What were you like in High School? clique wise..


Well-Known Member
and do you keep in touch with anyone from then?...

was over 20 years ago.. still see a few folks here and there dont keep in touch with any of them...

I did not do much extra curricular in school
I was on the "sketch club: 9th grade.. kids met after lunch or during to use the art room to draw-paint etc...
I was a girls volleyball coaching 10th grade... this was a blast..

otherwise I was just a blender (just one of the masses...) till Senior year.. moved from CT to CA and for some odd reason being the new kid here was pretty interesting.. had more dates sr year then 9th-11th grade combined... so more then 1 :)

Had no clue what an Aggie was till I moved here... then again no one here knew what "squids" were... so...


Well-Known Member
I was one of the stoners/hippies. We hated the jocks and vice versa. There are a handful of friends from back then, aside from odd Facebook crap I really only stay in contact with a few


we had this thing where all your grades and + the number of days you came to school and you got a score number the more higher the grades and days you came the higher the score then at the end of the year we all went outside to the bleachers and had an auction and could bid on shit like frisbee and little shit with school logo on them and some stuff was better but i forger what all was there but anyway one of my best friends was a straight A student in all kinds of clubs and went everyday with out missing had over 1,000 points and i had 420. every time the auctioneer would start the bids on something, i would stand up and start screaming 420!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the jocks all knew i smoked pot in school and they were laughing their asses off along with all the other classmates that knew i smoked. it was a great time lol. i never did get anything though it always went over 420.


Well-Known Member
I didn't go but if I did I would have hung out with only one or two other paranoids.
Are you profiling us?


Well-Known Member
started off like as a loner with a few good friends in middle school, homeschooled first yr of high school and then the following year i came back and everyone tried acting like i was joe cool cause we grew an outdoor crop and some kid ripped us off 12ozs and all of a sudden everyome wanted to chill and have me smoke em down, i knew it would happen to the slightest but not the level it escalates to, just goes to show who your real friends are once you aint got bud haha


Well-Known Member
Graduated 1975,played football 4 years, wrestled 1 year, baseball 2 years, quit the baseball team in 12th grade to go to a Lou Reed concert at the tower theater in Philly, suspended 1 game in football for beng drunk, letter taken away. Long hair to my shoulders all 4 years. hung mostly with the heads, occasionally went to jock parties, but felt out of place. Weird but even being a starter most of my years and knowing the jocks, we just didn't communicate, very well. I guess they enjoyed their disco back then, I was a rocker. Music was a influence. With Deep Purple, humble pie, Bachman turner, Led zepplin, j. Geils, Bowie, Black Oak Arkansas, Johnnie and edgar Winters, Kansas, Bad company,alice cooper, black sabbeth and many more great bands. Spectrum and the tower theater in Philadelphia where the venues I went to. Army jackets and converse sneaks. Getting High at the smoking lounge, yea we had them. William Penn H.S. in New Castle, De. No I don't see any one today. Whenever I go by the school, good flash backs of the great old days of my youth flash by. Now they have State police in the school, gotten that bad. What a shame. My long hair days, only one on the sports teams with long hair. wrestled in 9th grade, had to have it cut, never wrestle again, hated it, but was decent. I do miss those days, had alot of fun.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
My school really didn't have cliques. Things got a little tense during the time of the A.I.M. occupation in Shiprock but everyone tended to get along.


Well-Known Member
When I was younger I was much less controlled than I am now, I spent most of hs in military wilderness survival placements but when I was actually in school I was the quiet dude who just wanted to sleep and got along with everyone


Well-Known Member
I was the quiet one, that everyone thought they could pick on and steal from, until they realized I did have friends.I also had better friendsships with people older than me. Now not so much. Ahhh I kinda miss those days.
i was a back of the class kid :)

Aye you woulda been next to me then,lol.Although some teachers noticed i was stoned a few times(back then in Glasgow we didnt have the good green,it was all hash but half deent compared to the crap nowadays). A few teaher actually moved me to the very front so my desk adjoined onto the teachers desk #BuzzKill

Still though looking back they were the best carefree days of our lives innit?I remember in my experimental stage,i started young lol,i used to drop LSD tabs in school but one day i was offered what looked like a lighter flint,got told it was a microdot which id never heard of.I said "gimme two of them purple dots" cos i always dlouble dropped. But fuck me,what a mistake,i underestimated the power of microdots!!! I ended up by 1st period hearing the teachrs talk in sow moton,by time the bell went my mate was guiding me to french asking if i was okay.He gave me them so he was kinda freaked out that i was tripin out my box when usually i took it in my stride lol.During French i dont know what happened but the teacher said summit to me,i still dont know if it was in french of english and i still dont know if i replied in martian or mexican but i remember slow motion shouting nd hr pointing to the door.The whole lcas is lauging nd im laughing but dont know hy.All i k new is i had barbed wire round my desk and couldnt move haha!!! My mate ended up somehow geting me ou the clas and a few mates decided we should maybe dog the rest of the day an we went and chilled at my mates house.That was a memorable day,a typical day was getting caught rolling spliffs round the back of the school boilers.School was a blast,my English teacher was crying when i got expelled for fighting with a P.E teacher who pushed me because i denied i was with a guy who had just ran away so he didnt appreciate being made a fool out of on the way to the headmasters to report us both for smoking weed.He pushed me,i pushed him back and got expelled.My English teacher signed my leavers certificate with tears in her eyes saying "I had such high hopes for you going to university".I was like "really?Shit maybe i shoulda been more proactive in my school career":-P.

Our school was surrounded by a country park with waterfalls and pools and fields full of mushrooms never a dull moment at school in the 1990's to 1994's. Looking back, i treated school as one big audition for girlfriends,always playing the joker,dogging school with hot chicks getting wasted and going skinny dipping in the river.Somehow modernstudies and latin didnt seem as important to me at the time.I had the aptitude for it,just the wrong attitude.:rolleyes:

Its ironic now im a 34yr old single Father that im now back studying at college and in the past few years done my higher English(Ms.Miller woulda been so proud hehe),my ECDL(european computing driving license) and eventually i managed to get to do he 1st year of my computing degree before fate dealt me the single pardent card when my wee boy was only 16 months so never got to get my degree but HNC sufficed.Now im doing 2 days a week along with voluntary practical experience 2 days a week aswell in an addiction treatment centre.Once qualified i'll be a professional peer mentor drug or alcohol key worker for people.Funny how things change innit?

I also find it ironic i tried weed and acid and all recreationals a few years befoe anyone cos i hung with older guys in my street but yet it seems like out my school mates i was the last ne to actually grow up.I never had a plan in place,they would have fun but tell you "im gonna be a vet,im gonna be doctor" and im like "im gonna be in a band,im gonna write a book".Always the dreamer,still am to a certain extent,lol. You know what i shouldnt smoke this ealy in the morning cos i babble away online for hours and end up getting nothing done and iv promised my son a ninendo 3DS today but thankfully hes still sleeping.Hope you all had a good crimbo BTW.Im new here,did an intro thread.I talk a lot,not cos i like to be the attention seeker or like blowing my trumpet,mainly cos when im wasted i tend to chat as if im actually sitting holding a real conversation.Im known s the "The LPG -longpostguy" at my other MJ forum hangout lol.I'll try not to make a habit of it,most of its self depreciating so at least its not listening to some braggard telling you how good his life is....cos mines is distinctly avaerage ;-) Although being a singke Dad is possibly the ultimate thing i have ever done and i'll be making sure junior dont be doing half the shit i did at school :-o

But ahhh yess,school days were the best,especially after swimming when the girls would run n the guys changing room and flash their breast giggling.Best bit about school was the long walks home with 3 girls who lived up my way.They opened my eyes cos they were 3rd year and im 1st year highschool and they violated me a few times taking advantage of my naivety.LOL. The things that happen to you at school you take for granted and think "sweet,my whole life gonna be lke this" and it so isnt:-o

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Staff member
well people told me i was an emo kid.....but i wouldnt say that i guess i was just normal and skipped class to smoke pot