600w multi strain grow


Active Member
Nice looking plants and kudos to you on your setup and soon your ability to have a quick turnaround from grow to grow.

I’m not a cannabis grower but I like to grow many different things and I’m sitting here with envy. I’m subscribed and along for the ride.

I posted in your potassium deficiency thread while I was reading your journal. I didn’t realise at the time you had everything back under control.

Can you explain the new cloner; it looks simple to build,use and finally have it going with success. I’m sorry if you already did and I missed it.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants and kudos to you on your setup and soon your ability to have a quick turnaround from grow to grow.

I’m not a cannabis grower but I like to grow many different things and I’m sitting here with envy. I’m subscribed and along for the ride.

I posted in your potassium deficiency thread while I was reading your journal. I didn’t realise at the time you had everything back under control.

Can you explain the new cloner; it looks simple to build,use and finally have it going with success. I’m sorry if you already did and I missed it.
Hey man glad to have you :) soon ill have some Cosmos, hollyhock's and another flower going in my room to add some color.

the newest cloner that im having a good amount of sucess with is just a propogator with a seedling mat underneat. using rockwool cubes soaked in clonex and a 26w 6500k CFL above it. I have tried aero cloning (2 different setups) and using jiffy pucks with rooting powder both worked but not great. the rockwool and propogator seem to work the best.


Well-Known Member
the rice thing actually is where i got the idea to grow in an all straw medium, that and going over to a shroom site shortly after looking at that threads first 2 pages of bullshit.


Active Member
In your post# 303 your last update of pics, what picture is of the plant with or had the potassium deficiency? Just wanted an update on the sick lady, only worried about her health. You never said if the diagnosis was correct, and what did you do to address the problem?


Active Member
I hope I'm not getting to be a pain but one more thing, you guys were talking about "foxtails" I think; can you explain that, is there any pictures?


Well-Known Member
In your post# 303 your last update of pics, what picture is of the plant with or had the potassium deficiency? Just wanted an update on the sick lady, only worried about her health. You never said if the diagnosis was correct, and what did you do to address the problem?
here is a pic of the fruity chronic juice, all advice and input is welcome man :)


this pic shows the deficiency or whatever the issue is, if you have any suggestions i would be happy to hear them man. I have read your posts and you dont seem to be talking out of your ass :)


Well-Known Member
like i said before in the deficiency post, the overall plant health is fine...just wish i knew what it was lacking as i want to give my girls what they want :)


Well-Known Member
it looks almost like a heavy metal lockout now. zinc or iron or something.
yeah not really sure im going to do much more for it as harvest is coming soon...just sucks i dont like my girls having deficiencies. I really need to invest in a GOOD soil PH meter. Right now the Ole lady is bitching about my spending as it is and im running out of other things that i feel are more important like nutes and shit.


Active Member
here is a pic of the fruity chronic juice, all advice and input is welcome man :)

View attachment 2458066

this pic shows the deficiency or whatever the issue is, if you have any suggestions i would be happy to hear them man. I have read your posts and you dont seem to be talking out of your ass :)
I think what you are seeing here is quite normal for a plant this far in the game. As I mentioned in the pot def thread the sugars are drawled back to the plant turning the leaf yellow starting with the sucker or fan leafs. Too help maintain the green appearance of a plant if this natural occurrence happens too early into budding, a little extra nitrogen my do the trick. Easy on the nitrogen through because it has many unwanted side effects as well. I will provide some links for you if you like to read and I will also copy and paste out the important stuff.

When I was ten years old my uncle gave me a weed plant, mother let me grow it in the house till she notice I had a green thumb. Many years later I grow a garden and many flowers on my property every year. I have some pics of weed patches that I grew long ago, taken with a Polaroid camera before digital came to the masses. I will try and take a picture of the Polaroid and upload it.


important things here are as follows:

Nitrogen (N)

Nitrate - Ammonium is found in both inorganic and organic forms in the plant, and combines with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sometimes sulfur to form amino acids, amino enzymes, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, alkaloids, and purine bases. Nitrogen rates high as molecular weight proteins in plant tissue.

Plants need lots of N during vegging, but it's easy to overdo it. Added too much? Flush the soil with plain water. Soluble nitrogen (especially nitrate) is the form that's the most quickly available to the roots, while insoluble N (like urea) first needs to be broken down by microbes in the soil before the roots can absorb it. Avoid excessive ammonium nitrogen, which can interfere with other nutrients.
Too much N delays flowering. Plants should be allowed to become N-deficient late in flowering for best flavor.

Nitrogen Deficiencies

Plants will exhibit lack of vigor, slow growth and will be weak and stunted. Quality and yield will be significantly reduced. Older leaves become yellow (chlorotic) from lack of chlorophyll. Deficient plants will exhibit uniform light green to yellow on older leaves, these leaves may die and drop. Leaf margins will not curled up noticeably. Chlorosis will eventually spread throughout the plant. Stems, petioles and lower leaf surfaces may turn purple.

Potassium (K)

Potassium is involved in maintaining the water status of the plant and the tugor pressure of it's cells and the opening and closing of the stomata. Potassium is required in the accumulation and translocation of carbohydrates. Lack of potassium will reduce yield and quality.
Potassium deficiency (K).

Older leaves are initially chlorotic but soon develop dark necrotic lesions (dead tissue). First apparent on the tips and margins of the leaves. Stem and branches may become weak and easily broken, the plant may also stretch. The plant will become susceptible to disease and toxicity. In addition to appearing to look like iron deficiency, the tips of the leaves curl and the edges burn and die.

Potassium - Too much sodium (Na) displaces K, causing a K deficiency. Sources of high salinity are: baking soda (sodium bicarbonate "pH-up"), too much manure, and the use of water-softening filters (which should not be used). If the problem is Na, flush the soil. K can get locked up from too much Ca or ammonium nitrogen, and possibly cold weather.

So looking at your plant you see yellow but do you see dark necrotic lesions (little brown spots) and is the yellowing even on the leaf?, as well is it on the "sunny side" more so than the shaded leafs?

My organic line up is as follows:

I also mentioned the blood meal as an organic means of Nitrogen but a little goes a long way when using it as a tea, it is meant for a soil additive. Blood meal contains N =13.25%, P = 1.0%, K = 0.6%. And there is also Bone meal which has 4-12-0 and last but not least Kelp Meal which varies in strength. This stuff is cheap and not overly controlled by the Government. It’s also old school meaning tried, tested, and true.

Sorry for the long winded post.


Well-Known Member
So looking at your plant you see yellow but do you see dark necrotic lesions (little brown spots)


is the yellowing even on the leaf?
some yes, some no.

as well is it on the "sunny side" more so than the shaded leafs?
if you are refering to the top and bottom sides of the leaves it does seem the bottom is still green. some spots from the necrotic parts show through.

I also mentioned the blood meal as an organic means of Nitrogen but a little goes a long way when using it as a tea, it is meant for a soil additive. Blood meal contains N =13.25%, P = 1.0%, K = 0.6%. And there is also Bone meal which has 4-12-0 and last but not least Kelp Meal which varies in strength. This stuff is cheap and not overly controlled by the Government. It’s also old school meaning tried, tested, and true.

Sorry for the long winded post.
no prob man it was a good read. My issue is i dont really have the funds for anything else. I just got laid off work and unemployment told me to go blow a dick (150 bucks a week wtf is that) so im in the process of finding another job and dont have any extra money to be spending on the grow. I will for sure keep those ingredients you listed in mind as i would like to start brewing my own tea's again, i think with my general organics lineup it would be a good practice to mix my feedings into a batch of tea and feed that way. i guess im just getting lazy. maybe ill pick up a bag of


and try making a tea for next feeding.....

thanks for all the input. :)


Active Member

Here is picture from when I was a little more daring. I would load the tiller on the ATV and head in the woods down an old side road.Till up a patch or two in case the Eye in the sky found one, then prayed for the best.

This patch was 3 rows of 25 in each. The coppers have stepped up their game in my area and the law has changed too. I gave up growing the illegal shit after I accumulated things I would rather not lose. Like my freedom.

Pretty shitty about getting laid off and with Xmas just passing by that blows, sorry to hear. Yah EI or Unemployment whatever you want to call it, sure is a slow way of starving to death. $150 wouldn’t even by the grub for a family man. I hope you get things going for yourself.

Here is a couple pics from this year's crop. lol

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Well-Known Member
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Here is picture from when I was a little more daring. I would load the tiller on the ATV and head in the woods down an old side road.Till up a patch or two in case the Eye in the sky found one, then prayed for the best.

This patch was 3 rows of 25 in each. The coppers have stepped up their game in my area and the law has changed too. I gave up growing the illegal shit after I accumulated things I would rather not lose. Like my freedom.

Pretty shitty about getting laid off and with Xmas just passing by that blows, sorry to hear. Yah EI or Unemployment whatever you want to call it, sure is a slow way of starving to death. $150 wouldn’t even by the grub for a family man. I hope you get things going for yourself.

Here is a couple pics from this year's crop. lol

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your crops look great man :P and them pics of the canabis plants man theats a classic poloroid and all lol :)