Growmans 2013 Monsters, 4 Month Indoor Veg, 4 LB. Per Plant Minimum

Ok so ive been doing some reading and i have come to find that if started from seed outdoors in april my big bomb can harvest as much as 3 lbs.
Just think about how much this thing can yield with a 4 month indoor veg period
everyone is MIA tonite
Sorry, i was gardening at a friends place today with a killer hangover. Nothin that a little more beer cant fix right. Trimmed up some ABC and some eve. First time seeing the eve. Frosty. Id just leave her by a cracked door all day, or bring it out for a bit at a time when the temps close to the same.
Sorry, i was gardening at a friends place today with a killer hangover. Nothin that a little more beer cant fix right. Trimmed up some ABC and some eve. First time seeing the eve. Frosty. Id just leave her by a cracked door all day, or bring it out for a bit at a time when the temps close to the same.

could be a good idea
Ok so ive been doing some reading and i have come to find that if started from seed outdoors in april my big bomb can harvest as much as 3 lbs.
Just think about how much this thing can yield with a 4 month indoor veg period
Sure it could but i think youll need some bigger lights lol and i dont think passers by would miss that big bastard lmao. I would like to see it dont get me wrong, the bigger the better is what i say.
Sure it could but i think youll need some bigger lights lol and i dont think passers by would miss that big bastard lmao. I would like to see it dont get me wrong, the bigger the better is what i say.

Ill have bigger lights, do not worry sir, also i guerrilla grow so there will not be any one seeing them

lol NICE!!!
Used mylar to create a full enclosure and its friggen bright in there now

All seem to need water once again hmm.

I think the goo has wierd genetics




First Mycorrhizae application


Organics on left Synthetic on right


Nute drawer can no longer hold them


I still have this guy laying around forgot i had it


Super goooo!!! And where do you get a wolfs/cougars urine? Do you follow it around after feeding it a bunch of beer? Do you dress up like a tree and hold out a cup? I didnt thing your gf looked that old in the pictures? :lol: Im afraid to type in wolf urine into my google for fear of what might come up, i would guess maybe a hunting store?
Super goooo!!! And where do you get a wolfs/cougars urine? Do you follow it around after feeding it a bunch of beer? Do you dress up like a tree and hold out a cup? I didnt thing your gf looked that old in the pictures? :lol: Im afraid to type in wolf urine into my google for fear of what might come up, i would guess maybe a hunting store?

I dress as Bigfoot as you know wolves and bigfoot have a symbiotic relationship. duh.
Walmart has wolf piss as a racoon repellent.
Shes 22 :)
Cougar piss can be found at any hunting store.
Its dangerous and i wont use it unless I bring my 45. every time i visit.
It repels everything but cougars lmao. It attracts them bahhaa