I'm in a bit of a harvesting dilema

So my problem is that all of my buds are maturing alot faster than two of them. All these pics were from the same day and you can see that them main one I'm worried about is pic one. It's almost completely white hairs all the way through where as all the other buds have at least 75-80% red hairs. I know hairs dont absolutely mean it's ready but all the sugar leaves around all the other buds are turning golden from the trichs changing, you can see it around the edges of the pics. The two buds in question are two of the bigger buds not counting my main kola, so I dont really want to harvest them way to soon. I thought about clipping off all the other buds and just letting those two go a little longer but they're both sprouted from the very bottom of the stem meaning I'd chop 90% of the plant off and hope for the two buds to keep growing. Any ideas or suggestions?
Your 2-3 weeks from being done. imo

Dont cut anything - especially to try to save two buds.
all but the two buds are about a week or so from being ripe(those two being 2+), its just that those two arent maturing at the same pace and im thinking i might get stuck picking those two early when i hang the plant.


Well-Known Member
dude don't cut anything . it will plump one more time .. how many days are you at ? i'd say another 10-14 days
its about middle of week 7 going onto 8 now, took alot longer than i thought she woud, but none the less im proud of the results being the first grow and starting off doing everything your not supposed to.


Well-Known Member
its about middle of week 7 going onto 8 now, took alot longer than i thought she woud, but none the less im proud of the results being the first grow and starting off doing everything your not supposed to.

yeah you DO NOT want to miss the last plump they will explode and get all fat go another 2 weeks.. start flushing now.


Well-Known Member
You really can't judge ripeness by the color of your pistils AT ALL. Pistils change color for all kinds of reasons (touch them and the brown, hit them with too much wind, they brown, spray them and they brown, sometimes there is no reason and they go brown).

Those buds are all (more or less) equally ripe, some pistils just browned sooner than others.

Like others said, WAIT AT LEAST ANOTHER 10 DAYS!


Well-Known Member
More time more bud! What's another couple weeks this far in? It's always worth the wait. Good luck!
I guesse I can try to hold out another week or so,lol though I did dip in a little and cut a ripe lookin bud like StewartWarner said so I could test. Tried an oven dry since I only had the one bud and popcron down them stem. I set the bud in a coffee filter and set the oven to about 145ish,then set the coffee fiter on top of the crack made from having the oven door cracked open. The heat came through at a bit lower of a temp and the coffee filter helped suck some of the moisture up. Still tasted ''planty'' but I got a nice high from it. Which adds to the reason I'm gonna wait to harvest,just to let those trichs change a bit more. It was a lovely high ,but I prefer a omfg Im so high I dont wanna do shit kinda buzz. That and I'm hoping they plump one more time like you guys said.
You really can't judge ripeness by the color of your pistils AT ALL. Pistils change color for all kinds of reasons
Like others said, WAIT AT LEAST ANOTHER 10 DAYS!
I do plan on waiting a few more days and I know you cant really judge them by the pistils, but the trichs around everything are darkening except on these two buds too.
But like yall said I'll wait a little longer and see where it gets me.