Tahoe OG Kush Scrog in Dual Monster Plant System: Third Round with PO Tahoe

Beautifully healthy, as always a perfect grow Jin.

Time to spice the pag a little if you don't mind ofourse ;)

Day 42 :p feel free to pop over and take whatever pics you like Jin, my new update is a little out of this world!




Thanx Jin :) keep up the awesome growing!! Can't wait to see what you squeeze out of Tahoe legs this time!!!

More for Green Gurlz. Cheers.
hahaha green gurlz is getting some decent coverage these days i was googling for images of goji OG as i just put 2 of those seeds down yesterday and one of the images directed me to green gurlz. gotta love it lol

Thanks, man. That is good news.
Hi GIn ! i hope your having a nice weekend.
I was on greengurlz , as ususal , and wanted to let you know how nice your new upgrades are. I really like the colors and the water droplets.
But i miss the forum,i cant find it anymore.
i posted a movie for you to watch on your me me me page after aprilfool posted.lol. shes a trip!
The beginnin of the movie really awesome. Merry chrimbo babe!

Thanks! I got really high and did it all in like a couple of hours.

I did Green Gurlz Movie Night based on your suggestion.
fuck shit fuck!!!! i went out to do a special nude christmas photo shoot for you out in the mountains today for your christmas present.
But it was an ugly cold gloomy shitty day!!! im sooo pissed. i hauled all my gear 3miles up to the PURFECt spot!!almost fell off a cliff and then almost broke my ankle on the way down.. on top of that my camera got jammed and the battery died!! so all i got was a lousy picture that looks like the ghost of christmas past and my smoking accessories.....OH well..
ill try again next year.lol merry fuckin christmas.:joint:
:joint::hump::hump:chrimstmas joy 002.jpg

chrimstmas joy 010.jpg:shock::shock::weed:
fuck shit fuck!!!! i went out to do a special nude christmas photo shoot for you out in the mountains today for your christmas present.
But it was an ugly cold gloomy shitty day!!! im sooo pissed. i hauled all my gear 3miles up to the PURFECt spot!!almost fell off a cliff and then almost broke my ankle on the way down.. on top of that my camera got jammed and the battery died!! so all i got was a lousy picture that looks like the ghost of christmas past and my smoking accessories.....OH well..
ill try again next year.lol merry fuckin christmas.:joint:
:joint::hump::hump:View attachment 2455195

View attachment 2455196:shock::shock::weed:

It's the thought that counts. Thank you.
i miss your ladies Jin on RIU!! You are a godsend for GreenGurlz!! Such an honor to know a classy photographer who loves growin his erbs as much as he loves beautiful women ;) Love the classy colours and layout! think i'm getting used to it all now! love the callender setup, makes it super easy for me to go back!!!
Thanx again Jin!! Love ya work as always!!

Here's a shot of mine at day 49. Nearly over now... all too quick really! what just happened!?

Looking really nice flowmasta... still running that 100% perlite? Sorry jin didn't mean to mini hi-jack btw well you be attending LA Can Cup in Feb?
Looking really nice flowmasta... still running that 100% perlite? Sorry jin didn't mean to mini hi-jack btw well you be attending LA Can Cup in Feb?
Mate ;) It's pretty hard to contend with Lordjin. I strive to produce quality like his!!! One day I will wipe tears of happiness away as i smoke myself into oblivion with something that resembles Lorjins mental stuff!! :)
Yea i know whats the link to your new thread so i can check it out? Jin's got the setup down... jin you still picking up your genetics from PO? Do you know if they clone directly from seed ( mother grown from seed)?
Yea i know whats the link to your new thread so i can check it out? Jin's got the setup down... jin you still picking up your genetics from PO? Do you know if they clone directly from seed ( mother grown from seed)?

They have elite Clone Only Strains at PO... All of them started as a seed somewhere by someone once upon a time, etc. The Tahoe OG cut started floating around So Cal in 2007 I believe. But to get a truly clone only strain, no the mother wouldn't be from seed because only 1 from seed Tahoe OG mother plant (of the true clone only strain) ever existed. So no most of their rare genetics are not from mothers from seed, it's not a plausible way of continuing clone only genetics. That's the point of a clone only strian, it's that plant that was like 1 in 1,000 or 10,000 just a freak of nature awesome goodness. You'd have to bust thousands of seeds to get something like that, and if the seeds didnt have the right genetics you may not find one at all. The clone only strains are someone found one of those 1/10,000 strains and named it and started giving out cuts to people, who mom them out and also give out cuts, etc. Eventually a place like PO gets a cut and now they are available to the public if you know where to go. Who knows how many times it's been a cut of a cut of a cut by now.
They have elite Clone Only Strains at PO... All of them started as a seed somewhere by someone once upon a time, etc. The Tahoe OG cut started floating around So Cal in 2007 I believe. But to get a truly clone only strain, no the mother wouldn't be from seed because only 1 from seed Tahoe OG mother plant (of the true clone only strain) ever existed. So no most of their rare genetics are not from mothers from seed, it's not a plausible way of continuing clone only genetics. That's the point of a clone only strian, it's that plant that was like 1 in 1,000 or 10,000 just a freak of nature awesome goodness. You'd have to bust thousands of seeds to get something like that, and if the seeds didnt have the right genetics you may not find one at all. The clone only strains are someone found one of those 1/10,000 strains and named it and started giving out cuts to people, who mom them out and also give out cuts, etc. Eventually a place like PO gets a cut and now they are available to the public if you know where to go. Who knows how many times it's been a cut of a cut of a cut by now.

saying that how many times can you go down the line with the same plant like clone off the given flowering plant continued off the next than the next not just from the original mother, can the genetics stay strong? I'm on Jack x Skunk's 3rd run all using my own cuts and keeping them alive for 8 weeks until harvest then straight in and away i go... I haven't noticed ANY downgrade or yield drop yet, but i guess numbers will tell and smoke will determine :) Here's hoping, as learning what you can about horticulture is one thing but they don't exactly teach about cannabis strains :( I would love to keep this cut growing, i still have a chance to clone my outside Jack x which is also a current cut from the plant you see growing in my Blue coloured link in my sig...

Sorry to JAck your thread Jin!!! I can delete prompty if you say so, I am curious about this clone only biz..... I was under the impression that a genetic clone is an EXACT duplicate of the mother the only difference being the sex continues to be female and shows no signs of seedling stage.
saying that how many times can you go down the line with the same plant like clone off the given flowering plant continued off the next than the next not just from the original mother, can the genetics stay strong? I'm on Jack x Skunk's 3rd run all using my own cuts and keeping them alive for 8 weeks until harvest then straight in and away i go... I haven't noticed ANY downgrade or yield drop yet, but i guess numbers will tell and smoke will determine :) Here's hoping, as learning what you can about horticulture is one thing but they don't exactly teach about cannabis strains :( I would love to keep this cut growing, i still have a chance to clone my outside Jack x which is also a current cut from the plant you see growing in my Blue coloured link in my sig...

Sorry to JAck your thread Jin!!! I can delete prompty if you say so, I am curious about this clone only biz..... I was under the impression that a genetic clone is an EXACT duplicate of the mother the only difference being the sex continues to be female and shows no signs of seedling stage.

thats true flower it is an exact copy of the mother however the cutting carries the age of the mother plant. this is why a clone will often outperform the original seed plant, because it is essentially more mature. so if you keep taking cuttings from your plants in the manner that you do you are effectively keeping the same plant alive. in 10 yrs you could take a cutting and it would essentially be a 10yr old plant if that makes sense. after a while they do simply get too old and tire out. cuttings wont take and vigor is lost

this is why some clone only strains like the famous G13 simply die out of existence

or at least that is my understanding of it
saying that how many times can you go down the line with the same plant like clone off the given flowering plant continued off the next than the next not just from the original mother, can the genetics stay strong? I'm on Jack x Skunk's 3rd run all using my own cuts and keeping them alive for 8 weeks until harvest then straight in and away i go... I haven't noticed ANY downgrade or yield drop yet, but i guess numbers will tell and smoke will determine :) Here's hoping, as learning what you can about horticulture is one thing but they don't exactly teach about cannabis strains :( I would love to keep this cut growing, i still have a chance to clone my outside Jack x which is also a current cut from the plant you see growing in my Blue coloured link in my sig...

Sorry to JAck your thread Jin!!! I can delete prompty if you say so, I am curious about this clone only biz..... I was under the impression that a genetic clone is an EXACT duplicate of the mother the only difference being the sex continues to be female and shows no signs of seedling stage.

Not sure, a lot I bet. Hell im on my 3rd mom since I got the cuts from PO, began with only 1 cut from them of each of the strains i picked up and mom'd it out. Those are since long gone and I got cuts to root off them, re planted mom's, and so on. About to start Gen 4 moms here, this latest round of Tahoe is the best one i've run yet. The hardest thing about keeping the genetics going for me is keeping the mom's healthy long term, that's how I can see loosing a clone only strain. Once the mom is too old (happens in <6 months to me) I have to re start them before they loose vigor and go to shit. As long as you take cuts while the mother plant is thriving, it seems the cuts do very well. If you cut a plant not doing so good, good luck getting those little bitches to root!

That's my .02 FM
Jin's thread has gotten a lot slower since GG started, by the way Jin, looks like you got some adds in that beast after all - for seeds and sluts lol Nice, goes perfectly with the GG website.
Yea i know whats the link to your new thread so i can check it out? Jin's got the setup down... jin you still picking up your genetics from PO? Do you know if they clone directly from seed ( mother grown from seed)?

Hi, jojo. Just google green gurlz. Peace bro. Yeah, still chuggin' on the PO gear. My latest is my best from them I think.
Jin's thread has gotten a lot slower since GG started, by the way Jin, looks like you got some adds in that beast after all - for seeds and sluts lol Nice, goes perfectly with the GG website.

Beanz N Bitchez. Lol.

I've been having a little trouble lately with my Photobucket image loader, but I think I got it all squared away and should be running my updates here again soon. Maybe tomorrow?
Happy New Years Lorjin!!! :) Also to all the rest on RIU!!!

I've finished chopping the plant down and she's getting manicured like a sexy lady likes to ;)

Happy New Years Lorjin!!! :) Also to all the rest on RIU!!!

I've finished chopping the plant down and she's getting manicured like a sexy lady likes to ;)


And a Happy New Year to you, old chap. Righteous looking as always.

I really must apologize to you and the rest of the Rollers for being away so long. I just realized that this was the last time I updated:

Here we are at Veg - Day 38. I performed one last round of severe tucking. Check it out:



And after train recovery:


What better way to ring in the New Year, ay growers? Peace!