"Carbon dioxide global Climate change" is a hoax and fraud

Lol...You liberals are too easy to figure out. One innuendo after another hoping for one person to question themselves and EVERY response is personal. Your quite obvious IMMEDIATELY going for the small penis comment and unsatisfying to men and women. Your the one overcompensating. I let my actions speak for themselves. Your just a keyboard warrior lol. But hey. Your welcome to the insults. Keep em' coming. I g2g build my bunker. The apocalypse is coming since Donald scaled back on the EPA. Just like in 1999 with Y2K. Stock up on water and food.
Your name is LittleMan80...

Of course people assume you've a tiny penis.

Why didn't you just name yourself nano-cock?
Your name is LittleMan80...

Of course people assume you've a tiny penis.

Why didn't you just name yourself nano-cock?
Think what you wan
To put it frankly, that's a fucking stupid thing to say.

They're electric, lots of people run them off renewables... they don't run on combustion and are far far more efficient that combustion engines and contain no coal whatsoever.
The cars run on electric, but what good is it doing when the charging stations come from coal powered plants? Your just trading one for the other.

Maybe less partially unburned hydro carbons in the air and less reliance on fossil fuels. maybe?
He also fails to realise that people can stick up panels to charge em completely free and green.

If right wingers weren't in bed with the fossil fuel companies they'd be the first to embrace green technology as being a way of saving/making more money.
Think what you wan

The cars run on electric, but what good is it doing when the charging stations come from coal powered plants? Your just trading one for the other.
If we shutter coal fired power plants in favor of natural gas and renewables, that problem is solved at the source AND in traffic.

So try moving the goalposts again and see where that gets you.
Many scientists have cited excellent scientific reasons why the carbon dioxide global climate change is a hoax. Any so-called scientist that believes carbon dioxide can cause global warming is not a scientist. Examples are that burning fossil fuels and carbon dioxide from industry and automobiles are insignificant compared to the carbon dioxide from the oceans. Carbon dioxide is only 0.04 percent of the Earth's atmosphere and has little or no effect on the temperature of the Earth. Another proof of deception is that the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide is negligible compared to water vapor in the atmosphere as a result of the increased temperature of the oceans. The atmosphere of Mars is 95.32 percent carbon dioxide!, Yet Mars has no greenhouse effect whatsoever. The temperature of Mars ranges from 20 - 40 F during the day to minus 400 F during the night. The atmospheric pressure of Mars is only 0.07 percent of that of the Earth, if I understand this correctly, 0.007 x 95.32%= 0.667% carbon dioxide on Mars when equated to Earth's atmosphere, compared to 0.38% CO2 on Earth. So Mars has 17.55 times the carbon dioxide density of the CO2 on Earth.

The almost pure carbon dioxide atmosphere of Mars does not hold the heat at night that is produced by the radiation of the sun during the day. To justify the 0.38 percent level of carbon dioxide as greenhouse effect, "scientists" fraudulently promoting global warming claim that nitrogen and oxygen in the air (approximately 79 percent and 21 percent respectively) are diatomic and therefore cannot store heat energy, while carbon dioxide is triatomic. They conveniently overlook the fact that water vapor is also triatomic and ranges from 20 percent to 100 percent relative humidity! this gives water vapor thousands of times more heat storage ability than the extremely low level of carbon dioxide in the air. The sad fact is that carbon dioxide has no greenhouse effect at all!

Global climate change is a natural constant regardless of the presence of mankind. Global warming and global cooling are caused by the magnetic fields within our solar system. On October 28, 1999, Jupiter was the closest it has been to the Earth and the Sun in 59.6 years. As Jupiter moves away from the Earth and the Sun we are now experiencing global cooling. The Earth's temperatures over the past 150 years are shown in the graph below, this shows the variations in temperature as following the Sun's sunspot activity which coincides with Jupiter's eleven year orbit around the Sun, with major fluctuations occurring every 59.6 years coinciding with Jupiter's closest approaches to the Sun and Earth. The increase in carbon dioxide shown coincides with Jupiter's magnetic field interacting with Earth's magnetic field and increasing the temerature of the ocean which drives carbon dioxide out of the ocean water.


2005 - 2010 were the coldest springs since 1939 which was 60 years before 1999. 1934 was the warmest year of the twentieth century when Jupiter was close to the Sun and Earth. Jupiter's 11.86 year orbit around the Sun put Jupiter on the other side of the Sun in 2006 accounting for our cold springs and falls during the 2005 thru 2010 years. In 2018 Jupiter will again be on the other side of the Sun, and this will be even colder than the last orbit of Jupiter.

The effect of human activities on the Earth are insignificant compared to the radiation from the Sun, the magnetic and gravitational fields and eccentric orbit of Jupiter, the moon and the tilt of the Earth's axis. These not only affect the temperature of the Earth, but affect the tides, menstrual cycles, human and animal behavior, earthquakes, tsunamis, el nino, volcanoes, winds and rains, aurora borealis and the temperature of the oceans. Global warming caused by human emissions of carbon dioxide is a hoax and a myth! Solar ultra-violet radiation doubles and declines in eleven year cycles.

The sad thing is most Trump idiots don't own any kind of stock.

Just the big $ donors.
I bought 5000 shares of AMD when it was at 2.40
I bought 2000 shares of IBM years ago when it was at $70.62
I bought a 1000 shares of GWPH at $45.14

I'm a millionaire. Like I said, you morons have no idea who I am. I'll go back to why I really joined this site.
If we shutter coal fired power plants in favor of natural gas and renewables, that problem is solved at the source AND in traffic.

So try moving the goalposts again and see where that gets you.
Well, little by little stuff is moving towards cleaner energy and natural gas, but you can't do it all at once. It would cripple the economy and you know it. I'm just making case in point of what everything is right now.
Well, little by little stuff is moving towards cleaner energy and natural gas, but you can't do it all at once. It would cripple the economy and you know it. I'm just making case in point of what everything is right now.
IOW; 'I concede the point'