looking for the BEST odour control...Uvonair or Carbon Filter

Hi, i wonder what is the best investement to do with money when is time to control the big flowering odor...

a carbon filter seem the best but i now read about Uvonair 1000jr or the model 3000.....who know about them? electricity cost? sound? what the best descision?

Thank you Uvonair
i use a carbon filter and seem to have no issues with odor, only thing is the fan is kind of noisy. I don't care but some poeple might, I've never seen the uvonair but it looks interesting, I though i read ozone had an effect on thc but I could be wrong. If not I might look into one myself.
I've only turned on my cap 5500 sq ft ozone generator. So I don't know how well it works with smells really. I got it for 93$+shipping from www.plantlightinghydroponics.com . It is very quiet. I did read that if you use it in the room its not only bad for your lungs it does a little browning to the leaves. I'm going to put mine in the ducting I believe. Also I will probably get a carbon filter.
ona gel works great for small amount of plants ..max 3 .I can't use a carbon filter because the fan would ruin my stealth and ona has covered me very well so far
With the kind of units mentioned they will affect plants if cleaned air after the uv or ionizer (two diff units but similar), are not ducted for 15 feet after the air has been cleaned. I have a buddy at work who said his wife was getting complaints about smelling like a skunk at work. He picked up the air ionizer scrubber and hasn't smelled a thing since. The only rule of thumb was to have the ducting after the unit at least b 15 feet then exit. It allows for the air to not b harmful to plants or ourselves. Remember when we could smoke in bowling alleys? You could walk in and over the cig smoke you could smell a fresh air smell. That's a whole bunch of huge ionizers scrubbing the air.

I still use a carbon scrubber but once it gets old ill pry change to something different just to check out how they run
I ordered the uvonair 5000 and a refill of carbon after seeing and smelling a friends setup. While it was all on there was no smell whatsoever but when everything was off you could smell it at the door way. Everything was running up to the attic. He had a CAP OZN-1 bad thing about that is you can't replace the bulb and will have to buy another. If your worried about sound I'd go with a muffler (find them on ebay) at the end of anything (ozone gen or carbon scrubber) they both require a fan to push air (plus if you put an inline fan in a box with packing it helps reduce noise). Most effective at eliminating smell would have to be a ozone generator. I've been using (2) 4in carbon scrubbers for 4 yrs with ona mist , used them in 2 different apartments and still had a bit of a leak smell inside. But since then I've moved into a house and I've been growing heavy duty fruity and I've gotta say it smells more than any strain I've ever grown, and have had to cut them down early because of the smell (you could smell them outside from house) I will be using a combo of both ozone and activated carbon to make sure there is zero stink. My generator should be comming in today! XD hope that helps
I have a carbon scrubber in my tent and the uvonair upstairs. Carbon filter misses some stinky particles that I smell when I walk in the front door. The uvonair cleans that up in a few minutes.
I do something very similar. I have a Phresh that does a great job catching odors. however I pull my plants out to water and tend them, and a Crystal Air ozonizer works wonders for my house air ... i run it until I smell the ozone, then shut it down. The combo is supreme imo, and I can recommend the Crystal Air unit, going strong 13 years in ... cn
I do something very similar. I have a Phresh that does a great job catching odors. however I pull my plants out to water and tend them, and a Crystal Air ozonizer works wonders for my house air ... i run it until I smell the ozone, then shut it down. The combo is supreme imo, and I can recommend the Crystal Air unit, going strong 13 years in ... cn

Do you have a link to the product you use?
I would be hesitant running an ozone generator if your growing in the same house you live in. They're not exactly "safe". http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/ozonegen.html

Here's a sweet snippet.

[TABLE="class: table zebra"]
[TR="class: tint, bgcolor: #EEEEEE"]
[TH="align: left"]Health Effects[/TH]
[TH="width: 30%, bgcolor: #CCCCCC, align: left"]Risk Factors[/TH]
[TH="width: 40%, bgcolor: #CCCCCC, align: left"]Health Standards*[/TH]
[TD="width: 30%"]Potential risk of experiencing:

Decreases in lung function

Aggravation of asthma

Throat irritation and cough

Chest pain and shortness of breath

Inflammation of lung tissue

Higher susceptibility to respiratory infection[/TD]
[TD="width: 30%"]Factors expected to increase risk and severity of health effects are:

Increase in ozone air concentration

Greater duration of exposure for some health effects

Activities that raise the breathing rate (e.g., exercise)

Certain pre-existing lung diseases (e.g., asthma)
[TD="width: 40%"]The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires ozone output of indoor medical devices to be no more than 0.05 ppm.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that workers not be exposed to an average concentration of more than 0.10 ppm for 8 hours.

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends an upper limit of 0.10 ppm, not to be exceeded at any time.

EPA’s National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone is a maximum 8 hour average outdoor concentration of 0.08 ppm (see - the Clean Air Act - www.epa.gov/air/caa/title1.html#ib)
[TR="class: tint, bgcolor: #EEEEEE"]
[TD="width: 30%, colspan: 3"](* ppm = parts per million)[/TD]
I was planning to add an ozone generator to my odor fighting regiment. After seeing so many people say it's terrible, I did a google search for "ozone generator for the home". The second (www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/ozonegen.html), third (www.ct.gov/dph/lib/dph/...health/.../ozone_generator_fact_sheet.pdf), and fourth (www.webmd.com/news/20060511/ozone-generators-home-smog) results make it pretty clear you do not want one of these in any space you will be spending time in.

I may still run one, but my plan was always to put it in the chimney where the exhaust is. I may just start venting into my sewer instead :p
i mean that i stealth grow 1 plant at a time in a closet.I try and go with low odour strains and ona ,becuase carbin filter and fan setups are noisy.. if someone comes in my house ,the whirring of a fan is going to be just as suspicious as any smell.So i have found so far that ,no more than 1 or 2plants at a time + low odour strain + ona gel in my grow room ,means that you can't smell anything ,even outside the door.
I was planning to add an ozone generator to my odor fighting regiment. After seeing so many people say it's terrible, I did a google search for "ozone generator for the home". The second (www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/ozonegen.html), third (www.ct.gov/dph/lib/dph/...health/.../ozone_generator_fact_sheet.pdf), and fourth (www.webmd.com/news/20060511/ozone-generators-home-smog) results make it pretty clear you do not want one of these in any space you will be spending time in.

I may still run one, but my plan was always to put it in the chimney where the exhaust is. I may just start venting into my sewer instead :p

FWIW, I run O3 for my entire setup. The air is vented into an attic space where it mixes with the O3. It then dissipates out.

I ordered the uvonair 5000 and a refill of carbon after seeing and smelling a friends setup. While it was all on there was no smell whatsoever but when everything was off you could smell it at the door way. Everything was running up to the attic. He had a CAP OZN-1 bad thing about that is you can't replace the bulb and will have to buy another. If your worried about sound I'd go with a muffler (find them on ebay) at the end of anything (ozone gen or carbon scrubber) they both require a fan to push air (plus if you put an inline fan in a box with packing it helps reduce noise). Most effective at eliminating smell would have to be a ozone generator. I've been using (2) 4in carbon scrubbers for 4 yrs with ona mist , used them in 2 different apartments and still had a bit of a leak smell inside. But since then I've moved into a house and I've been growing heavy duty fruity and I've gotta say it smells more than any strain I've ever grown, and have had to cut them down early because of the smell (you could smell them outside from house) I will be using a combo of both ozone and activated carbon to make sure there is zero stink. My generator should be comming in today! XD hope that helps

You can get the Cap OZN-1 replacement bulbs at numerous places including eBay but here is one http://www.nehydro.com/odor-control/ozn-1-replacement-bulb/ , should run you around $50 at most places. Replaced mine after 2 years of continuous 15min on 15min off. My OZN-1 is in the top of my 4x4 tent and it gets sucked straight out and into the attic, never seen a problem with my plants though.
Canabineer, thanks for that link. Those look like nice units! I had my eye on the OZN-1 from CAP, but I bookmarked this page just in case. ;)

SimonD, I think I recall you saying that earlier in the thread. From my understanding of how ozone works on odor, that sounds like a great solution. It's hard for me to get to the attic from the basement though. ;)

I haven't ruled out ozone. I'm having a little problem with my plan to vent into my unused chimney. When I was planning out the grow room, I assumed it was just an open square inside the brick, but when I removed the cover in the basement, I found a 6" ducting inside. In hindsight, I should have known that as you can see the pipe, with it's little cap, sticking out of the chimney on the roof. :(

I may end up having to exhaust into my garage. I may run an ozone generator in there to help cover up any smells the CAN66 doesn't catch. I don't want to vent directly outside as the vent may look suspicious. I'm still contemplating other options. The only local person, besides my wife, that knows about the grow is a contractor, so he is coming over to help me brainstorm solutions. I don't want to exhaust into the garage if I can help it. I planned to use that as my intake buffer since it's a little warmer in the Winter and a little cooler in the Summer. I have a crawlspace on one side of the basement that I could vent into, so that may be the route I take. If I go that route, I could put an ozone generator in there and get the same result Simon is getting. There is a potential security issue if I use the crawlspace though. We're planning to have some work done to the foundation in that section of the house. I'd be worried about the contractor/workers noticing warm air coming out of the vents. I'm also a little concerned about warming the crawlspace in the summer, but I could always exhaust the crawlspace as well.