horse, that was a powerful deterrent. And, people in car jacking situations, get killed routinely for any hesitation. And people steal cars to commit very heinous crimes. Or it goes to support dangerous criminal killers, organized crime, etc.

Why do have the bleeding heart for a car thief? In Texas, we don't have to follow progressive rule making theory. In the law, he lost his break, when he came to steal the car. That was his choice. Perhaps your theory is, "society made him take it from me." But, maybe he uses that as his excuse.

See how it works? Maybe it is only excuses, right? Aren't we making things worse with all these excuses?

I travel for business. The Czech Republic, is not gun violent. They had a Velvet Revolution. No shooting. IAC, I found most everyone has a gun on them. Concealed carry is lawful. It is unlawful to show a weapon, unless you have the right to use it in the situation. Everyone is so calm and friendly. Nicest place in Europe. Compared to Germany, France, and England, much more polite society.

"An armed society is a polite society." Robert A. Heinlein

Think about it?

my point is you cant just run out and start shooting people just cause you think something is going down. you might end up killing the things you love the most because you could not do something as simple as stand in cover WITH YOUR GUN and yell out a warning or fire into the air and yell the warning while in cover.

its common sence, think before you act. but hey i gues shooting someone you love to death means nothing as long as you have your shit right?

i know people are fucked up but the person who will fire and aim for the head without hesitation and without double checking so that he dont do the misstake of a lifetime is seriously one of the stupidest things ive ever heard.
he didnt even suggest he might "run out and start shooting people" he said he would run out and start shooting PERSON.

the guy who is trying to hotwire my motorcycle is gonna find out that he is also the guy with a bullet wound.
stealing other peoples' shit may be excusable in whatever fucked up part of the world you live in,, but here in america we have the right to defend ourselves our property and others from banditos.

in many parts of the US being a theif is a high risk occupations,, those parts of the US also happen to be the parts NOT burdened with a massive gun ban, and, not coincidentally, these areas are also unencumbered by the burden of leftists liberals progressives and anarcho-whatever-the-fuck-is-popular-this-weekists.
he didnt even suggest he might "run out and start shooting people" he said he would run out and start shooting PERSON.

the guy who is trying to hotwire my motorcycle is gonna find out that he is also the guy with a bullet wound.
stealing other peoples' shit may be excusable in whatever fucked up part of the world you live in,, but here in america we have the right to defend ourselves our property and others from banditos.

in many parts of the US being a theif is a high risk occupations,, those parts of the US also happen to be the parts NOT burdened with a massive gun ban, and, not coincidentally, these areas are also unencumbered by the burden of leftists liberals progressives and anarcho-whatever-the-fuck-is-popular-this-weekists.

Actually, in most states you cannot use a weapon unless you believe your life is threatened. If you kill someone stealing your car you might serve time for manslaughter if not murder.