new guy help needed

bigg robb

Active Member
18 5 gallon pots 3 600 watt MH/HPS lights in a 9x13 bedroom,walls and floor will have mylar romm vented intake and exhaust for question is should i use side CFL's and should i stick with one strain or do multi strain again 1st real major grow any and all advice will truely help


Active Member
It depends on how much $$$ you want to spend on your electric bill. More lighting is always best but sometimes it's not practical especially when you need to actually get around the grow room

I would do multiple strains, It's always cool to see how each strain reacts differently to certain things. Plus at the end of all your hard work you have some options


Well-Known Member
More lighting is always a plus. As far as running different strains I would stick with one till you have everything dialed in then try other strains. Good luck!


Active Member
if your going big for the first time stick w/ one strain just to keep things consistant. As for side lighting from personal experence (assuming that your buckets are going to be in 2 rows of 9) just hang some t5 on either side, cfl will work but your going to need a few to cover they space the plants will be able to grow out in thoes buckes. GLHF everything looks great!

bigg robb

Active Member
It depends on how much $$$ you want to spend on your electric bill. More lighting is always best but sometimes it's not practical especially when you need to actually get around the grow room

I would do multiple strains, It's always cool to see how each strain reacts differently to certain things. Plus at the end of all your hard work you have some options
thanks Flight thats one of my major concerns e-bill,got three different seeds THE CHURCH,BIG BANG 2,and TRAINWRECK gonna germ them and most likely just mother all three and do one strain at a time

bigg robb

Active Member
if your going big for the first time stick w/ one strain just to keep things consistant. As for side lighting from personal experence (assuming that your buckets are going to be in 2 rows of 9) just hang some t5 on either side, cfl will work but your going to need a few to cover they space the plants will be able to grow out in thoes buckes. GLHF everything looks great!
ST was gonna do three rows of six,thought that would give me the most out of my HPS lighting


Well-Known Member
I use t-5s for side lighting and it really helps get those lower buds nice and dense. Sounds like you have a nice set-up going. Good luck!

Moon Goblin

Active Member
In my humble opinion, I would suggest to forget the side lighting (CFL) and lollipop your plants- meaning trim the lower branches and shoots that are not receiving light. Or, check out vertical growing:bigjoint:- although, it seems a little labor intensive.
As far as the strains, be leery of the trainwreck as a beginner and I think a mono-crop is ideal to learn (as zack66 and StewartWarner suggested), but multi-strains is (as flightschool mentioned) fun after harvest.

a random video on lollipoping for reference (not gospel)

A link a buddy posted referring to vertical growing

Trainwreck Marijuana Cannabis Seeds