Last minute advice! Regarding medical license


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody. I have some questions about obtaining a medical marijuana license that I would like to ask before I send these forms to Health Canada.

Well first of all, I was diagnosed with ADHD as well as Anxiety Disorder from the age of 7.
I have been on meds my hole life up until maybe the 11th grade. Trying many different pills and prescriptions from doctors and psychologists.
Lot of pills have had negative affects to my body, some made my heart race, some caused headaches and so on..
Once I smoked marijuana in 11th grade, I realized it was a godsent for me. Ive been off prescription medication for years as I'm 20 now.
Marijuana is my only medication, and I have been coping with my diagnoses' just fine by self medicating daily.

Kush is not cheap and I do not need a criminal record for simply self medicating, so I decide to go for my mmar license.

Anybody get their license for any of these? I have read it is not an easy thing to obtain a license for.
I dont want to say the wrong things or answer any of the questions in a way that is going to reduce my chance of obtaining the license. Some people ruin the hole process because of one or two words.
Do I have a better chance just putting ADHD, or just Anxiety disorder?
I could ask questions for days but anybody know the DO's and DONT's when obtaining license for these conditions?

Would really appreciate some advice, it will def save me a lot of time and hardship if I get it right the first time.
Hi Underground, I just wanted to make sure you understand that you need to go to see a GP and then go to see a specialist who will write a report on your circumstances. In that report there must be a comment or two about you saying that you wanted to try medical marijuana for whatever your reason is. It doesn't matter if the specialist doesn't agree with it. There needs to be that plus there needs to be a diagnosis also written in that report. And said report then goes back to the GP and they sign the MMAR forms. But that's the pathway for just a GP signing your forms.

If you go to see a psychiatrist, they are considered to be a specialist with a medical degree. Therefore they are able to sign your forms as well as give you a mental health type of diagnosis. If you believe that prescription medicine does not work, then say so and ask them to document this. Then show them the form that they are required to sign and fill out. Within mental health I believe the reasons for medical marijuana are anxiety, stress, and depression. I can't comment about ADHD because I don't know anything about it really other than it over diagnosed way to much.

Please note that a psychologist is not a psychiatrist. Usually the specialist reports have to come from somebody who has a medical doctors degree behind them which I believe is quite wrong. You only have a year so I would look for a doctor in any province that will prescribe more than 1-5 grams a day. There are lists under canadian patients medical marijuana here at roll it up for you to have a look. Best wishes.
Hi Underground, I just wanted to make sure you understand that you need to go to see a GP and then go to see a specialist who will write a report on your circumstances. In that report there must be a comment or two about you saying that you wanted to try medical marijuana for whatever your reason is. It doesn't matter if the specialist doesn't agree with it. There needs to be that plus there needs to be a diagnosis also written in that report. And said report then goes back to the GP and they sign the MMAR forms. But that's the pathway for just a GP signing your forms.

If you go to see a psychiatrist, they are considered to be a specialist with a medical degree. Therefore they are able to sign your forms as well as give you a mental health type of diagnosis. If you believe that prescription medicine does not work, then say so and ask them to document this. Then show them the form that they are required to sign and fill out. Within mental health I believe the reasons for medical marijuana are anxiety, stress, and depression. I can't comment about ADHD because I don't know anything about it really other than it over diagnosed way to much.

Please note that a psychologist is not a psychiatrist. Usually the specialist reports have to come from somebody who has a medical doctors degree behind them which I believe is quite wrong. You only have a year so I would look for a doctor in any province that will prescribe more than 1-5 grams a day. There are lists under canadian patients medical marijuana here at roll it up for you to have a look. Best wishes.

I may be wrong but correct me if so, would ADHD and anxiety not fall under B2 form witch only a specialist can sign off on?
Hi Underground, I just wanted to make sure you understand that you need to go to see a GP and then go to see a specialist who will write a report on your circumstances. In that report there must be a comment or two about you saying that you wanted to try medical marijuana for whatever your reason is. It doesn't matter if the specialist doesn't agree with it. There needs to be that plus there needs to be a diagnosis also written in that report. And said report then goes back to the GP and they sign the MMAR forms. But that's the pathway for just a GP signing your forms.

If you go to see a psychiatrist, they are considered to be a specialist with a medical degree. Therefore they are able to sign your forms as well as give you a mental health type of diagnosis. If you believe that prescription medicine does not work, then say so and ask them to document this. Then show them the form that they are required to sign and fill out. Within mental health I believe the reasons for medical marijuana are anxiety, stress, and depression. I can't comment about ADHD because I don't know anything about it really other than it over diagnosed way to much.

Please note that a psychologist is not a psychiatrist. Usually the specialist reports have to come from somebody who has a medical doctors degree behind them which I believe is quite wrong. You only have a year so I would look for a doctor in any province that will prescribe more than 1-5 grams a day. There are lists under canadian patients medical marijuana here at roll it up for you to have a look. Best wishes.

I mixed them up, forgive me. What i meant was a psychiatrist, I have been receiving counselling for a few years and I have seen a psychiatrist multiple times. I have seen one as recently as 2 months ago.
A psychiatrist is considered to be a specialist so you could try and get them to sign your b2 forms or you could go the other route - go to a GP, ask for a referal to a psychiatrist, go and see them, tell them you want to try medical marijuana and get him to also include a diagnosis in his report. Then have that report sent to your personal email as well as for the GP you initially saw as well as the GP doctor that you have researched beforehand that is willing to sign a medical marijuana form. You won't qualify for form B1. Big mac is right I believe in that it will be B2 form. I personally had to go to 5 specialists with a stupid form from the first ganja doctor I went to see. That form made me get their signature saying all other means have been tried and then all other means have not worked. Plus a report> Well believe me folks, that ganja doctor is an idiot and I asked for a refund. Then I found another ganja doctor who didn't require those kinds of dumb forms to be signed by specialists. SO I went to a sixth specialist got the report I needed and went to a different ganja doctor who allowed me to be on Form B1 because I had a history of cancer. So you may have to try a number of ways to get your forms signed but don't give up. Just have a list of GPs that you can go to, a list of specialists that you can go to, and a list of marijuana doctors that you can go to. Usually the marijuana doctors screen you before they'll see you. You have to show them a copy of the report from the specialist. So what I did was go to an all day med clinic (not my regular GP), and asked for a referral to such and such specialist for such and such reason. Then I got the report emailed to me and I sent that to the marijuana doctor. That's why I am saying have a bunch of lists of people because it is a real game to get this done. Good luck man.
You don't need a specialist to sign off on the B2. You only need your GP to sign. You need a specialists diagnosis, generally it's in the form of a consult letter of which your doctor will have probably more than one copy of already.

It really disturbs me to hear you were put on such powerful drugs at such a young age. I hope things work out for you man.

My B2 was signed by my GP.
I might be wrong then and If I am then I apologize to you for giving you the wrong information. I'm cat B1 having had cancer.
You don't need a specialist to sign off on the B2. You only need your GP to sign. You need a specialists diagnosis, generally it's in the form of a consult letter of which your doctor will have probably more than one copy of already.

It really disturbs me to hear you were put on such powerful drugs at such a young age. I hope things work out for you man.

My B2 was signed by my GP.

So what if my GP doesn't believe in medical marijuana and wont sign it, then what am I to do? And by specialist do you mean a psychiatrist ?

If I had a say in what meds I took at such a young age, never would i take those chemicals in my body. God knows what that could have done to a developing brain.

What am I gona do though right just try do deal wit things now
So what if my GP doesn't believe in medical marijuana and wont sign it, then what am I to do? And by specialist do you mean a psychiatrist ?

If I had a say in what meds I took at such a young age, never would i take those chemicals in my body. God knows what that could have done to a developing brain.

What am I gona do though right just try do deal wit things now

Yup, a Psychiatrist is a specialist. You need to find a friendly GP. The shrink can sign too, they just don't have to.
Yup, a Psychiatrist is a specialist. You need to find a friendly GP. The shrink can sign too, they just don't have to.

I have seen a psychiatrist as recently as 3 months ago and they gave me a document with my diagnoses'.

There is a therapist/counsellor i used to see, but i've not been in a couple months. They could sign it ?
if you have a letter of diagnosis from your specialist and don't have a GP that will sign the forms for you why not consider one of the "pay" services out there ?
I have seen a psychiatrist as recently as 3 months ago and they gave me a document with my diagnoses'.

There is a therapist/counsellor i used to see, but i've not been in a couple months. They could sign it ?

No, you need a doctor's signature. MD, not a PhD. Therapists sometimes have PhD's but they are not MD's (not usually anyway).
if you have a letter of diagnosis from your specialist and don't have a GP that will sign the forms for you why not consider one of the "pay" services out there ?

I heard about those lawyers or whatever that charge u up the ass for a signature. Im in toronto I dont know any of them if anyone want to point me in the right direction pm me or something.
@Underground1337 did you even ask your psychiatrist for a letter of diagnosis ? that letter could be used for another GP that is willing to sign but requires proof.
@Underground1337 did you even ask your psychiatrist for a letter of diagnosis ? that letter could be used for another GP that is willing to sign but requires proof.

I have a 3 paged psychiatric assessment written by psychiatrist containing diagnoses and everything.