First time poster and first time grower



First time poster, and thinking of setting my first grow up in my closet
the closet is 31.5" wide x 18.9" deep x 51.2" tall (probably slightly over, was under-measuring for precautions sake), was hoping for 3-4 plants but completely new at this so:

How many plants do you think would fit in the closet?
What sort of light (preferably with links) should i go for? (was looking for LED ideaaaalllyyy so my flat mate doesn't get suspicious at the electric bill :P)
and what sort of fertilizer will i need and when should i begin to fertilize?
Planning on covering the inside with panda plastic to minimize light spillage.

Cheers all


Well-Known Member
yeah man, there is absolutely no way you'll be able to keep this a secret from your roommate, if they aren't down for this then you should wait until you have a better situation, the meantime you should begin studying, i'd recommend you buy or download a couple books on growing to give you a better idea of whats involved, Jorge Cervantes has an excellant book and a couple good videos too.


Light House

Active Member
Is the front door a complete opening? Are you worried about being able to run aka will you possible have to move these in the future just in case?

If no to both of those then I would recommend building your own box to grow in. Pots are great dont get be wrong, but you cant ever utilize all the space. Large box simulates mother earths large playground for roots or trying to simulate it at least.

If yes to one of those questions go with individual buckets/pots. They can be moved around to be taken out, hidden, cleaned etc. Personally I would scrog the shit out of it. Throw 4 plants will be larger in the same grow box then 6, just cause roots got more room to grow. I would say anywhere from 2 plants (heavily cropped, scrogged or branched to achieve a large top canopy) It would be much easier to grow 6 plants with less scrog and that way the height limit of only what 4 ft (since your light)

DUE TO height limitations I would go with a box built by myself to utilize all the surface area of your unit first then maybe 8" high. I would not do pots taller then 10" because of your height requirement. If you like pots over the single box, go with short height pots with larger surface area.

Light House

Active Member
Toss a curtain in front, light proof it, and LED CFL combination :weed:

My first plant I grew was in an electric / water control room in our rental. Roomys never noticed and the plant was taken into the woods/truck etc on days that were sketch.


okay, here's my situation:
Set up the wardrobe, managed to block all light from escaping (yeey)
Measurements are still the same, i've got a 6400K 300W bulb (its a beast)
usin coco soil and coco neuts
not planted yet but have 7 seeds, 5 are feminized and from seed store, 2 are just from baggies (gonna grow this anyway, if they need binning they get binned without hesitation, dont want them fucking up the whole crop)

here's my plan please let me know if you disagree:
Germinate in soil within peat pots planted in larger tubs- finely mist soil every day (i have 2 spray bottles, one with nutes one with plain boiled water) going to nute every other day from planting (seen that this is advised against by some people but i figure planting in slightly extra fertilized soil (we're talking 3 mill a litre at first)
After 2-3 weeks (after 2nd set of leaves?) comes through this would be when i transport from cup to pot but the peat sees and end to transmission, up to recommended nute cont (bottle says 7ml a litre? any advances)

Wait for at least 5-6 more weeks after this, harvest, cure, enjoy

What do we all think? and what sort of yield should i expect? (planning for 3/7 to die as a first time grower, so starting the baggie 2 off first so any mistakes will be seen BEFORE they hit my main crop)

any extra help would be great :)

Also, i did bio at college and know that pinching a plant will cause it to grow out, or pinching the sides will make it grow taller, which gives off a higher yield? tall or fat?



Well-Known Member
Here, and someone needs to tack this vid somewhere b/c it answers almost every question 4/newbies:



Well-Known Member
These have to be posted separately here, part 3:


And there's all your answers.

Merry Christmas!


Well-Known Member
These have to be posted separately here, part 3:

And there's all your answers.

Merry Christmas!
...merry Christmas to you also and while i agree that Jorge's vids are a must watch for new growers i don't think they have all the answers.

truth is i agree with hotrodharley that hempy growing is a perfect place for new people to start growing as i believe it to be the most forgiving method there is, especially when combined with KISS as a feeding regimen, ...nothing gets easier than that and in a very low-tech way, i know once a good hydro system is dialed in it is easy to maintain but there is indeed a learning curve to achieve that level of ease, ...hempy growing on the other hand is almost brain-dead easy and easy is a great place for new people to be, ...let them learn to play 'three blind mice' and in time they will take those basic chords and create a ganja symphony because hempy growing works at whatever level of experience you have, whether total noob or advanced commercial grower.

just my .02

peace, bozo


okay, i think im sorted, just one question
what do people think about using urine (people pee) as neut? i have a flowering neut thats high in phosphorus, but urine is naturally high in nitrogen for growth
(and i can increase/decrease my bodies levels through diet according to the needs of my plant, i would be as one with my plants ;D my needs would
become their needs, and their needs mine -random hippie talk-

at 2 liters a day its not bad for free neuts :P

what do you guys thinks?


Well-Known Member
okay, i think im sorted, just one question
what do people think about using urine (people pee) as neut? i have a flowering neut thats high in phosphorus, but urine is naturally high in nitrogen for growth
(and i can increase/decrease my bodies levels through diet according to the needs of my plant, i would be as one with my plants ;D my needs would
become their needs, and their needs mine -random hippie talk-

at 2 liters a day its not bad for free neuts :P

what do you guys thinks?
...this should help answer your questions in that regard.

Urine as a Fertilizer... an OG refugee thread

peace, bozo


haha saw those stats in the organic forum :P
cheers for all your help guys, planting a week on saturday (gonna be a bitch keeping them warm with the air recycling from outside, but i'm confident)
now, i'm off to talk to the eco geeks about concentrations of piss ;D


Well-Known Member
Start watching some of that stuff and learn more about the basics. I'm not so sure you need to worry about nutrients when the plants don't get light. And one 68W CFL for multiple plants is not light.