Can I take a crap in the same room as my plants???

Well-Known Member
I have like 3 bathrooms in my house but they are really far from my the bathroom my plants are in. Its a large house and I live with my parents (marijuana users themselves).

I have two 400 watts (800 watts in total, hps/mh) in my shower and usually in the day I take a crap in the other bathrooms before I shower, but sometimes at night I am too lazy and I crap in my plants bathroom.

I heard on manswers one time like 4 years ago before that show was canceled that the reason peoples mouths smell like shit even after they brush there teeth is because when they shit in there bathrooms the bacteria goes into the air when the toilet flushes and goes on the toothbrush. (no evidence on google whether this is true)

Would it in fact go onto my plants and into the soil too?!?!? I use beneficial bacteria which are said to eat/consume bad bacteria like e-coli and all organic nutrients.

Come time when my plants are budding I do not want e-coli going on my buds you know...

If anyone has any info on this please let me know. This is my first time indoors, I am going to do this every year after and before my outdoor harvest (or until I move out hahaha) so I need to know.


Well-Known Member
And that wasnt manswers it was myth busters. and no it doesnt make your breathe smell like shit. its fecal matter that floats around. its so little if your worried about that dont go outside!


no idea... thanks for the laugh though!!!!! but i would be worried too!! hope your shittin doesnt ruin your buds!


Well-Known Member
So dude, check this, I grew up on a farm. As a kid, I can't count the time I was out in Dad's field working, playing, whatever, and took a piss right in the field where the worlds food was being grown. Then the animals would shit and piss all over the crops, the wind would blow in crap from miles away, etc. The water we used to irratgate all this food you have been eating all your life came mostly from a reservoir, where people piss and fish piss and shit, the fish die, animals die and rot in the rivers, etc. Yeah, we put that water all over the worlds food for months.

And then we sold it and you ate it. Nom Nom.

But OMG, don't relieve yourself into a toilet so close to your weed, thats just gross.


Well-Known Member
in the spanish countryside they are fertilizing their plants with horse manure and your worried about taking a crap in the same room...this is the stupidest thread i think i have ever seen..are you for real?


Well-Known Member
i shit next to my plants everyday, my bathroom always smells good and my weed taste/smells excellent ;D


Well-Known Member
People generally have breath that smells like shit when they are constipated. Not through taking a dump in their bathroom.

If this was the case why would your toilet be in the bathroom???



Well-Known Member
So dude, check this, I grew up on a farm. As a kid, I can't count the time I was out in Dad's field working, playing, whatever, and took a piss right in the field where the worlds food was being grown. Then the animals would shit and piss all over the crops, the wind would blow in crap from miles away, etc. The water we used to irratgate all this food you have been eating all your life came mostly from a reservoir, where people piss and fish piss and shit, the fish die, animals die and rot in the rivers, etc. Yeah, we put that water all over the worlds food for months.

And then we sold it and you ate it. Nom Nom.

But OMG, don't relieve yourself into a toilet so close to your weed, thats just gross.
And that's why I grow my own vegetables and weed


Well-Known Member
Being honest. If you're really asking this...your weed tastes like shit cause you just green to the game!! Saldaw speaks the truth! Like who would really think this was their grow issue???? LOL
Happy Holidays and Growing y'all!!! SMH


Well-Known Member
Fuck that, I am a professional.
As a professional I dont contaminate my grow room with anything.


Well-Known Member
And that's why I grow my own vegetables and weed
You are damned right. There are idiots out there who actually MASTURBATE on their plants and think their cum gives it some kind of special boost. Then they sell this shit for people to smoke.


Active Member
You are damned right. There are idiots out there who actually MASTURBATE on their plants and think their cum gives it some kind of special boost. Then they sell this shit for people to smoke.
You dont't jizz on your plants?? Me, I can't help it, especially 2-3 days before chop, big cola's give me the right horn.

past times

Well-Known Member
haha, this got weird.

bad breathe is caused by bacteria...but not from your turds. Your mouth is full of it, its a dirty place, living in the tongue (which under a scope looks like a hairy brush), the pockets around your teeth, and the crypts/crevaces in your tonsils. Basically all over the mouth.


Well-Known Member
and MFR"S wanna know why we quit helpin people... This has to be 1 of the most retarded Q's ive seen!

Jus do the world a favor and kill yourself b4 you breed.