damn thats 12192563 grams of hashish


Well-Known Member
minimum to make all that would be like 65,000lbs of bud, who the fuck has the resources and man power to pull that off?


Well-Known Member
all i know is that theres still 100s of peeps that are still not caught dealing with that 12 tons of hash, if you manage to get 65,000 plants that produce 1lb each (npt even factoring in the fact of males and the quality was surely not the best) and if they trimmed mostly all of it, cause well they will also want some bud, then were talking 1000s of man hours to accomplish harvesting all of it, and when you harvesting frame time is little then theyd need many people to accomplish that.


Well-Known Member
Its a lot for sure but its nothing in comparison to what makes it through. Or especially to 122ton lol. The fact that its hash makes it kinda heartbreaking tho sounds like maybe it was Moroccan too. Mmm


Well-Known Member

That is some serious bud to make that much hash. Tons and Tons

Whew, someone is crying in thier cheerios tonight.

