Yep Very Hardy Mr.E-Mail....
should be good for jelly not much else....
and yes mr blunts you had best amend your soil.
when I was in TN. Big Bro's soil was that way well that and bolders.
why he was at work I dug up his roses removed the bolders. added sand,
peat moss, and vermiculite. 3 car loads that means trunk back seat & frunt set.
as well a dozen new rose bushes. were in one of the loads. but that made a world of differance. dump sand or gravel on the bottem so you don't end up with a clay
swimming pool. then mix your soil with the peat moss and vermilicuite.
I suggest you put in a little wood or stone walkway so you don't sink up to
your fanny when you step into it.
woops.... almost forgot to tell ya. I planted MY first Basement Garden Tomatoes TODAY!!!
Mr.Blunts I do have a question....
.................... referring to the hybrid aero tub............No timers on that eather??