well not being one to generalise lol, what i fear is that folk will blindly believe something just because a particular group of scientist publish findings about a particular subject they may have been paid to undertake by folk with a vested intrest in a paticular set of results
i do not believe that all science is for the benefit of humankind or to propagate truth
some people like to appear to be right about something so they will read up on subjects and then quote from them, something like a parrot repeating the words of its owner, it is remarkable how many budding scientists i encounter on my internet travels
i remember global warming , now its called climate change, maybe it will have a new name in another decade .. we will have to wait for the clever scientists to work it all out for us
if you blindly have trust in god or the government licensed scientist of the day, i see little difference in this mindset
understanding science ? this is a very general statement to make, do you mean that you personally understand every single scientific notion or conception ever discovered ?
i would never dispute the existence of god, i have never understood the position of the atheist
since god is irrelevant to me, i am not looking to follow or worship anyone, god or scientist
good luck on your quest for truth*