What were you like in High School? clique wise..


Well-Known Member
A loner who would usually be in a close group of three otherwise... The other loners or drifters who moved between groups.

Then againI went to a performing arts school where everyone was 'alternative' or a hipster and smoked pot (amongst other things) so the whole school was a clique in a sense. In middle school I was with the weird nerds or Asians. I've always been into punk/gothic fashion though, so the 'emo kids' were friendly with me, but I'm not really one for superficial groups. Small ones, perhaps, like a pack.

Lol I was still a fucking misfit at a batshit crazy art school. :3


Active Member
High School for me was "It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose" crazy. I had been struggling all my life up to that point with Aspbergers, and only had made a few friends. Jr. High I was known for fighting only because I used to lash out at people because of my disability. High School? Shit, I was already 3 years into smoking pot, getting arrested all the time, and hanging out with my few friends, who were into a lot of deep shit (can't get into it because it's their privacy), and were well connected (viva la raza). I never tried to fit in to any groups, because I already had enough friends to keep me occupied. Though I will say, after HS, my criminal record almost tripled in offenses. Everything from armed robbery to assault on a Peace Officer (I didn't know beating up your probation officer is a big deal). Dallas, Texas in the 90s was crazy, and I was in the middle of it all.


Well-Known Member
All my friends in HS were in their 20's, one happened to be my Spanish teacher who was also my weed connection. My Grandparents owned a pharmacy as well back then, and I was a pretty smart kid...fill in the blanks lol.


Active Member
Dropped out after freshman year, so i didn't get a chance to join any 'cliques'. Plus my hs had like 4000 kids, people just chilled with people, didn't really matter what clique it was. I chilled with the stoners, jocks, ze negros, mexicans, goths, pretty much everyone.


Well-Known Member
I have near-zero recollection of high school. Other than a best friend (that I am still in touch with), I was pretty much a loner, never went to class, and eventually dropped out (after having been skipped twice in elementary and middle school). That I somehow managed to pull it together and get a masters and doctorate many years later in no way reflects well upon the pathetic failed system of massed-forced indoctrination that we have in place here in the US. Everything I accomplished was in spite of that extremely negative experience AKA "high school". As a nation, we are systematically destroying our children. God help us.


Active Member
Hardcore Raver DJ and all that came along with it in the early 90's. Dropped out in 10th but went back about a year later after feeling like a fuck up(possibly resulting from either an eye opening trip or a bad trip)! And completed with diploma. Woopee! I remain to penetrate minds thru the ears with hardcore junglism! So i aint changed, gots kids and they are teens and doin great in school and in their personal lives. I couldnt ask for more! PEACE&LOVISM

oh keep in touch wise...maybe on FB here and there or at certain events.


Well-Known Member
I was the ghost.

7 friends I've known since grade 5 and we still hangout...I consider myself lucky in that regard.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I was useless :)

Went to the pub every night during prep time, got stoned most days after school during 6th form, had plenty of friends but couldn't really be bothered to hang around or do stupid things like go for coffee and such. teachers hated me because i didn't want to goto university so opted just to enjoy myself rather than work hard, despite getting good grades. Finished school and aside from 1 person who i ended up living with for a bit, never bothered contacting anyone ever again.


Well-Known Member
well let's see...i stole mountains of texas instrument graphing calculators and sold them on ebay.
this made me lol

I was a bad kid.. ok not bad.. but.. inventive.... I took advantage of unloading our art room of some art supplies.. I got caught as I walked toward the bus with what many normal principals would have seen as a SHIT LOAD of art supplies.. but he asked me where I got em.. I replied Woolworths (see I am fricking old ) lol and he said ok.. got on the bus.. and people went wild trying to take stuff off me.. imagine people trying to steal from a theif :(

anyhow... got home and I felt so bad I took it all back the next day (what was not taken from me...) anyhow about 3rd period I am hauled into the office and I fess up almost before being asked... told them it was all in my locker.. I think was suspended for 2 days..

worst part of the entire thing was I liked the art teachers a lot too... so much shame. lol


Active Member
I was in the stoner/druggy group, if you needed drugs you would come to me but I very rarely went to parties and withdrew the first week of 11th grade. Highschool wasn't my thing.


Well-Known Member
High School for me was "It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose" crazy. I had been struggling all my life up to that point with Aspbergers, and only had made a few friends. Jr. High I was known for fighting only because I used to lash out at people because of my disability. High School? Shit, I was already 3 years into smoking pot, getting arrested all the time, and hanging out with my few friends, who were into a lot of deep shit (can't get into it because it's their privacy), and were well connected (viva la raza). I never tried to fit in to any groups, because I already had enough friends to keep me occupied. Though I will say, after HS, my criminal record almost tripled in offenses. Everything from armed robbery to assault on a Peace Officer (I didn't know beating up your probation officer is a big deal). Dallas, Texas in the 90s was crazy, and I was in the middle of it all.
Honey I know how you feel. I also have Asperger's Syndrome and suspect Tip Top does as well. Misinterpreting instructions, getting in trouble for lashing out or for being 'inappropriate' and you don't know what the fick you did wrong, kids picking on you because they don't understand you, feeling overwhelmed by sensory overload, poor coordination, unable to identify with others, needing rigid routines and patterns and DIRECT instructions... Yeah, I hear you.


I was bused to another town for highschool and basically fought my way through the 1st 2 years because we on the bus were viewed as "the Enemy".Art class-smoking pot-MA training and fencing-never really developed any long term freindships except my highschool sweetheart,whom I am still with-since 1975-her mother still hates me.Bitch.


Well-Known Member
I kept mostly to my h.s. sweetheart. I helped publish a zine, went to hardcore shows and skated. Had some funky hair and piercings. Left alone bully wise mostly because most people thought I was bat shit crazy and may shank someone.


Well-Known Member
Was a definite stoner back in HS,long hair and everyone knew i was chiefin,didnt really have a clique,hung out with all types from jocks to hillbillys to weird loners,Every class i was hangin with at leaste 2-3 girls,looking back im kinda surprised I didnt get laid till after I graduated highschool with as many as I was talking to.Some good times to remember though.


New Member
shit i was barely talking to any girls in hs...and im not bad looking i was shy i guess. but i didnt leave hs a virgin.:lol:
Honey I know how you feel. I also have Asperger's Syndrome and suspect Tip Top does as well. Misinterpreting instructions, getting in trouble for lashing out or for being 'inappropriate' and you don't know what the fick you did wrong, kids picking on you because they don't understand you, feeling overwhelmed by sensory overload, poor coordination, unable to identify with others, needing rigid routines and patterns and DIRECT instructions... Yeah, I hear you.
While I have never officially been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome I have had some very close friends "diagnose" me with it, including my girlfriend who once she graduates will be working with children with autism/aspergers. That being said my HS experience was very unique and I imagine quite different than most on here. My freshmen year I went to the local public HS and got the shit kicked out of me regularly because I was extremely small and would tell people off when they were being assholes. I eventually got to a point where I was so scared to go to school I fell into a sort of quasi depression and would sleep all day and do nothing productive. My grades went to shit and so did my athletics. When my parents noticed my "depression" (they didn't know anything about what was going on at school because I was too proud to tell them I was getting my shit knocked in) they tried to take me to some therapists but I absolutely hate people trying to psychoanalyze me so I just fucked with the therapist. It was at this point my parents decided to send me to boarding school in hopes that I would figure something out.
The boarding school I was sent to was not what you think of when you think of boarding school (a school filled with troubled kids) but rather it was filled with misfits and oddballs. It was all guys and that sucked... But living with a bunch of misfits and oddballs was amazing because I realized that the kids I was surrounded by were some of the most talented and hardworking people I had ever met they just didn't fall into the typical HS stereotypes and therefore were outcasts in normal schools. In my class of just a little under 50 we had 21 guys end up playing a division 1 sport (many were D1 AA), a chess master, a now professional halo player, 2 pro basketball players, several pro baseball players, several kids who owned self started businesses making thousands of dollars a year and many more. The guys at my school judged each other on if you were good at something or not it didn't matter what it was... if you were talented you got respect and if you were "normal" you kind of fell to the wayside there were absolutely no cliques. I went from being an outcast and getting my shit kicked in my freshmen year with D's to being one of 4 class selected leaders my senior year with A's . My experience only further proves how much of a sham our public education system truly is as if I would have stayed in the system I guarantee I would never have gone to college let alone a top college.