Start flush? HELP


Active Member
Guys im on day 48 flower, growing in bio bizz, bio nutes no extras , first soil grow , i have no idea on flushing soil can a helpfull bud give me some info , i can post pics if needed, im about to feed the girls now but im half hearted as i dnt want to feed food if they only need water, im looking for a tasty final product, not about yield or bud size.


Well-Known Member
What straine is it? A pic would help determine how far along...i wouldn't say cut em out completely just reduce amount given by about 2/3 leaves should start yellowing...last week i'd go straight water


Well-Known Member
I had the same question last month but I'm doing hydro. Was told a week is plenty, but soil I think a bit longer. 2 weeks is what a lot of people do I believe.


Active Member
Dude wheres my piks gne , im having issues uploading piks with iphone , have to open new thread to upload for sme reason. Confused


Check the PPM after every flush and don't cut them down till around 250ppm you will then get some nice smoke...
Here is a good video for you to watch..


Well-Known Member
I have read a few articles that have said flushing is a waste of time but I still do it just because lol. I do a lot of stuff growing pot just because everyone else does it but I'm not sure if it is the best way, I get a lot of different responces when asking a question so I read a lot!!!! lol. The last grow I did I pulled some buds off before flushing as I had run out, and there was not any differences that stuck out re: taste, burn. Thats not saying there was shit in there that wouldnt have been if flushed I dont know lol. I believe the Lucas formula has something about flushing in it.

The Growery

Active Member
it's controversial but it's warranted a mention: you can leave your plant potted and stick it in your dry room with no lights for about a day and then chop it. supposedly nutrients go down to the roots when the plant is in a dark cycle thus meaning "cleaner" buds.
With hydroponics you will need to flush at least two weeks before harvest. unless you want to smoke a shit load of chemicals. the best things is to just stop feeding the nutes three weeks before harvest and continue to flush daily, with new h20. and if you dont flush, you are a fuckin asshole sending your buds out with a bunch of harmful chemicals to smoke and harm your patients.


Well-Known Member
Once again it's all about personal preference. I grow organic and find no need to flush. I give water only the last week and my end product tastes great everytime. If I was using chemicals in my grow I would probably flush.


Well-Known Member
With hydroponics you will need to flush at least two weeks before harvest. unless you want to smoke a shit load of chemicals. the best things is to just stop feeding the nutes three weeks before harvest and continue to flush daily, with new h20. and if you dont flush, you are a fuckin asshole sending your buds out with a bunch of harmful chemicals to smoke and harm your patients.​
So change my rez every day? Not likely lol! What patients, I grow for me, that would be trafficing here... :roll:! The "fucking asshole" is nice BTW. Again I do flush but have not seen any scientific evidence of it taking out the nutes from the plant. And honestly I have not noticed a big difference in taste or burn in the little amounts I have not had time to flush due to running out....ahhhh! But yes I do it just because everyone else does it lol. I flush until my res = base water about 200 tds then I figure its all good, usually 2-3 changes.


Well-Known Member
With hydroponics you will need to flush at least two weeks before harvest. unless you want to smoke a shit load of chemicals. the best things is to just stop feeding the nutes three weeks before harvest and continue to flush daily, with new h20. and if you dont flush, you are a fuckin asshole sending your buds out with a bunch of harmful chemicals to smoke and harm your patients.
show me some science instead of your opinion. why on earth would you stop feeding your plants during the time they need it most. this is one of the only sites where i've seen people swallow this concept hook line and sinker. I flush for 3 days, and my shit is fire.

I hate rumors.


Well-Known Member
Well thats kinda what I thought also but as said I have not seen alot of science to prove or disprove just alot of you better do it or else lol. I never flushed plants in the ground and have grown lots of those (since I was 14, now 52 lol). But it doesnt seem to affect the growth much either when done at the end of the grow. My plants seem to stop growing when its time to flush and I only do it for about a week if that cause again I'm usaually running low and want a switch by then. With all sites and advice you have to mine for the info and pull out the useful stuff, discard the BS. Its tough if your a noob like myself to know what is relevent. I find the guys at the hydro shops around here are the worst for disinformation and I can prove it with the useless shit I have bought in the past that was recommended but didnt do shit and actually inhibited development. i started a flush 3 days ago and water is at base now with only one res change so I can only assume its flushed right?? Well it taste the same as a bud I picked last week. So there scientific evidence that it doesnt do jack shit.........LOL. In saying all this I will keep flushing because ... well ... I dont know why!!! :roll:


Well-Known Member
Flushing is a must no matter what medium your using, my opinion.​
I guess this thread got a little off topic. I guess you wanted to know when, not if Well that depends on who you listen to I guess, could be 3 weeks from finish or never. Doea that clarify things lol. :wall: